Anonymous ID: 8339c5 Nov. 28, 2022, 9:04 p.m. No.17837684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7784 >>7904

28 Nov, 2022 16:44

Russia-led free trade bloc seeks joint payment system with BRICS


Such a move could help cut dependence on Western financial infrastructure, Izvestia reports

The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) is interested in setting up a common payment system with BRICS nations, the newspaper Izvestia reported on Monday. The Russia-led free trade bloc aims to cut reliance on the Western monetary system.


The EEU was founded as the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. It was established in 2015, and was later joined by Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. In 2016, Vietnam became a free trade partner with the EEU. The union is designed to ensure the free movement of goods, services, capital and workers between member countries.


According to the report, citing the EEU’s regulatory body, the plan also envisages the issuance of a single payment card within the two trade blocs. That would unite the national payment systems of its member states, including Russia’s Mir, China’s Union Pay, India’s RuPay, Brasil’s Elo and others.


Vladimir Kovalyov, an adviser to the chairman of the Eurasian Economic Commission, said the EEU is currently focused on establishing a joint financial market, with priority on developing a common “exchange space.”


“We’ve made substantial progress and now the work is focused on such sectors as banking, insurance and the stock market,”Kovalyov was quoted as saying by Izvestia.


According to the official, a regulatory body for the proposed joint financial system of the EEU and BRICS would also be established as part of the new infrastructure.


The EEU, which brings together countries in the post-Soviet space, has been increasingly looking for ways to deepen cooperation with the BRICS group of emerging economies. That bloc consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, accounting for more than 40% of the world’s population and nearly a quarter of global GDP. Efforts have already been made among some BRICS members to trade in local currencies in order to reduce dependence on the US dollar and euro.




Russia-led free trade bloc seeks joint payment system with BRICS


The US swift system backed by the Petro dollar will not be used by the majority of major nations soon, that are joining BRICS. The Federal Reserve and the US made a mistake by penalizing Russia by NOT stopping the killing of innocent Russian ethnics in Donesk and Lugansk. I’ve said that Russia had 8 years to design this plan, they knew the retaliation they would get. They knew all the sanctions they would get etc. They worked on this since 2014 when the US directed Coup of Ukraine occurred. Russia worked on how to save the innocent lives of the ethnic Russians. Russia begged and pleaded with the EU, US and the UN, and none of them would stop Ukraine with their Nazis killing these people.


Not One Nation or the UN stopped the ethnic cleansing, and the murdering of 14,000 innocent men, women and childrenthese nations deserve what is coming.

God help all innocents worldwide!

Anonymous ID: 8339c5 Nov. 28, 2022, 9:33 p.m. No.17837779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7784 >>7792 >>7800 >>7801 >>7806 >>7816 >>7904 >>0768 >>2235

28 Nov, 2022 18:35

Eating bugs should be the ‘new norm’, WaPo says

The newspaper has again promoted consuming edible insects, triggering an online backlash


One of the most prominent US newspapers has again called for Americans to rely on bugs as a major food source, arguing that the shift to edible insects from beef, pork, and chicken will be good for the environment.


Eating insects instead of livestock-based meats will “lighten environmental footprints,”the Washington Post said in an article published on Sunday. Farm-raised insects also yield protein more efficiently, the newspaper claimed. For instance, crickets are 12 times more efficient than cows in converting feed to edible weight.


Sunday’s article marks the latest in a long line of efforts by the Post and other media outlets to sell Americans and consumers elsewhere in the West on eating insects. A quick Google search reveals that the Washington Post has been repeatedly hammering the topic since at least 2013, posting articles with such titles as ‘Why bugs must be a bigger part of the human food chain’ and ‘Why you can, should and probably will eat bugs’. A 2019 piece had a question as the title: ‘Would you eat insects to help save the planet?’


The outlet claimed that 2 billion people, or about one-fourth of the global population, are already eating bugs. It cited a report predicting that the edible insect industry will grow to $9.6 billion in annual revenue by 2030. “Consumers can already find foods like salted ants on Amazon and cricket powder protein bars in Swiss grocery stores. Recent years have seen numerous media stories extolling the virtues of insect-eating.”


The Post is one of the leading media promoters of bugs as human food. The newspaper is owned by the founder of Amazon, billionaire Jeff Bezos, who is reportedly an insect-eating enthusiast. Bezos also has ties to the World Economic Forum, which has repeatedly touted eating bugs as a way to ease climate change.


The goal is to make bug-eating the “new norm,” which will require programming Americans to get past their squeamishness about cockroaches and other six-legged sources of food. “Watching others may also help break down the barriers,” the Post said, adding that “resistance to insect-eating can be strong.” One possible solution might be to use celebrities to endorse edible bugs, the newspaper said.


Online critics balked at the idea. WaPo’s Twitter post about Sunday’s article was ratioed. Many observers suggested that Post staffers lead the way by eating bugs themselves. “Make it stop,” said Christina Pushaw, press secretary for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.


The edible insect industry is ramping up — one report predicts the market will reach $9.6 billion by 2030.


The Washington Post



Eating bugs should be the ‘new norm’, WaPo says


READ MORE: Media bug-pushers REALLY want the public to eat ‘delicious’ cicadas, but FDA warns off allergic insect-lovers


Just a couple of the 796 responses, pretty predictable, NO!