good people seem to attract the worst
There are far too many FED assets elevated to "leadership" roles in America First/ MAGA/ even "Q" related "content providers." While discouraging this practice isn't new. Many of us saw this occur during PizzaGate, Occupy Wall Street, the Tea Party & the 9/11 Truth movement.
Your best defense is to remain diligent in your OWN RESEARCH, skeptical in Cult of Personality & observant in tactics often employed by FEDs/Disruptors w/in Patriot/ Truth movements..
From Milo
"I am meeting my contacts at the Bureau next week in person and will be in a better position to answer you after that. As I’m sure you will understand I have been obliged to prioritize federal law enforcement over your civil action.
In later communications, Milo confirms that under advice of the FBI, he will only be providing information to federal investigators."
Read the whole article yourselves and be careful out there frens. Soooo many
Satanic Right Wing Death Cult
Judeo Blood Rituals