tyvm b
>Misspellings matter.
RT: https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/109411332676261838
This sounds fair, doesn’t it? The “Justice” Department is CORRUPT.
Offered Christopher Steele $1,000,000 to lie about me, paid Russian a fortune to “get Trump,”
told Facebook not to mention the Hunter Biden Laptop before the Election,
“it was Russian disinformation,” when the{Y} KNEW it was not.
Is Trump Hater Jack Smith going to investigate that?
Will his Trump Hating boss, { Lisa M? /_\ "W" ? },
allow him to investigate the reason for January 6th,
the corrupt 2020 Election,
or the troops I recommended be sent?
https://qaggregator.news/?q=[y] { Y-[h]eads ? }
Q Drops: 5
KNEW = KNOW[ing][Lee][yY] = theYy lYe { lie }
https://qaggregator.news/?q=##2042,182,180 | lye
Direct Drop/Tweet numbers selected: 2042,182,180
Search Terms: lye
Full Search Query: ##2042,182,180 | lye
Q Drops: 3
182 (11) (2)
Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/21/2017 21:19:27 ID: AJWt5SQs
4chan/pol: 150406974
>Q Clock [ Min: 44 | :25/:55 Mir: 6 | 180 Mir: 14 | :35/:05 Mir: 26 ]
/\ Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:23:46 (seconds total: 1426) (13) (4) /\
Anonymous 11/21/2017 20:55:41 ID:WGF9EL8f
4chan/pol: 150404273
>Act II, Scene IV
The same scene in Macbeth talks about a falcon flying freely before being ambushed by an owl.
It is noted that the owl does not normally hunt the falcon.
The scene continues to talk about many odd happenings and a darkness on the horizon for humanity.
It is noted that even the horses are rebelling and turning upon one another (specifically eating eachother). {< sic }
Is it possible that the Clintons have turned on the Rothschilds?
The flyeaglefly may even be a veiled threat directed towards the Clintons, a 'We know' type thing.
What does the "Owl" represent to certain cults?
>>17828109 re:
Time from this post to 'NOW': 1548 days, 14 hours, 50 minutes, 14 seconds
(seconds total: 133800614)
2042 -(8) (8)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/31/2018 20:29:11 ID: da55c8
8chan/qresearch: 2824142
>Q Clock [ Min: 27 | :25/:55 Mir: 23 | 180 Mir: 57 | :35/:05 Mir: 43 ]
http://www.fisc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/Presiding Judge Rosemary M Col[lye][r] response to Chairman Nunes 180215.pdf
Globall report
tyb czech'T
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump
11/27/2022 08:31:10
czech / review these to add >>17828145, >>17828324, >>17828389
"[Mis]spellings matter." "Knowingly" ~ [m]issing [Y]
dastingl[Y] - whYy::
>Doesn't that blow out your whole "It's the Jews" narrative. If it really was the Jews, wouldn't they all be Jewish?
the kEy:Ye WORD[s] GOOD /_\ EViL; TRUTH _/ LyYe[R][s] >>17828590, >>17828597