no he has too much chin
this is getting closer to being possible
not even close
Raping young boys is allowed. Of course when those young boys grow up confused and seeking homosexual relationships as a result of their abuse, then there is trouble.
Escept that noses and ears both continue to grow with age. And the nose will dip down at the tip with age. I'm not by this saying that it is him. But only that these are positives rather than negatives in regards to this photo.
The eyebrows differ not as bushy does that change with age?
This is stupid, this is not the couch guy.
>Sohale Siddiqi
No, If it wasn't for Q's comments I would be convinced it was him. And maybe it is and we're misunderstanding Q. He seems the personality I would expect from seeing the quirky looking fellow on the couch.
No, that,s not what I was saying. It is stupid because the guy doesn't look ANYTHING like the guy on the couch.