Anonymous ID: 4f503a Nov. 28, 2022, 5:35 p.m. No.17836638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6663 >>6669


>>17835689 Elon's Tibetan Dorje Vajra Amulet. You can buy one at Walmart Eliminate disaster and avoid evil, protect peace


This is not a toy or an amulet, please remove from the notables.


Dorje (enunciated as Benza) and Garab and bell&title=Special:Search&profile=default&fulltext=1

Anonymous ID: 4f503a Nov. 28, 2022, 5:44 p.m. No.17836700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6724 >>6742 >>6784 >>6902 >>6989 >>7058



A precious Vajrasattva image at Shechen Monastery


Vajrasattva (Skt.; Tib. རྡོ་རྗེ་སེམས་དཔའ་, Dorje Sempa; Wyl. rdo rje sems dpa’) — the sambhogakaya buddha Vajrasattva is the sovereign of all the buddha families and mandalas. The lineage of Dzogchen is traced from the dharmakaya Samantabhadra to the sambhogakaya—the five buddha families and Vajrasattva, who are Samantabhadra’s own self-reflection. This is the mind direct transmission.


Yukhok Chatralwa Chöying Rangdrol says:


In the past, while on the path of learning, Vajrasattva made the following aspiration:


In future, when I reach complete and perfect buddhahood, may those who have committed the five crimes with immediate retribution, or anyone whose samaya commitments have been impaired, be purified entirely of all their harmful actions and impairments merely by hearing my name, thinking of me, or reciting the hundred syllables, the most majestic of all the secret mantras! Until this is brought about may I remain without awakening!




May I be present before all those with impairments and breakages of samaya commitments and may I purify all their obscurations!


Due to the strength of these prayers, Vajrasattva’s enlightened aspirations are unlike those of other buddhas. In his nature, he embodies the hundred buddha families, the five buddha families and so on. Since he is the all-pervading lord of the hundred buddha families and the single buddha family of the great secret, he is unlike any other deity. You might go before each and every buddha dwelling in the ten directions and strive to apply the methods for confession, but it is said that is better still to practise confession by visualizing your own teacher, the one from whom all the mandalas emanate and into whom they are re-absorbed, indivisible from Vajrasattva.

Anonymous ID: 4f503a Nov. 28, 2022, 5:45 p.m. No.17836702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6724 >>6742 >>6784 >>6814 >>6902 >>6989 >>7058

Hundred syllable mantra=



The hundred syllable mantra (Tib. ཡིག་བརྒྱ་, yik gya; Wyl. yig brgya) of Vajrasattva is as follows:

oṃ vajrasattvasamayam anupālaya vajrasattvatvenopatiṣṭha dṛḍho me bhava

sutoṣyo me bhava supoṣyo me bhava anurakto me bhava

sarvasiddhiṃ me prayaccha sarvakarmasu ca me cittaṃ śreyaḥ kuru hūṃ

ha ha ha ha hoḥ bhagavan sarvatathāgatavajra mā me muñca vajrī bhava mahāsamayasattva āḥ




The most excellent exclamation of praise



Vajrasattva’s Samaya:



O Vajrasattva, protect the Samaya



May you remain firm in me



Grant me complete satisfaction



Grow within me (increase the positive within me)



Be loving towards me



Grant me all the siddhis



Show me all the karmas (activities)



Make my mind good, virtuous and auspicious!



The heart essence, seed syllable of Vajrasattva



Symbolises the four immeasurables, the four empowerments, the four joys, and the four kayas


HO :

The exclamation of joy at this accomplishment



O blessed one, who embodies all the Vajra Tathagatas



Do not abandon me



Grant me the realization of the Vajra Nature



O great Samayasattva



Make me one with you

100 Syllables


The 100 syllables seem to be counted as follows: [Om] vaj ra sat tva sam a yam an u pal a ya vaj ra sat tva ten op a ti shta dri to me bha va su tosh yo me bha va su posh yo me bha va an u rak to me bha va sar va sid dhi me pra yac ccha sar va kar ma such a me chit tam shri yang ku ru hung ha ha ha ha ho bha ga van sar va ta tha ga ta vaj ra ma me muñ cha vaj ri bha va ma ha sam a ya sat tva a hung [phat]

Anonymous ID: 4f503a Nov. 28, 2022, 5:54 p.m. No.17836775   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Duckduckgo is the same as Google, pffft=


Who owns DuckDuckGo?- Full History



In May 2022, a report from Bleeping Computer by security researcher Zach Edwards found that DuckDuckGo's web browser allows Microsoft's trackers to continue running while visiting non-DuckDuckGo websites, contrary to Google and Facebook trackers, which are blocked. In response, Weinberg said that "this issue is occurring on browsers and only pertains to non-DuckDuckGo websites.", adding that "When you load our search results, you are completely anonymous, including ads", and that "Unfortunately our Microsoft search syndication agreement prevent us from doing more to Microsoft-owned properties. However, we have been continually pushing and expect to be doing more soon.", adding that "What we're talking about here is an above-and-beyond protection that most browsers don't even attempt to do — that is, blocking third-party tracking scripts before they load on 3rd party websites. Because we're doing this where we can, users are still getting significantly more privacy protection with DuckDuckGo than they would using Safari, Firefox and other browsers."[59]

Anonymous ID: 4f503a Nov. 28, 2022, 5:58 p.m. No.17836806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ouija board games board games?fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012525447&CPNG=Toys_Board Games Cards|Toys_Ecomm_Hardlines&LNM=ouija board games&MT=e&network=s&device=c&location=153565

Anonymous ID: 4f503a Nov. 28, 2022, 5:59 p.m. No.17836810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6839 >>6892

21 Ouija Board Rules Everyone Needs To Know Before They Start Playing


  1. Ouija boards are not a joke. Read up on what can happen when you use a ouija board before you use a ouija board.


  1. The most important rule is to never taunt or goad a spirit to communicate with you through the Ouija board. This can have disastrous consequences.


  1. Never ask a Ouija board when you are going to die.


  1. Spirits who talk to you through your Ouija board can tell you anything they want. Just because a spirit says something does not mean it is true. A spirit try to win your trust by telling you they are a long lost relative or the spirit of a small child who needs your help. In reality, the spirit could be malevolent.


  1. Never use a Ouija board alone. The more people with you when using a Ouija board, the better. This means there is more energy present to connect with a spirit. If not everyone can comfortably sit and touch the planchette, it’s fine to have some people just be viewers.


  1. Do not use a Ouija board in your home. If you do connect with a malevolent spirit, the energy will be in your home and it will be harder to break contact.


  1. One person in the group should be the leader. This is the person who will talk and ask questions while the group is using the board.


  1. If you are using the Ouija board and are not the “leader”, you should keep your fingers on the planchette and remain silent. No one should laugh or ask whether it is “working” — this is negative energy which interferes with the process! Try not to decipher the words as the planchette moves. Your role is to close your eyes and focus your energy on the planchette.


  1. The leader should not ask joke questions!!!


  1. One person should be assigned the task of keeping track of the answers. They can write down the letters/words on a notepad and translate to the group what they think the spirit is saying. Try not to guess what the answers are in the moment. Write down what is happening and do that after the planchette stops moving.


  1. Don’t leave the planchette on the board. When you are done using your ouija board, remove the planchette from the board. Even if you are just leaving the room for a bit, it’s considered bad luck to leave the planchette on the board.

The Public Domain Review


  1. If you want to take a break, have one person keep their hand on the planchette to stay connected to the energy you’ve built.


  1. Always end your session with the Ouija board by saying “goodbye”.


  1. The location you use should be (ideally) dark and free of background noise. You can use a candle to light the board enough to see what the planchette may be spelling.


  1. If a spirit starts communicating with you through the board by counting down or going through the alphabet, immediately end the session by saying “goodbye”. This is a common theme in ouija users who have contacted a malevolent spirit that is trying to leave the board.


  1. If a spirit starts communicating with you by making the planchette make a figure 8 or infinity symbol, immediately end the session by saying “goodbye”. This is another way malevolent spirits have revealed themselves.


  1. If you begin to suspect that you are in contact with a malevolent spirit, immediately end the session by putting the planchette on “goodbye”. It also helps to leave the physical space you are in to sever the energy between the group and the spirit.


  1. If you speak to a spirit who identifies themselves as “Zozo”, end the session and say “goodbye” immediately. Zozo has been identified as a malevolent spirit.


  1. Don’t use a Ouija board in a cemetery.


  1. If you are experiencing depression, it may be good to avoid using a Ouija board. That kind of energy draws in malevolent spirits.


  1. Never burn a Ouija board. This can do more damage than simply leaving it untouched in a closet. If you are having problems with a ouija board, store the planchette and board separately.

Anonymous ID: 4f503a Nov. 28, 2022, 6:14 p.m. No.17836910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6915 >>6917

How To Summon Or Invoke A Demon


Under normal circumstances you should never say a demon's name aloud, it can be taken as an invitation by the demon. Of course, in this situation it is intend as an invite, so repeat the name over and over. When you feel the time is right, you should start to recite words or incantations that are meaningful to you. The power isn't so much in the specific words you are saying, but the belief behind them. If you know the demon's name, you should use it in these incantations.


You could try phrases like:

In the name of Satan, open the gates of hell and greet me, come forward, show us you're here.

I invite the forces of darkness to bestow their infernal power upon me.

Come forward forces of darkness and greet me.

I invoke thee Astaroth.


Once a demon makes its presence known, you should tell it exactly why you have summoned it. You need to get the demon on your side and chances are you're not the first paranormal investigators on their patch. They might already feel like a performing monkey. Demons are unlikely to be happy existing for no other purpose than to amuse you, so tell them you're not here to mock them and that you want to communicate. Ask the demon if they need help or have a message, ask them to show them a sign they are here so that you can talk to them, perhaps even to help them move on.


Demonic entities are usually only able to give very subtle clues to the fact that they are present. They might use our energy to communicate through a Ouija board, knock over an object, tap on a hard surface, or make a sound in someone's ear. It's unusual to hear a loud noice, a clear voice, or see an object deliberately being moved for any sustained period of time.


So, we can assume that demons have to muster up a lot of energy in order to give us these signs. Therefore you should thank the demon for their efforts if they do something that you've asked them to do. Give them encouragement, let them know that what they've shown you is great, but ask them to do a little more if they can.


Be sure not to shut the session down prematurely. One common mistake is to say things like "give us a sign that you're here, then we'll leave you alone." To be true to your word, if the demon does then give you a sign then you're going to have to pack up and end your investigation. Otherwise you'll have lied and the demon is unlikely to trust you again or do as you ask.


At this point you might want to switch to another method of communication such as a Ouija board, a spirit box, a digital audio recorder in order to capture EVPs or any other method you are comfortable using. This might enable you to have a more meaningful conversation with the demon. Below is a list of example questions and phrases that you can use to try to encourage the demon to communicate with you. You shouldn't copy these exactly, it is better to be yourself and talk in a natural and open way as you normally would.


If you can hear me, tap on the floor.

Can you make a noise to let us know you are here with us?

If you're here can you show yourself to me?

Can you make a noise?

Can you throw something?

Can you copy me? [then tap on a surface or whistle]

My name is XXX, can you tell me your name?

Tell us who you are, introduce yourself please.

If there's somebody here with us now, can you walk towards us?

Are you happy for us to be here? Two taps for yes, one for no.

Can you come and talk to us?


Of course, if you establish a dialogue with a demon then you can ask more in depth questions. Try to ask questions that no one in the room would know the answers to so you can rule out fakery or people subconsciously effecting the outcome.