Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 4:52 a.m. No.17847737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8024

Biden's Gender-Fluid Nuclear Official Charged With Felony Theft After Lying To Cops


A senior Department of Energy official was charged with felony theft after stealing a piece of luggage from the Minneapolis airport in September - shortly before taking a leave of absence.


Sam Brinton, a gender-fluid nuclear expert who in 2015 defended underage gay prostitution website "," allegedly took a Vera Bradley suitcase worth $2,325 from the luggage carousel at the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport (MSP) on September 16, Fox News reports, citing a criminal complaint filed Oct. 16 in Minnesota state court.


It’s official. As of June 19th, I now serve my nation as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy.

— Sam Brinton (@sbrinton) June 29, 2022


According to court filings, surveillance footage showed Brinton taking the luggage, then removing its tag identifying the owner, before leaving the airport. Brinton was observed using the luggage during at least two other trips to Washington DC - on Sept. 18 and Oct. 9.


When a police officer called Brinton on Oct. 9 for questioning, Brinton confirmed that he still possessed the suitcase, but then claimed it was his.


"If I had taken the wrong bag, I am happy to return it, but I don’t have any clothes for another individual," Brinton told the officer, adding "That was my clothes when I opened the bag."


Two hours later, Brinton called back and apologized for not being "completely honest," adding that taking the wrong bag was a mistake because ht was tired.


"DEFENDANT said when they opened the bag at the hotel, they realized it was not theirs," reads the court filing. "DEFENDANT got nervous people would think they stole the bag and did not know what to do. DEFENDANT stated they left the clothes from the bag inside the drawers in the hotel room."


Brinton was ultimately charged with felony theft of a movable property without consent, a charge that could result in a five-year sentence, $10,000 fine or both.


Minnesota-based outlet Alpha News first reported the charges against Brinton on Monday.


Brinton was placed on leave about a month ago and another official was named as a replacement in the interim earlier this month, according to the Exchange Monitor which tracks government hires. The DOE didn't explain why Brinton took leave at the time.

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 4:52 a.m. No.17847740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

London WEF Mayor Unveils "Crippling" Vehicle Emission Charge For All Of London, Despite 80% Opposition


The low-emission zone in central London, within which motorists are charged £12.50 (€14.56) per day for driving the most vehicles, is set to be extended to cover the whole of London, the city’s left-wing mayor, Sadiq Khan, announced on Friday.


From Aug. 29 next year, the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), which currently covers the heart of London will be extended to the Greater London Authority boundary, a move that will increase the costs of hundreds of thousands of commuters and residents who drive non-compliant vehicles.


Khan described the decision to extend the zone as “one of the toughest decisions” he’s taken as mayor, but claimed the move will see 5 million more people benefit from cleaner air.


The extension has been agreed despite overwhelming opposition from Londoners. The BBC reported that a public consultation on the extension plans, which Khan insisted was a genuine consultation and would factor into his decision, showed 80 percent of people in the affected area opposed the plan.


London Assembly member Emma Best said the announcement came following “a sham consultation from a sham Mayor.”


The move will mean that an estimated 200,000 motorists of non-compliant vehicles producing higher carbon emissions will be slapped with a daily £12.50 levy for driving their vehicle within the Greater London Authority boundary.


The charge applies all day, every day, with the exception of Christmas Day, and those with non-compliant cars residing in the affected area are not exempt.

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 4:53 a.m. No.17847742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8024

UK Power Prices Skyrocket As Wind Generation Collapses


Good thing the UK recently "war gamed" emergency plans to deal with energy shortfalls because a collapse in wind power has skyrocketed electricity prices, and network operator National Grid Plc might ask homes and businesses to reduce power use on Tuesday.


Some hourly power contracts for Tuesday jumped above £1,200 ($1,445.92) a megawatt-hour on Epex Spot SE as wind generation is set to come to an abrupt halt, reported Bloomberg.


For the first time, tight power supplies could force National Grid to deploy a new measure that pays households to reduce power consumption during peak demand hours.


Thousands of households with smart meters have signed up for the demand reduction program that has been pilot-tested. It could be used for the first time, according to a warning issued by National Grid.


National Grid had initially warned blackouts are possible this winter due to natural gas supply cuts following Russia's war in Ukraine.


The collapse in wind power this week could be a perfect storm as temperatures are expected to be colder than average in the first half of the week, which will send electricity demand higher. The grid operator expects peak power consumption of around 41.1 gigawatts this evening and 42.4 gigawatts on Tuesday, indicating spare capacity would tighten as the grid struggles to produce enough electricity to satisfy demand.


Bloomberg said the UK would need to fire up fossil fuel power generators due to the gap in wind power that will persist through Thursday.


It's not even the middle of winter, and the UK's grid is already at risk of failure. This doesn't bode well over the coming months if winter is harsh.


TL/DR: Have third world style corruption in government? Expect third world style living standards!

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 4:53 a.m. No.17847745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moroccan Fans Celebrate World Cup Win By Rioting In European Cities


Moroccan football fans celebrated their World Cup win over Belgium by staging chaotic riots in numerous different European cities.


Diversity continues to be a strength.


Morocco beat Belgium 2-0 in Group F yesterday, which many regarded as a shock result given the quality of the Belgian team.


Whereas some would expect the result to have prompted friendly and good-natured celebrations, Moroccans used it as an excuse to loot shops, burn vehicles and attack police stations in Belgium and neighboring Holland.


Multicultural Belgium is home to around 500,000 Moroccans, some of whom reacted to their team victory by rampaging through the streets.


“Police deployed tear gas to disperse fans following the victory, but rioting went on into the evening, resulting in a number of additional vehicles being set on fire,” reports ReMix News.


Eight people were arrested in Antwerp, while police in Brussels were forced to deploy water cannons and tear gas in an attempt to quell the rioting.


However, the unrest was not limited to Belgium. Over the border in the Netherlands, vehicles were torched in Amsterdam and rioters in Rotterdam attacked police with fireworks, causing multiple injuries.


“I condemn in the strongest terms the incidents of this afternoon,” said Brussels’ mayor, Philippe Close.


“The police have already firmly intervened. I therefore advise against fans coming to the city center. The police are doing all they can to maintain public order. I have ordered the police to carry out arrests of the troublemakers,” he added.


Another clip shows a violent mob attacking an ambulance.


Read more about the third world here:

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 4:54 a.m. No.17847748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House Democratic Rep. Donald McEachin dies at 61


Rep. Donald McEachin, a Democrat representing Virginia’s fourth Congressional District since 2017, died Monday night after a battle with colorectal cancer, according to his office. He was 61.


Eachin’s chief of staff, Tara Rountree, said in a statement the congressman had been experiencing “secondary effects of his colorectal cancer from 2013.”


“We are all devastated at the passing of our boss and friend, Congressman Donald McEachin,” Rountree said. “Valiantly, for years now, we have watched him fight and triumph over the secondary effects of his colorectal cancer from 2013.”

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 4:55 a.m. No.17847751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8024

HARDCORE TYRANNY: Netherlands to Netherlands to forcibly seize 3,000 farms to comply with EU Climate diktats


The communist Dutch government plans to buy and close down up to 3,000 farms near environmentally sensitive areas to comply with EU "nature preservation" rules (UN Agenda 21).


The Netherlands is attempting to cut down its nitrogen "pollution" and will push ahead with land grabs if not enough farms take up the offer voluntarily.


“There is no better offer coming,” Christianne van der Wal, anti-nitrogen despot, told MPs on Friday.


The Dutch environment agency has warned that native species are disappearing faster in the Netherlands than in the rest of Europe and that biodiversity is under threat.


But the new plan looks set to reignite tensions with farmers over nitrogen reduction.


Dutch farmers have staged mass protests, burnt hay bales, dumped manure on highways and picketed ministers' houses over the last three years.


In 2019 a ruling by the Dutch Council of State meant every new activity that emits nitrogen, including farming and building, needs a permit.


That has prevented the expansion of dairy, pig and poultry farms, which are major sources of nitrogen from ammonia in manure mixed with urine.


We all know this is about communist control over the food supply.

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 4:57 a.m. No.17847757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8024

Communist Canadian Paediatric Society Proposes Legalizing The Murder of Children


First it was abortion. Then it was assisted suicide. Then it was infanticide. Now the globalists are trying to normalize assisted suicide for children.


The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) released a new treatise on this topic called “Medical Assistance in Dying: A Paediatric Perspective.” Here is what is stated as its mission and purpose:


“Ensuring that newborns, children and youth receive the highest possible standard of care as they are dying is a privilege and a responsibility for physicians and allied professionals. Bringing a thoughtful, respectful and personal approach to every end-of-life situation is an essential and evolving duty of care, and the process should meet each patient’s (and family’s) unique social, cultural and spiritual needs.”


According to CPS, it is “respectful” both to society and to the planet to help children commit suicide in order to meet their “social, cultural, and spiritual needs.” CPS refers to these minor individuals as “mature minors,” the implication being that assisted suicide is a noble cause.


CPS alleges that there is a strong need “to examine requests for and attitudes around MAID for minors of all ages,” MAID being short for “medical assistance in dying.”


The globalists are all about depopulating the non-elite human “herd”


The group claims that a growing number of Canadian health care professionals are being “approached by the parents of ‘never-competent’ infants and children, including those who are “too young to make a reasoned decision” about whether or not to live.


These parents are seeking to “discuss MAID-related issues,” CPS says. This corroborates with the results of a new survey from the Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program (CPSP), which further suggests that assisted suicide for children is a growing trend.


“In the foreseeable future, parents may challenge health care decisions in court on the grounds that continued life, as experienced by their dying or profoundly disabled child, is not in that child’s best interests,” CPS says.


In other words, the goal is to eventually legalize and normalize medically assisted suicide for children as just another form of “health care.” It is the same illogic as claiming that abortion and infanticide are forms of “reproductive health care,” even though such procedures put an end to the reproductive process.


For now, children cannot legally receive help committing suicide in Canada. But there could come a time when they can – and eventually the United States, or at least some segments of it, will follow suit.

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 4:58 a.m. No.17847760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7783

How are people missing this?

The same people putting kids in bondage porn have the VPs daughter in their pocket.


The rabbit hole goes deep on this

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 4:59 a.m. No.17847761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8024

US Govt to Auction Almost 1 Million Acres Off Alaskan Coast for Oil Drilling


The United States will auction nearly one million acres off the Alaskan coast for new oil and gas drilling in December, mandated in the so-called “Inflation” Reduction Act (IRA).


The United States Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), inside the Department of Interior, will put hundreds of thousands of acres off Alaska’s southcentral coast up for auction on December 30 for new oil and gas drilling projects. The lease sale has to be completed by the end of the year to comply with the IRA, which was added to the piece of legislation to win support from West Virginia Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin.


The auction sale will be of approximately 958,202 acres in Alaska’s Cook Inlet. Bloomberg reported the department estimated that over the lifetime of the lease sales, the area could produce nearly 200 million barrels of crude oil and 300 billion cubic feet of natural gas. However, the estimate would only be accurate if any drilling actually occurs.


Additionally, Bloomberg noted that the lease sale of Alaska’s Cook Inlet was one previously canceled by the Biden administration earlier this year, citing a lack of interest, among other things, but ended up being reinstated from the IRA because of Manchin.

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 5 a.m. No.17847764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8024

The Gun Boom Continues: FBI Ran 192,749 Background Checks on Black Friday Alone


Numbers released Monday show that the FBI ran 192,749 National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background checks on Black Friday 2022.


The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) noted that the 192,749 NICS checks on Black Friday 2022 “[rank] it third in the Top 10 Highest Days for NICS checks and…[represent] a 2.8 percent increase from Black Friday 2021.”


The FBI conducted 187,585 NICS checks on Black Friday 2021 and 186,645 checks on Black Friday 2020, Breitbart News reported.


The NSSF observed that there were 711,372 NICS checks “during the week leading up to and including Black Friday.”


The strong Black Friday NICS check numbers come after surges in gun sales during recent years.


For example, on October 6, 2022, Breitbart News reported retailers had sold over one million guns a month for 38 consecutive months.


Mark Oliva, NSSF managing director for public affairs, spoke to Breitbart News about the gun sales, noting the “38 continuous months of when background checks for firearm sales have exceeded 1 million” and added, “That’s a remarkable sustained trend and demonstrates that the firearm industry is meeting this continued increased demand for firearm ownership.”

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 5:01 a.m. No.17847767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ron Paul Urges Separation of Big Tech & Government Fascism


Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) recently got in touch with his inner mobster and threatened Elon Musk - the new owner of Twitter and the CEO of electric car company Tesla and space ventures company SpaceX. He told Musk, “Fix your companies” or “Congress will.”


As part of this threat, Markey referred to an ongoing National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) investigation into Tesla’s autopilot driving system and Twitter’s 2011 consent decree with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).


Markey has done more than make threats: He is one of a group of Democratic senators who wrote to the FTC urging an investigation into whether Musk’s actions as the new owner of Twitter violated the consent decree or consumer protection laws. Since FTC Chair Lina Khan wants to investigate as many businesses as possible, it is likely she will respond favorably to the senators’ letter.


President Biden has also endorsed an investigation into the role foreign investors played in financing Musk’s Twitter purchase. Biden may be concerned that Musk is not likely to ban tweets regarding Hunter Biden’s business deals.


Concerns that Musk would allow tweets containing information embarrassing (or worse) to the Biden administration point to the real reason many Democratic politicians and progressive writers and activists are attacking Musk. They support efforts to suppress conservative, libertarian, and other “non-woke” speech on social media. They view the prospect of a major platform refusing to silence those who dissent from the woke mob or the Democratic Party establishment as a threat to their power. Musk further angered the left by committing what, to many Democrats (and Liz Cheney), is the ultimate hate crime — allowing Donald Trump back on Twitter.


The threat against Musk shows the threat to liberty is not just from big tech; it is from the alliance between big tech and big government.

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 5:03 a.m. No.17847769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8024

Gazprom to mothball Nord Stream pipelines


Russian energy major Gazprom is planning to shutter the Nord Stream gas pipelines and compressor stations, the Kommersant newspaper reported on Monday citing company sources. In September, both strings of Nord Stream 1 and one string of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline were damaged by explosions and are currently inoperable.


According to the report, gas-pumping equipment will not be moved from the Portovaya and Slavyanskaya compressor stations and will remain on site. This will help re-launch flows at short notice once the pipelines are restored.


Analyst Sergey Kondratyev of the Institute of Energy and Finance told the news outlet that the decision has merit, as it is now difficult to assess the timing of the repairs. Also, the transfer of equipment to other compressor stations is not viable, since Portovaya uses unique equipment. According to the expert, the work may take from three to five months and cost up to three billion rubles (around $50 million).


It is also unclear whether Gazprom will restore the pipelines at all. Machinery at the Portovaya compressor station was out of service long before the explosions due to a lack of proper maintenance amid Western sanctions on Russia.


Russia condemned the explosions that damaged the pipelines as an “act of international terrorism.” The Russian Defense Ministry said last month it suspects the British Navy to be involved, but London has denied the accusation. After their own probes, Sweden and Denmark both reported that the fractures in the pipelines were caused by explosions, but have not made suggestions as to who might be responsible.

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 5:05 a.m. No.17847778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8024

Soros BTFO! Sweden Seeks To Revoke Permanent Residency Permits In Migrant Crackdown


Sweden’s newly elected center-right government is proposing to amend existing migration laws to change permanent residency given to migrants to temporary permits, local media reported on Friday.


The coalition agreement was signed by the Moderate party, the Christian Democrats, and the Liberals, and was approved by the Swedish Democrats, who are not a part of the government but offer a confidence and supply agreement. It pledged to abolish “the institution of permanent residence permits,” with plans plans to convert these to temporary, conditional passes.


The Tidö Agreement, a 60-page document outlining the agreed upon plans of the coalition government, included numerous pledges to tackle legal and illegal immigration into Sweden, including a requirement for “proposals to remove the system of permanent residence permits to be presented by 2024 at the latest.”


Additionally, the government vowed to “investigate whether to withdraw residence permits in several cases, including for those who no longer ‘meet the requirements for the permit.'”


Mikael Ribbenvik, the general director of the Migration Agency, told broadcaster SVT that “an investigation will look into under what circumstances existing permanent residence permits could be turned into temporary residence permits.”


“This would be the first time this has happened in Sweden. We haven’t had this before,” Ribbenvik added, explaining that once a permit is permanent, there are no further checks on the holder’s eligibility.


More than 300,000 migrants in Sweden currently hold permanent residence permits, and Ribbenvik told the Swedish broadcaster that he would be worried about the government’s plans if he was one of them.

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 5:06 a.m. No.17847780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8024

Trump ally Devin Nunes can sue NBCUniversal for defamation - Judge


A U.S. judge on Monday said Devin Nunes, the former California congressman and an ally of former U.S. President Donald Trump, can sue NBCUniversal for defamation over a comment by Rachel Maddow concerning his relationship with a suspected Russian agent.


Without ruling on the merits, U.S. District Judge Kevin Castel in Manhattan said Nunes "plausibly allege[d] actual malice" with respect to a statement from a March 2021 broadcast of MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show."


Maddow was discussing a package addressed to Nunes from Andriy Derkach, a pro-Russia Ukrainian legislator, and said Nunes "refused to hand it over to the FBI, which is what you should do if you get something from somebody who is sanctioned by the U.S. as a Russian agent."


Nunes' complaint, which seeks damages, said MSNBC and Maddow knew the package had been turned over, but instead "set out to inflict maximum pain and suffering on plaintiff in order to harm plaintiff's reputation."


In a 22-page decision, Castel said Maddow did not attribute Nunes' alleged refusal to any source, and that while she might have known about a similar accusation in a Politico article "a court does not weigh competing, plausible theories of actual malice on a motion to dismiss."

Anonymous ID: d20238 Nov. 29, 2022, 5:42 a.m. No.17847866   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Remember hurricane Irma, the rush to open restaurants there, the money to restore it, the corruption of local officials after? the movement of citizens to Miami?