Impressed! That is really good!
>Obtain name.
>Cross FBI sec clearance?
It sounds like he doesn't have a security clearance because born in Pakistan. How would one confirm?
>Face important.
Notables aren't endorsements, it can be included as a theory
Was it stupid when people posted Sohale Siddiqi for 24 hours? Kek
So that means the FBI didn't approve him, and Hussein still appointed?
Yes, and they appear in the notables above
So 24 hours of Sohale's face and endless posts about which of his nicknames is real is good, but a couple more photos of Vali is stupid, gotcha
>Q never says a word about the person being in the State Dept.
>Search Hussein admin.
>Search foreign posts (State).
Also I think the thing is a security clearance is generally required for these jobs.
Found this in a forum online. So the appointment is sketchy in that regard. Presumably because a dual citizen – possibly not even a US citizen?
"All State Department Foreign Service Officers are given a security clearance based on an in-depth background investigation. If there is any question as to your allegiance and dedication to the United States then you will never be cleared and therefore never allowed to serve."