Anonymous ID: 10d8bd June 16, 2018, 11:10 p.m. No.1781612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1626 >>1687 >>1743 >>1760 >>1861

Forbidden History


The Order of the Illuminati, Giants, the Bible & Stonehenge


Dear Awakeners, anything you can learn about the Illuminati's secret society will massively increase your understanding of what's actually going on in the world. The Illuminati are essentially Satan's mafia, very powerful, driven and globally connected. The best information comes from ex-Illuminati who have learned the secrets that have been kept from the public; from those that truly understand the hidden dark side. These excellent video interviews are time VERY well spent, far better than concerning yourself with the "Congressional Days of Our Lies" soap opera. Below are some notes I took from the start of the first fascinating video.


1) Rare interview: A former member of the Illuminati exposes the origins of the society (1:08:56)


2) A conversation with ex Illuminati insider Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone (33:08)


3) Worldwide testimonies on Child Sacrifices part one, intro by Ronald Bernard (10:13 C/C)


4) here's another interesting one w/link starting on Freemasonry part:

Channeling. Mediums. Freemasonry - Bill Schnoebelen (1:46:37)


The Illuminati is synonymous with witchcraft and sold-out souls to Satanism, and living in the Illuminati is basically a death sentence under normal circumstances. But no matter how powerful Satan and the Illuminati think they are, if you are born again into Christ you are protected by God and will leave this earth when God says it's time. The Illuminati don't call their God Satan, that's a Christian idea. They teach that Satan was a Christian bogey-man to keep their kids in line. They refer to him as Lucifer. They teach that in the beginning, Lucifer was equal to God in all things in heaven, as the millennia rolled by, it was God who became jealous of Lucifer's equality and cast him out in 'the great war of heaven' and all those who follow him. Right now, the Illuminati believe they are summoning up enough force, that at the battle of Armageddon, they're going to kill God and the Holy Spirit, and put Lucifer at the top where he belongs, and that right now Christ is chained to a huge boulder in hell for betraying the cause.


In Genesis, after the first 6 books, it talks about the ancient giants for the first time. They undoubtedly have existed. The Bible tells us that the giants ranged in height anywhere from 9.5 to 40 feet. One passage said that the giant there was as tall as a cedar tree. The average cedar tree is 40 feet in height, that's a 4 story building. They had 6 fingers and 6 toes, they had double, sometimes triple rows of teeth. The giants were not nice people, they were all evil foul creatures.


It was fallen angels or demons that mated with female human beings that created the giants. Remember Lucifer was just cast out of heaven to the earth with all the others. He wanted to get revenge. He wanted to take over the world now. If he couldn't have heaven, he was going to take the earth. But in order to do this he would have to create an army. What better type of army could you create than solders being 9.5 to 40 feet tall? We know that God wiped them out the first time in the great flood. But in Genesis 6:4 it says that there were not only giants then, but afterwords too. We have a prophecy here which states they'll be coming again. They did. They came back after the flood the same way it happened the first time. And this is where Joshua who was leading the armies of Israel comes into the story…


In the land of Canaan, there were over 40 tribes that had giants in them. By extrapolating from all the towns and numbers in the Bible, around Bashan and in the entire area, there were approximately one million giants. That's a number that's almost unheard of at that time. Why would Lucifer put a million giants in that one area? There was a prophecy in the old testament that tells of a messiah that would be born right in the area of Jerusalem. And we know that was Jesus Christ. Lucifer was going to try to stop the prophecy of Jesus Christ being born, because the prophecy says that since Jesus would be God himself, that ultimately he was going to defeat Lucifer. The Illuminati teaches that if you can stop just one prophecy of God, then God can't be God then. So the rest of the prophecies could be undone at that point. They know of the Bible, but that's not to say they believe it. They were going to try and stop Christ from being born, but we know that Christ came about no matter what these people tried… (end of part one)


Forbidden History

Anonymous ID: 10d8bd June 16, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.1781658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1666 >>1668 >>1687 >>1884

Forbidden History


(Part 2) The giants were almost up to 7 times taller than normal 6 foot humans. Some people try to say they were taller, but they're wrong. There's a cover up trying to hide the truth about the giants, because if you can prove the existence of giants, than the Bible must be right. That's why they bury a lot of this archeology, like many other hidden or forbidden things. The same thing with Noah's ark. We have photographic evidence, satellite images too, we know it exists, we know where it exists, on the hillside of the mountain of Ararat, Turkey. The governments of Russia and Turkey (it's right on the border) refuse to allow Christians to go there and excavate it. Why? Well Turkey and Russia (govts) don't believe in God like in Christianity, do they? [However, Putin has recently tied their government to the Christian Russian Orthodox Church,…a change is a coming.] If we could unearth Noah's ark and show the world, it would prove that God existed, and they can't have that. We would have a whole change in our morality at that point. That would strictly go against the plans of the Illuminati, to set up a New World Order.


We are on the verge of a major discovery, if we can extract the DNA from the bones or teeth (from the unearthed giants), we can verify everything. With my medical background, I doubt the giants had a double helix, I think they may have had a triple helix. The double helix carries all the information to create a human construct…


Goliath was a small giant, only 9.5 feet tall. There's a story of Merlin the Magician (from the Knights of the Round Table) who, with the help of the giants, built Stonehenge. Stonehenge dates back to 3,000 bc., but there are thousands of stone circles peppered all throughout ancient Persia that date back to 11,000 bc., and it was the giants that built them all. There are stone circles found all over the world. Our history has been altered to keep the truth from the public, because it would only validate God and the Bible.


The stone circles like Stonehenge had three purposes. They were used for religious purposes, as astrological observatories, and as places for the rites of human sacrifices where they would summon up demons. Under Stonehenge alone, there were over 4,000 human skeletal remains found from human sacrifice. No-one seems to notice or make the connection, but directly across the street from Stonehenge there's a large hexagram crop formation. It's not the star of David, it has a circle around it. It is the foulest, the strongest, the most evil of occult symbols in all of history, nothing can touch it. You need this symbol if you're going to summon up a demon into this plane of existence.


Demons are making the crop formations, not people. The crop formations are usually found in close proximity to stone circle ritual sites. Like the two mile wide stone circle of Amesbury, there are two adjacent formations forming a triangle. The triangle inside a circle is called a Thaumaturgic Triangle and it's used for the summoning of demons. The whole purpose of the stone circles is to bring back demons or fallen angels to mate with female human beings. The demons that created the giants knew the prophecies of God, so they made a way, through their children (the Giants) to make the stone circles so that the demons could come back through. That's been the purpose of the stone circles all along.


In England, Scotland, Ireland, Russia, Sweden, the Middle East, America, all the stories speak of ancient giants that lived in their areas. All of these cultural stories, their weapons, their tools and other things that they've found, are being hidden by the governments of the world to make sure people don't know about them. Most all of the crop formations are not being shown in papers and magazines. The media says the myserious crop circles, and the mysteries of Stonehenge, and that no-one actually knows what they're for or who made them. Well, a lot of people throughout the governments and the rest of the world know exactly what they are and what they're used for, but it's their secret.


Forbidden History

Anonymous ID: 10d8bd June 16, 2018, 11:21 p.m. No.1781687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1691 >>1724 >>1804




Forbidden History


(Part 3) There's another stone circle called Gilgal Refaim, in Golan Heights, Israel. In Hebrew, Gilgal Refaim means Wheel of the Ghosts, or Wheel of Giants. More than 42,000 basalt stones make up the formation, and dates back to over 5,000 years ago. The records indicate there were no known civilizations or tribes around Gilgal Refa'im during that time except for the ancient giants.


The giants of the Americas stood between 15-18 feet in height, and had orange hair. Most were in Western North America and they would run around doing whatever they wanted. They would grab the cattle from the indians, buffalo & deer, carry them away under their arms and eat them. The problem was they were so big that one tribe could do nothing to stop them. Someone got the idea that if all the tribes united, they could hunt them down and take care of them once and for all. So that's what they did. They hunted them all to the point of near genocide, but 12-15 of them remained in a cave and wouldn't come out. They used spears, arrows and sling-shots to drive them out but they wouldn't come out. So they built a huge fire in front of the cave to smoke them out. They wouldn't come out so they all died in the cave. Being very supersticious, no-one would ever go into the cave again. So somewhere in the Western US in a cave there are the skeletal remains of 12-15 giants.


The Illuminati's religion goes all the way back to Babalonia itself. Remember, Lucifer wanted to take over the world and he will try to do so during the last seven days of the tribulation period. Lucifer is a spiritual being, time means nothing to him. He's been planning this for thousands of years. So when this started, lets say 5,000 years ago, that's along time to us but not to him. It's taken time to set all the plans but they're almost all set up. Now what's going to happen is you're going to see more activity at these stone circles than ever before in recorded history.


To be in the Illuminati, you practice the rite of human sacrifice 8 times a year. It has to happen. The last one was Dec. 1st on the night of yule in the Illuminati. Most of the power brokers, the big people who are running this world are in the Illuminati. Israel's Supreme Court building was built by the Rothschilds, and they still head the Order of the Illuminati to this day.


They all want to be in the Illuminati so that they'll be big and powerful people when Lucifer/Satan starts his reign in the New World Order here on earth. They don't believe in heaven or hell. The believe in reincarnation. That's why a lot of their plans take a hundred years or longer. Because they believe that when they die, they'll come back and finish their plans anyway. In incarnation, you come back exactly the same as when you left. The Hindus believe in reincarnation, but if you didn't live a good enough life, you come back as a bug, a bird, an animal-that's one way of looking at it. The Illuminati has their way of looking at it. Just like there are different forms of Christianity, it all depends on your interpretation.


Forbidden History

Anonymous ID: 10d8bd June 16, 2018, 11:25 p.m. No.1781724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1773 >>1804 >>1936 >>2157


The last of the notes on the Giants video:

Rare interview: A former member of the Illuminati exposes the origins of the society (1:08:56)


Forbidden History


Lucifer fell from grace because he thought there was nothing that he couldn't do, like megalomaniacs with delusions of grandure. Like narsacists, everthing is all about me and everyone must bow down and worship me. What did it was pride, he wanted all the power and glory for himself and this is what he's still after. What the Bible says is going to happen during the 7 day period of the tribulation. They will get the earth for seven years. (day year?) And this is the plan of the Illuminati, it's ages and ages old, but this is the goal; a New World Order.


The Bible gives us prophecies that shows us how close the rapture is and then the tribulation period. It's in the book of Matthew where it's prophesized about the budding of the fig tree, the olive tree and the branches & stuff, when that happens, the next generation will be the last one. That reference is directly to Israel. When Israel became a nation back on May 14, 1948. The Bible tells us that Israel comes back as a sovergn nation again, the next generation, that's the last one. The Bible says a couple of thing about how long a generation is; 35, 40, 70, 100, or 120 years in length. That would bring it to 2018, 2048 or 2068. Now I'm not saying those are the years, I'm saying if we go by the Bible's definition of a generation, it could be any time now. 2018 could be the year but I'm not betting on it. With the internet, like in the end times knowledge would increase. They say now that every 6 months our knowledge is doubling.


There's always hope, and the greatest hope is found in the Bible in the prophecies. It tells us first of all that a person dosn't have to die and go to hell if they don't want to, they can get saved through Jesus Christ. That's why they say he died as the ultimate sacrifice upon the Cross of Calvary. And by turning to Christ and accepting his gift of salvation in him, and especially during your life. Trust me, your life is going to be so much better after that. I was in the Illuminati for 20 years of my life, I was raised in it. I saw a lot of things no-one should ever have to see. But I was part of this new world order system. I remember the plans , the times, the dates, the names, all of it.


But, for everything I have been, it's nothing compared to what I have now. And I bearly have two pennies to rub together but I have never been this happy or more content in my life. My final time is going to be with Jesus Christ in the heavens of God. I know that what ever happens at the end of the tribulation period, God is going to win in the end. So my hope for a better future has been secured. I don't have to worry about any of it because in the end, we win. But that's up to every individual. To accept the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ or reject it, and I wouldn't want to be in their shoes if they reject it. (Doc Marquis - Video by: Avner Valer, Published on Jan 22, 2018)


Forbidden History

Anonymous ID: 10d8bd June 17, 2018, 12:02 a.m. No.1781995   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I never stated my beliefs. These were notes I took from an ex-Illuminati member who explained what they believe. The comments were from Doc Marquis who seems to me to have a far better grasp of things than the Jesuits. Do you really trust the Pope?!?