I was looking for info on Mr. Moustache, found some stuff I didn't know about, so I'll share it here.
Also there’s the unexplained deaths of three men: Donald Young, Larry Bland, and Nate Spencer were killed in 2007. The similarities: they were members of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, they were killed execution style, were homosexual, and they “knew” Obama as in sexually. They were also black (Israelites).
Bland was murdered execution-style on November 17, 2007;
Young was murdered execution-style on December 24, 2007;
Spencer reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV on December 26, 2007.
(pic related)
James T. Cone, Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology at Union Theological Seminary brought liberation theology to mostly liberal, dissatisfied American blacks.
In many ways his theology is more radical and extreme than the Latin American version as it is based not only on wealth but on color. He writes,
“It is evident, therefore, that this book is written primarily for the black community, not for whites. Whites may read it and to some degree render an intellectual analysis of it, but an authentic understanding is dependent of the blackness of their existence in the world. There will be no peace in America until whites begin to hate their whiteness, asking from the depths of their being: How can we become black?”
The foremost church, the religious spearhead which advances the Black Theology of Liberation, is the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. It is the church where former Pastor Jeremiah Wright’s mentor is James Cone. It is also the church where Barack Obama and his wife attended for over 22 years. Can a man attend a church for 22 years and not be influenced by its doctrine?