Ruby Ridge
Bush Barr
In one reasonable vision of ordered liberty, an undercover agent should not be able to ask a person to commit a crime, like selling him a sawed-off shotgun, and then help prosecute him when he does. But the defense of entrapment is a narrow one. Only when the person charged lacked “a predisposition” to commit the crime, or when the behavior of the government was shockingly unfair, does entrapment violate the Due Process Clause of the Constitution. But we do have the right under that same clause not to have our liberty taken without due process of law. And the Department of Justice itself concluded that Vicki Weaver’s most important liberty of all, her right to her life, was taken without due process that summer’s day on Ruby Ridge.
The jury in the Weaver trial intended to send a message to the government. Life is precious. Don’t take it unless you really have to.