(from pb Notables, #21810 – note, current bread is mis-labeled #218011 should be #21811)
>>>17793061 Election results reversed in major Georgia county after memory card found with uncounted votes
Anon read article. No D or R attached to any names. So, anon went looking.
Here's the winner, researched at reddit already; two links, text below from them:
Who is Lynette Burnette?
Anyone have any idea who she is? She was announced as the winner for the city council race after a memory card was somehow not uploaded once the results had already been certified. I just don't get how someone who didn't provide any contact info, respond to any interviews, show up to any town halls, or put up a single sign beat out the other 5 candidates. How do people even know about her platform?
Something stinks about Lynette Burnette
Since there was some interest around who the hell Lynette Burnette is on my previous post I figured I'd share what others have found online as it's more concerning than I originally thought. Posting some bullets below along with sources as well as a Twitter thread that dives into most of it. Still have yet to meet anyone who knows who she is let alone voted for her but obviously she is VERY well connected. Sounds like she's there for the interest of the airport and not the citizens of Kennesaw.
Her family has a large stake in McCollum airport ($$$$)
They hosted Brian Kemp at McCollum on 11/7 for an election eve rally
McCollum is currently trying to expand their runway safety zone so that larger planes can land at the airport which would involve a major rework of Highway 41 and surrounding zones
Her brother purchased a charter jet company from Jeffrey Epstein. Not implying anything nefarious here just that her family has buy a fleet of jets sort of money.
No property in Kennesaw or Cobb County is under Lynette's name