Anonymiss ID: 9b4bbb International Tribunal for Natural Justice - What do we know about this group? June 16, 2018, 9:26 p.m. No.1780589   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Committee to Support the ITNJ

14 June at 15:38 ·


The Hon. David Kilgour is a former Canadian Secretary of State and author who is devoted to ending human trafficking, and in particular, exposing the scourge of Falun Gong persecution.

“It is estimated today that there are more slaves than anytime in human history… Governments and businesses everywhere should examine why they are supporting the violation of human rights in order to increase trade and investment with China.” – Hon. David Kilgour, testified at Westminster, London on April 17, 2018 before the International Tribunal for Natural Justice.

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