Question! Manapart: Plants Need Water. Was he planted in Trump Campaign? Press, did I miss?
Water(board)? Trump said 'feelzbsdman' on the WHlawn friday….
Well, we get a hussein drop, and bread becomes breadtrap…. fags…wtf
Anon, I seen your post and immediately my brain jumped back to MS13 so I'm mid dig,
It seems I'm not done here, but the …dots… still line up the same.
Been a long day+night, think I'm signing off,
Have fun nightfags, Happy anonFather's day.
Anon, I've been stuck on this too, lb I was talking about Osama Obama connections, and clown connections, these fucks lack creativity in names as it is, that's why the reuse the same acronym for all their covers…. STUPID
Not just weapons, oil…
Ty anon
Nah….. cans stacked high, garbage everywhere…. maybe tomorrow
'PetroDollar'…pipelines, trade value, oil=elitist bitcoin…
…Jews funded nazis….
Thanks anon, noting. Does the Morgan family still have controlling interests in copper? Roths got the gold, rockers got oil, lots of value…
I just get lost in the entire era post 9/11. So much evil, So many false promises… We The People, are tired of getting fucked.
I dun messed up and never went to sleep anons…
Gonna try again.
Why anon? What are you looking for?
…nahshitbrah, we know… jew banks, Nazi gold, trolls trigger… US vs THEM, THE,M , THE MAN…. man….
443 is SSL port….
http = 80, https = 443, so…. still not entire sure what you are looking for?
Protect? …you realise they only flame that to distract you from the important shit, right?
Hidden in plain sight.
PLANE sight…. Capital International Airways…. MKUltra, M(S) K(13)…ultra…. somewhere in there
Been saying I need to go to sleep, still fkn here.
Hillary was bullied into bullying…
Anons, we know how it works. Voluntarily you give your master leverage over you, and they use that leverage to get more leverage. Until they dig you into a hole so deep that you just fall victim to the evils. …out of the blue and into the black, once your gone, you can never come back.
I often wonder if these people ever had a heart. Addicts weren't always addicts, were they?
Scared, they all are, but what is it they fear the most? Wrath of God? What is it they fear most? Their chessboard getting flipped up? What do they fear?
What if evil only begot more evil because they were scared of their own sins so much they needed the Devil to protect them…
Sofaboy, termed….
Wow looks close tho, and that's a good stretch… LL birth certificates. Still digging…