Q meant for us to look for a picture of him without facial hair. He didn't have facial hair at the time the picture was taken. That doesn't mean he's incapable of growing a beard if he feels like it.
Barrack is slouching.
Why are some anons so resistant to the idea that Sohale Saddiqi could have been clean-shaven while working for the government and then grew a beard later?
Unfortunately "Imad Hussein" is the "John Smith" of the middle-east. A simple web search is not helpful, kek!
Vali Nasr went to MIT.
The kind of people BO was sitting around, doing coke with were probably not MIT students.
THIS! Q, you listening?!
This may be heresy, but…. what if Q mistook the guy in the photo for someone else.. who meets all of the criteria?
I hate to say it, but shill attacks seem to be working.
After we IDed that guy in under an hour, shills have us chasing our tails for more than a day.