fuck that cunt - she ate the afterbirth of her own children standing on a masonic black and white kitchen floor. Fuck that satanic whore
this is some new age bullshit. Trust in Jesus.
its a fucking replica guise……just meant to trigger the alec baldwin stans - its working brilliantly like everything musk does…..
you are still breathing, you probably are not vaxxed and the deep state has not kicked down your door yet. You are on an internet image board speaking your mind. Jesus gives you life. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. The reason you should trust jesus is the every day misery of life is more bearable with the hope provided by the phrase "Do not fear the world, for I have overcome the world" That tells me that riding with Jesus makes surfing this shit world much easier than it is for you apparently. Peace
Already had my quiet time this morning while you were focused on your self. The Bible says to pray without ceasing Not read the Bible without ceasing. It is obvious you are really confused about the Bible, you are the one who should get off of here and pick up a Bible. Go stay in a hotel and steal one from the nightstand. God will forgive you my son.
The people who got paid to lie to the world about Covid should be worried. Very worried. The people who got paid to push a "plan" that kept patriots sitting down crossing their fingers looking for codes and timestamps - should also, be very very worried.