Anonymous ID: 73eb9d Nov. 29, 2022, 12:45 a.m. No.17842100   🗄️.is 🔗kun



While One America News has been reporting EVERYTHING since Jan 7th of 2021, every damned outfit out there continues to pretend OAN does not exist while continuing to push Hunter's Greatest Admirer when he finally gets around to saying something. WHY is this?


A more recent piece from earlier this year: The Deep State’s Political Theater

Pearson Sharp VID (7:48 Rumble embed) How did we end up in a place where they were able to overthrow an election, set up a coup against our Nation’s President, carried it out and then attacked the American People when we protested against their treason? They’ve been planning it from before Day One, scheming against President Trump before he was ever even elected…

Here’s what REALLY happened on Jan 6th…