uestion: I am curious about RH negative blood lightworkers and children, is there any specific mission connected to us? Why does this mutation exists on Earth at all? I believe it is an outcome of a DNA research, but since this mutation involves a high risk for pregnancy I wonder how it is possible that there are still RH negative people existing?
Is there a way we can utilize the gifts connected to this mutation for the betterment of all people here?
Or maybe it doesn’t matter at all?
Do you Pleiadians have many blood types or just one?
Answer: Those are excellent and very perceptive questions, thank you.
RH negative blood is actually associated with reptilians.
People become wiser and more powerful if they have experiences and are touched by both the light and the dark. So from that point of view, having some reptilian-associated blood in your veins can be beneficial.
People with RH negative blood are not automatically evil or bad. Beings have free will – Earthlings certainly, but reptilians also. People with RH negative blood are still free to choose their own actions. There are also some reptilians who are on the side of the light.
Also, you don’t need to have RH negative blood to be an effective light worker. The channeler does not have RH negative blood, for example.
Not all RH negative light workers have the same mission. However, RH negative light workers are typically a bit more touched by the dark than other light workers, which give them an edge in certain tasks, such as directly researching or combating the forces of the dark. That said, I would primarily follow your own soul’s guidance – it will take into account your blood group and many other things.
Blood groups don’t have a huge impact on your life, but they do have a slight impact. Other blood groups have slight advantages too.
The RH negative mutation exists on Earth because lots of galactic races, including reptilians, long ago gave bits of their DNA to Earthlings. I describe this in my message “Hakann: history of humanity.” Since then, no one has interfered directly to eliminate RH negative blood, so it’s still there.