Anonymous ID: ad969c June 16, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.1781679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1682 >>1683 >>1797

I am just hoping that the reason this first IG report was so bland is because they cannot compromise ongoing investigations.


With the number of sealed indictments posted, the huge scale and magnitude of the evil and the necessity to take this all apart and still be able to function as a country… this is like brain surgery under fire. This HAD to be long in the planning, with shitloads of contingency plans.


I also think this is why we were told 'future proves past' - because timing must be based on battlefield conditions, and no plan survives contact with the enemy. To win, a plan must have flexibility, even to the extent of tossing it out and getting option 2 out of the drawer.


Just my thoughts while tractoring before dark hit…

Anonymous ID: ad969c June 16, 2018, 11:33 p.m. No.1781783   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I can imagine Pontius Pilate talking about that "Jesus cult" after reading this.


Hard to imagine any anon actually worshiping Q - look at all the bitching! kek


If I see magic handshakes and secret decoder shit that requires special knowledge to use (clock is close to that), then it starts to seem like a priesthood is developing.


I think normies mistake excitement and hope for worship when they read the board during a Q Team drop.


YHTBT was the old saying - 'you had to be there' to grok it.


Also think Qresearch should stay as-is. Normies need to understand 1st amendment bi-directionality. There is no better way than boot camp right here.

Anonymous ID: ad969c June 16, 2018, 11:44 p.m. No.1781880   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bland maybe wrong word.

Mild? unBoomy?


Lots of us are eager to see the mockingbirds heads spinning around followed by mounting them on pikes. desirous of feeling a visible boom they hate to report but must.


Just one would be enough, but I am hoping for snowball for sure