Anonymous ID: b01426 Nov. 28, 2022, 2:56 p.m. No.17835703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5706 >>5728 >>5823 >>5935 >>6014 >>6058

Pope Francis makes racially charged comment against Russians


Moscow slammed the pontiff’s description of Chechens and Buryats as a “perversion”


Chechens, Buryats and others who are “of Russia but are not of the Russian tradition” are acting with “cruelty” in Ukraine, the head of the Roman Catholic Church told the Jesuit magazine America in an interview published on Monday. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said such words go beyond mere Russophobia.


Ukraine’s people are being “martyred,” Pope Francis said in the interview, conducted last week at the Vatican. “Generally, the cruelest are perhaps those who are of Russia but are not of the Russian tradition, such as the Chechens, the Buryati [sic] and so on. Certainly, the one who invades is the Russian state. This is very clear.”


Speaking at a roundtable in the Russian Senate on Monday, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called the comments made by Pope Francis beyond the pale.


“This is no longer Russophobia, it’s a perversion on a level I can’t even name,” she said.


Later, on Telegram, Zakharova pointed out that until recently the Western media claimed that Slavs were “tormenting the people of the Caucasus,” referring to the conflict between Russia and the Chechen separatists, and now they say it’s the other way around.


“We are one family with Buryats, Chechens and other representatives of our multinational and multi-faith country,” Zakharova added. “And together we will definitely pray for the Holy See, each in their own way – wishing them delivery from temptation.”


The Muslim Chechens live in the Caucasus Mountains, while the Buddhist Buryats are native to southeastern Siberia. Propaganda coming from the government in Kiev has painted the Ukrainians as “true Slavs” who are being menaced by the “Asiatic Russian horde.”


To hear the pontiff accuse of “cruelty” the Chechens and Buryats protecting the Donbass civilians is “strange, to say the least,” the head of Buryatia Alexey Tsidenov said about the interview on Monday.


“History knows many examples of those who considered themselves representatives of civilized nations destroying cities, countries and entire peoples,” added Tsidenov, pointing to the Crusades – declared by the popes of Rome – as one example.


“If such people have taken note of our fighters, that means they are doing their job well. We’re proud of you, boys. God is with those defending justice!” he said.

Anonymous ID: b01426 Nov. 28, 2022, 3:03 p.m. No.17835745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5798

Biden Special Counsel Smith’s Wife and Mother-in-law Connected to George Soros – Unheard of Conflicts of Interest


Our laws mean nothing to these people. They use the laws against us because they know we’re good people who’ll comply but they live by their own set of rules.


TGP reported last week that the corrupt Special Counsel picked by Biden’s corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland to attack President Trump is a corrupt attorney now living in Europe.


We learned that not only is Mr. Smith a corrupt prosecutor and conflicted but Katy Chevigny (wife of Jack Smith) had conflicts that would prevent any prosecutor with integrity from participating in this criminal and unconstitutional operation as well.


Now we find out that Jack Smith’s family conflicts are far more egregious than we first knew. In a serious of “Truths”, Paul Sperry unloaded on many more conflicts that should prevent Smith from looking into anything related to President Trump. How is President Trump or anyone able to get a fair trial from this goon?


President Trump shares:


—And I’m supposed to get a fair shake from this person, who’s under tremendous pressure from his family, but he is actually worse than they are? Can Republicans, and fair-minded people, generally, allow this to happen? Jack Smith is nothing less than a hit man for Obama, his Attorney General Eric Holder, and Andrew Weissmann. Weaponization. Our Country is in big trouble, a real mess!


Smith’s sister-in-law is conflicted – she hates President Trump. But Sperry points out that Smith’s wife makes biased far-left films backed by corrupt George Soros and Smith’s wife’s mother was a George Soros Senior Justice Fellow at Open Society.


The Bidens, Soros, the Smiths, don’t respect the law. They have their own rules. People of integrity would never be involved in the actions they are involved in. They’re not for the truth, they’re for the destruction of America.