Coming soon to an MC near you.
Which pharma company do you work for or represent?
They are now spitting in the eye of God.
Fuck that. Gimme some vaccinated eggs. Her and I will make some super babies.
Dust 'em in flour to find the wet spot.
Nowhere left to hide.
>Trust Sessions
2nd Epstein investigation
7th Floor no more (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc.)
I never trusted him personally, I trusted the observable results of his actions.
Still doesn't change the facts.
2nd Epstein investigation was started under Sessions. You might want to re-check your history.
And before the shills want to jump on the Barr train, he stopped the Mueller shitshow. Everyone had a role to play.
Sauce it yourself, you one post wonder.
No, you're just a shill. I didn't own nothing but (you).
List of those that dipped their toes into FTX funds.
Drips of information. Proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hillary and the DNC were behind the dossier in a court of law, or was that Durham? I always mix those two up. Anyhoo it's now verified public knowledge.