==Imagine having it all. And all of the knowledge/information from the Looking Glass. And knowing you and yours are safe. While (knowingly) letting others to die. So they, while dead, can learn. Patriots are safe. For lasting change.
Imagine having it all. And all of the knowledge/information from the Looking Glass. And knowing you and yours are safe. While (knowingly) letting others to die. So they, while dead, can learn. Patriots are safe. For lasting change.
Normies don't care. Never will. They only need pensions and sports ball.
Normie boomers will never wake up. They are the most retarded of all. It's not even close.
Normies don't give a fuck. And never will.
Normies don't care
It's not going to happen. Boomers will be dead. 2050. The "great awakening" Biblical it will not be. For peaceful lasting change. 2 Moar decades.
No one. Especially any boomers will do anything to fix anything. They have pension and sports ball. And Fox news. Life is good.