Anonymous ID: 30f351 Nov. 28, 2022, 10:38 a.m. No.17834429   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4442

<The Baphomet, is Gnostic. They go on about 4th dimension black magic bullshit. Bunch of fucking idiots. I know a family of gnostics. The mother is a ugly witch, hairy legs and all that keeps the foreign husband in check by spell.


In our modern era, no other occult symbol or drawing has caused so much controversy and misunderstanding as the mysterious goat-headed half-human hybrid known as Baphomet.


Laboring away in his studies in the suburbs of Paris, Eliphas Levi published his famous book on the occult sciences in 1854 called Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (Dogma and Ritual of High Magic). In this book, Levi revealed the secrets of a mysterious figure called “Baphomet”.


Some people believe that Baphomet is an image of Satan or the Devil. While others claim that it is simply a symbol of man’s animal and spiritual nature in which it contains the secret to enlightenment.


But what did Eliphas Levi truly mean when he created this mysterious figure?


In modern times, the image of Baphomet is one of the most famous esoteric images.


It is used by several occult organizations, but very little is known about its true context and its meaning remains largely obscure. Much of the confusion about its meaning can be related to the various interpretations and even propaganda published over the last two centuries by authors and esotericists.


Eliphas Levi was a French occultist and author. He was born under the legal name, Alphonse Louis Constant in Paris, France on October 28, 1810. As a young man he studied law at the Sorbonne University and served as an officer in the French army during the 1830s.


Levi was exposed to Freemasonry during this time and later became a Freemason himself. He also became interested in Spiritualism, joining the “Society of Psychical Research” in London, England in 1875.


Because of his associations and writings, he was eventually imprisoned for several months. After his release, he then devoted himself to magical and mystical studies, which culminated in the publication of his Magnus opus, Dogma and Ritual of High Magic.


To understand the original meaning of Baphomet, one has to examine this book. You will find that he explains in detail the true meaning of various dark esoteric enigmas such as Black Magic and what he thinks of the Devil and Satan in order to educate people about its dangers.


But Levi’s main focus in this book was by conveying what he called the tradition of “true religion” which he believed would be the final “synthesis of religion, science, and politics.”

Anonymous ID: 30f351 Nov. 28, 2022, 11:26 a.m. No.17834672   🗄️.is đź”—kun


They end up being like geometric shapes used to dictate spells to the weak minded fools that believe baphomet is something real or even intelligently symbolic. All they are is either tricksters or people that have been fooled by the psychosis induced by the deceitful illusions expressed in practical ritual magic.

Anonymous ID: 30f351 Nov. 28, 2022, noon No.17834851   🗄️.is đź”—kun


But add words to music and distribute it to the masses and you get your first leg of MKUltra repetitive messaging and they connect it to musical vibes that can have an effect on your mood and feelings. They can control what you think and feel through the images and audio you receive through their devices. TV is like a crystal ball, and the magicians behind the television don't mean humanity well. They mean to control. Music and Muses - it's connected to 'hive-mind mentality'.