If I want someone to reconsider fucking with me, the best way to do it without physical force is intimidation. If everyone thinks you're far bigger than you are, they're much less likely to fuck with you.
Noses are their biggest enemies, though. They keep doing the "we're feeble little pussies" routine while also doing the "lol lmao we're in every institution, goy." If they were retarded, they'd pick one avenue and stick to it, but the goys are starting to do some more noticing since they can't just decide on one.
Anyway, all of this is to say, basically, who the fuck cares? Jesuit or Jew, what fucking difference does it make? Whatever mask they're wearing, they're clearly fucking with us. Just keep in mind that each of them have a face, a name, an address and a family. They're real people, not some amorphous blob for you to assign all of your negative emotions to.