Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769
my father, who was found in an alley way in california, was adopted into a casual american
family of the sixties. when he was found, his intestines were very unhealthy and the local
doctor had to perform surgery on him three days after birth. he was not supposed, but
miraculously he recovered at a extremely fast rate, almost mind boggling to the doctor. he has
always been like this, indestructible in a sense; always recovering fast or not getting hurt in
situations that would kill the normal man. i am quite durable myself, i have had many incidents
where i should have at least broke a bone, but always walk away laughing. my dad has the
blood type rh-, i have no idea what mine is. his personality is selfish, somewhat evil, and loyal.
he lacks human emotions like love and empathy for another mans life, he personally told me
one night in deep conversation. i have always felt like he was not from this realm so to speak,
well at least not fully. sorry for the extensive life story, but is there a possibility he came from a
certain bloodline, if you know what i mean? maybe he was a hybrid or something of the like
and was thrown away?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12608376
Hello A/C and Welcome!
The fact your father is Rh negative is significant. However, the attributes you used to describe
him (selfish, somewhat evil and loyal) is most perplexing to me!
Selfish would generally be considered as predominantly interested in ones own interests and
situation. Do you know anyone to whom this would not apply? Selfish is an emotional word,
heavy with negative connotation, but describes perfectly "the way humans really are". Of course
your father is "selfish"…what human isn't? Even the much beloved Mother Theresa was a fraud
by this measure. Who could live up to such a standard?
"Somewhat evil"? Laughing out Loud!! Similar to "Somewhat pregnant"? I would be MOST
interested in hearing your definition of "somewhat evil". Was there a specific act, or series of
acts? Were they for "selfish" motives? To whom did the benefit of his "somewhat evil" acts
Of course, loyal, is the ultimate test. I assume you mean loyalty to his blood line…or was there
some event or events you witnessed which led you to this conclusion?
You would do well to find out right away…or sooner…if you are Rh -. I have posted before on this
very important topic and it completely baffles me that most humans do not know their blood type
or if the Rh antigen is present in their blood! However, many humans can tell you about the
events in other humans lives…celebrities for example. An Rh mother can do fatal harm to her
Rh - baby!!
I have drilled to those who would listen that nature, and natural law…CANNOT BE DENIED! Do
you understand that?
Natural law! A mother's immune system attacking her own bloodline offspring?? How can that be,
dear A/C…??? Isn't the maternal bond supreme in nature? Doesn't the mother act selflessly for
9/27/2018 I Am a ROFSCHILD, Axe me a Question
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User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 01:27 PM
the good of the child?? But yet there is this apparent "abomination" of nature in the reproductive
For the thick-headed among you, what does the immune system do in the human body? Repel
invaders, you say?
How do viruses replicate in nature? By invading cells and injecting foreign DNA into the hosts
cellular reproductive process you say?
And how does the host respond to this invasion you may ask? By attacking the pirated cell, you
Is the mother's immune system, from the knowledge of the ages, responding to the foreign
presence in her sacred space?? Do the maf!! And don't hesitate to Axe me a question!!
The Socratic method does not work if I have to do the questions AND answers people!
Laughing out loud!!
Poor, deluded sheep!
The fact that your father has had "deep conversations" with you is something you should
embrace. If you feel your father is selfish, somewhat evil and loyal, it will be necessary for you to
clearly understand the basis of these feelings. You will not be able to benefit from what he is
trying to do for you if you harbour such ambivalent feelings for him.
I would strongly suggest that YOU carefully reflect how YOU would measure up to the standards
you apply to your father. Perhaps you would like to explain YOUR life to me in that context! What
are YOUR selfless acts? Have you committed any somewhat evil acts? Are you loyal?
Never forget, dear A/C, that you are "of his blood". How different can you really be?
"The killer in you is the killer in me"?
Laughing out loud!