Will it be easier and more effective to teach people that the pandemic is fake, Jan 6th was fake, elections are fake?
Or do you wish the trigger of a decades old event to stir cognitive dissonance so deep that they will never see past it?
Will it be easier and more effective to teach people that the pandemic is fake, Jan 6th was fake, elections are fake?
Or do you wish the trigger of a decades old event to stir cognitive dissonance so deep that they will never see past it?
>Klaus Schwab says Communist China is a “Role Model for Many Countries”
Yes, Chyna don't have the problems we have, they kill dissidents, druggies, and dealers, we should emulate Chyna.
Aerosols, insects, food, other various Borg shot delivery methods.
Not sure choice will always be an option. That's the plan, the Borg, wwg1wga.