Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 1:15 a.m. No.1782416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2461 >>2480 >>2823 >>2853 >>2857 >>2883 >>2905





The AK-pic is interesting to me because its an AK. Which was (presumably) the same weapon the CIA was supplying to UBL, at the time, with this chain of command (not positive about the order of the first two links).


United Nations Special Coordination Committee -Brezinski -> CIA -> Carter -> "Operation Cyclone" -> weapons (I'm thinking…AK-47s are pretty likely) + training + $$$ + UBL -> Afghanistan.


Guess what year all that happened. 1979-1980. Then the operation "really took off" (check out wikipedia for operation cyclone, and Z. Brezinski). Guess what year Brezinski left DC.


Guess where Obama was that year. Whoops! No one knows! Obama in 1981 , who could ever possibly figure it out… la dee da. Meanwhile, Q is promising us an Ak-47 pic. hmmm. Help me dig on this. That missing year is important.

Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 1:24 a.m. No.1782451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2469


The interesting thing about the Ak-47 pic to me is the fact that it is an AK-47, and not some other weapon. Because UBL would have had one of those, almost certainly. And if he did, guess who would have given it to him? Our very own CIA. My thoughts so far are something like this command existed:


United Nations Special Coordination Committee -Zbigniew Brzezinski -> CIA -> Carter -> "Operation Cyclone" -> weapons (AK-47 pretty likely included here) + $$$ + training + UBL + others) -> foment discord, install ruthless dictator into afghanistan

Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 1:29 a.m. No.1782469   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The biggest surprise to me so far: who masterminded Operation Cyclone again? Wasn't it us? Now I have no idea. Anyway, the YEARS are important:


1979-1980ish: Zbigniew Brzezinski convinces carter to greenlight Operation Cyclone. What year did he step down again? What year are we missing BHO for again? 1981. Same year, both MIA. Hmmmm…

Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 1:44 a.m. No.1782532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2561


>Summer of 1981, Barry traveled to Pakistan with CIA handler John Brennan and Zbigniew Brzezinski.


…Matches with everything I have, and it's what I suspect to be likely given time and connections, but do you have a source? That's a big claim, I want to find documentation for that somehow.

Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 1:55 a.m. No.1782577   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Summer of 1981:

“The summer that Obama said he spent brooding about his past was also full of travel and adventure for him. He had not gone home to Hawaii to stay with his grandparents at Punahou Circle; instead, leaving Los Angeles on June 18, he had flown to Jakarta to visit his mother and sister at their house in the Menteng neighborhood. Ann came up with the money for the trip from the Ford Foundation’s special travel fund for the education of dependent children. He bought an around-the-world Pan Am ticket that allowed sixteen stops. While in Jakarta, of all places, Obama had secured his first New York lodging, the 109th Street apartment, which he learned he could sublet from the boyfriend and future husband of Nancy Peluso, Ann’s young anthropologist friend in Indonesia’s expat community. At the time, though Obama admired his mother’s tireless efforts on behalf of poor working women, he was skeptical of the role of U.S.-based institutions in the Third World, not only multinational corporations but development organizations like the Ford Foundation. His perspective had been shaped in part by the opinions of the international friends he made at Occidental, including Hasan Chandoo, who had often criticized the notion of American benevolence, arguing that, in supporting military dictatorships, it had done as much harm as good in the developing world.”


Maraniss, David. 2012:972 The Making of the Man. (ebook edition)

Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 1:56 a.m. No.1782582   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was to Chandoo’s home turf in Karachi that Obama traveled next on his summer Asian tour. After graduating, Chandoo had returned to Pakistan for a few months before heading off to London, where he would work at an uncle’s office in the family shipping business, writing telexes and taking letters of credit. Their Oxy classmate and friend Wahid Hamid was also in Karachi, and Obama had arranged to split time between their two homes, spending a week and a half at Chandoo’s, then a week and a half at Hamid’s. In chief martial law administrator, saying he would not abrogate the Pakistani Constitution and that national elections would be forthcoming. Now, four years into his reign, he was calling himself president, but martial law was still in place and opposition parties were banned. Much as in Indonesia, foreign policy considerations brought the United States into an alliance with a military regime in the cold war struggle against Soviet communism. Zia was an anticommunist, and along with the United States was instrumental in supplying arms to the mujahedeen in neighboring Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion in 1980.

During his three weeks in Pakistan, Obama was nowhere near the Afghan action. He spent most of his time in Karachi, a sprawling city built amid the desert and wetlands on the coast of the Arabian Sea. Every morning during the first week and a half, he went for a run in Chandoo’s neighborhood, alone, but stayed safe and managed to find his way back. They also played basketball, went to the seashore to swim and lounge around at the Sandspit and Hawke’s Bay beaches, and roamed the streets of the largest and most cosmopolitan city in Pakistan. Maraniss, David. 2012:972 The Making of the Man.

Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 2:12 a.m. No.1782644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2723


wow holy shit. Wish there were more sources that ended in .gov, or had quotes or vids to back it up. I don't think I'll be able to convince anybody without those ….. who runs that website? Those are all bombshells, if true.

Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 2:37 a.m. No.1782713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2719 >>2727 >>2771


Careful with the info on that post though, not all of those statements have been verified by us yet, or traced to any photo or video evidence. I just want to make sure we cite our sources and don't get misled, I'm sick of falling for traps. I like setting them much better.

For 'baker, I agree with >>1782488 here that BHO timeline is important. Something about this should be added to notables.

Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 2:50 a.m. No.1782768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2772


Agree also. But I think we should focus on getting a confirmed link for the 1981 "handler" of obama.


If it is someone high up at the CIA at the time, that is BAD NEWS for obama. For instance, a connection between BHO and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1981 would make BHO 1 acquaintance away from operation cyclone, 1 hop away from ISI senior leadership, and 1 hop away from the group that probably was actually behind 9/11 in my opinion (i.e., somewhere in the chain of command at the UN's Special Coordination Committee, AKA "303 Group", AKA all sorts of other names, because Zbigniew Brzezinski himself reported to them (or represented them, not sure which).





1981 still, because a link from BHO to Z.


Brezinski in 1981 would connect Obama to the guy involved in Operation Cyclone, and a link from him to


Operation Cyclone is linked through Brezinski to the United Nations Special Forces Group thing

Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 2:56 a.m. No.1782793   🗄️.is 🔗kun


baker notable

Was the photo taken in Pakistan?? See previous post and SEE LINK:

Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 3 a.m. No.1782803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2814 >>2819


Thank you, I just read through that page. You and another anon linked me there. Trying to match it with sources now. Having trouble, BHO 1981-"columbia" period is the piece that needs pictures and sources.

Anonymous ID: 6f15c8 June 17, 2018, 3:06 a.m. No.1782813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2835


Info at that link provides only second-hand information (i.e., hearsay). Trying to find something with first-hand info, some quote, or some pic, movie, etc. that cant be disproven the way someone might be able to, with that website.