Anonymous ID: 4d9349 June 16, 2018, 11:02 p.m. No.1781550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1574 >>1584 >>1585

>>1781056 (Last bread)

The copypasta the board owner is responding to sounds like BS to me also. Porn or no porn our breads are not normie friendly enough to invite people to yet. If we want normies to actually be able to come here and find something they can easily understand, we need to work on the proofs like Q asked us to. Even though I've been convinced since +++, wonderful day, and the POTUS "Home From Asia" North Korea photo, I still have not seen a proof that I can use to convince an intelligent but skeptical friend.

For instance, I can do proofs proving correlations between Potus tweets and this board. That would prove that Potus or someone in his circle is encouraging this board, but it does not prove that Potus is using this board for good rather than evil. From a skeptic's perspective, Potus could just be stirring up his base to protect him from the Mueller team.

Similarly I'm convinced that too much money has flowed into the Clinton Foundation from people who would stand to benefit from a friendly nod from the Clintons, but that does not prove that the quid pro quo actually took place.

I'm working on trying to put together convincing proofs. I've convinced myself, but actual proof is more difficult.

I'd say that the whole porn hoopla is nothing but a distraction from what we should be doing.

Once we have genuine, solid, irrefutable proofs, it wouldn't matter if we published them in Penthouse.

Proof is proof. Everything else is just window dressing.