Tanks, bakes.
>I don't want to hear another word about the price of a turkey.
Anon found turkey for under a buck a pound.
Anon is gonna be in a year-long coma from all the turkey in the freezer.
>Mass shootings so hot right now
>Something big must be about to happen
Modus Operandi indicates mass shootings habben whenever MAGA takes over a branch of government.
Look here, not there.
All of Trump's talk of not being able to get turkey this Thanksgiving…
He's pointing us to shit. Damn yard birds protect us from viruses and going bald.
Tryptophan deserves a dig.
>Andre Bing
Boomers do search for Bing to search for facebook, and they see wallyworld shooting.
>who searches for their search engine?
Anon deserves a badge for boomer tech support.
Gorefag was less painful.
>Cleaning the desktop included deleting EVERY FILE beginning with the letter M.
>He did it twice, bought an unscrewed new computer… and did it again.
I feel your pain, anon.
Mom can't find anything on interwebs without it looking like an ipad app.
Clicking safari and typing into URL just won't habben.
Anon cleans up her shit from time to time.
← Nightshift meme just to piss off the FF wallyworld shooting crew.