Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 9:47 a.m. No.17848824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8932 >>8980 >>8987 >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Twitter Stops Enforcing COVID-19 Misinformation Policy


Twitter will no longer enforce its Covid-19 misinformation policy, under which users who deviated from prevailing establishment narratives frequently had their accounts locked or suspended.


The longstanding policy did not apply to misinformation from government officials, who regularly lied about things such as transmission, masks, vaccine efficacy, side effects, or any of the other 'science' which turned out to be patently false.


Twitter did not officially announce the change, rather, the company added a note to a page on its website outlining its Covid-19 policy.


"Effective November 23, 2022, Twitter is no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy," reads the note, which follows a line that still reads: "As the global community faces the COVID-19 pandemic together, Twitter is helping people find reliable information, connect with others, and follow what's happening in real time."


What's more, Sky News reports that the company's Covid-19 'misleading information' policy was nuked, which showed that the company operated on a strike system in which those who had a label added to their tweets were given one strike, while those with deleted tweets were given two strikes. Users with two to three strikes would have a 12-hour lockout, while those with four strikes were permanently suspended.


The platform suspended more than 11,000 accounts and removed nearly 98,000 pieces of content for violating its COVID misinformation policy between January 2022 and September 2022, according to information published by Twitter.


The site also reduced the visibility of tweets or accounts believed to be in violation of the policy by stopping tweets or retweets from those accounts appearing in certain parts of Twitter, displaying their replies in lower positions in conversations and excluding their tweets or account from recommendations on the site. -Sky News


Of note, half of Twitter's content moderation, human rights and communications teams were laid off when new owner Elon Musk took over. Hundreds more left after Musk issued an ultimatum to staff requiring them to sign up for "long hours at high intensity" or leave.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 9:49 a.m. No.17848833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8898 >>8932 >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Arizona Counties Threatened with Class 6 Felony Charges if They Won’t Certify the Rigged Election


Kari Lake has spoken out against the rigged and conflict-ridden Arizona Midterm Elections, which were certified by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and several other counties today.


The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that the corrupt Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to certify the rigged election that was overseen by MAGA-hating RINOs, a Katie Hobbs surrogate, and radical leftist gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs.


Kari Lake spoke out last night on the fraudulent certification, saying God will not forget, and I will not quit.


It was revealed yesterday by a Yavapai County Supervisor that Arizona county officials were threatened with Class 6 felony charges if they refused to certify the fraudulent election.


“We’ve been informed the entire Yavapai BOS, with one Democrat exception, expressed a belief the election had serious errors, but were told by the County Attorney, Deputy Attorney, & County Administrator they MUST certify today or face Class 6 felony charges,” according to Kari Lake War Room.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 9:51 a.m. No.17848843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8870 >>8932 >>9035 >>9048 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Germany has no alternatives to Russian gas – MP


Berlin’s new LNG contract with Qatar will not be enough to replace imports from Moscow, says Klaus Ernst


Germany still has no way of completely replacing Russian natural gas, even after reaching a supply agreement with Qatar, the chairman of the Bundestag committee on energy, Klaus Ernst, warned on Tuesday.


A long-term energy agreement was announced earlier in the day, under which the Gulf state will ship up to two million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) a year to Germany, starting from 2026. The deal will reportedly last at least 15 years.


“The federal government celebrates its LNG deal with Qatar and boasts big numbers. The fact is, these two million tons of LNG correspond to three percent of German gas consumption. There are still no real alternatives to Russian gas!” the politician from The Left party wrote on Twitter.


According to Bloomberg, the deal with Qatar equates to about 6% of the volume of Russian gas Germany imported in 2021. The fuel will come from ConocoPhillips’ joint ventures in Qatar, and will be delivered to the Brunsbuttel floating import terminal, which is under construction.


The news agency specified that the five import facilities chartered by the German government will cost a total of €6.5 billion ($6.7 billion) over the next 10 to 15 years. There is also one privately chartered terminal planned. Once operational, they will be able to cover around one third of Germany’s current gas demand, according to a government estimate, cited by Bloomberg.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 9:53 a.m. No.17848851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8995



Apple Turned Off Protest Communication Tool Right Before Anti-Lockdown Uprising in China==


Smartphone company helps Beijing crush dissent.


As it mulls kicking Elon Musk’s Twitter off the app store, it has now been revealed that Apple restricted the use of AirDrop in China, a move that harmed the organizational efforts of demonstrators protesting against the CCP’s lockdowns.


Over the past week, multiple major cities across China have seen massive protests against lockdowns, with the normally compliant Chinese exploding into rage in response to their government’s ‘zero COVID’ policy.


Much of the unrest blew up in response to an incident in Xinjiang’s capital Urumqi, where at least 10 people, some say up to 40, were killed during an apartment fire because lockdown rules stopped residents from fleeing the burning building.


Most of the city’s residents have been prevented from leaving their homes for over 100 days as a result of the draconian rules, which are still in place nearly three years after the pandemic began.


With Beijing now trying to contain what some are calling the most serious mass uprising since Tiananmen Square, Apple is apparently helping them to crush dissent.


Earlier this month, Apple restricted the use of AirDrop in China, which protesters had been using to evade censorship.


AirDrop allows local connections between devices, meaning it cannot be monitored or censored by local authorities.


However, Apple launched an update to the app in China that restricted usage to just 10 minutes, making it harder for protesters to communicate with other activists, as well as send messages nearby bystanders and tourists.


AirDrop was also being used by protesters in Hong Kong, who were brutally suppressed by the CCP during months of unrest in 2019.


The smartphone company chose to roll out the new “feature” in China only right as the country experienced its biggest demonstrations in decades, which some would suggest is more than just a coincidence.


“Apple has helped Beijing to suppress public dissent multiple times, mostly by complying with its requests to remove apps used by protestors for information and communication,” reports Reclaim the Net.


“Apple also helps the Chinese Communist Party prevent users from remaining private by banning VPNs in the region.”


The development coincides with Elon Musk revealing that Apple is threatening to remove Twitter from the app store entirely over its support for – God forbid – free speech.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 9:56 a.m. No.17848865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8873 >>8897 >>8932 >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Following in Trump's Footsteps, Biden to Keep JFK Assassination Records Secret


Biden’s refusal to release remaining secret Kennedy assassination records is no surprise


Fifty-nine years ago this month, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. These many years later, the United States government continues to hold in secret piles of information related to the assassination.


After the popular theatrical run of director Oliver Stone’s movie JFK that dramatically challenged the Lee Harvey Oswald as “lone gunman” explanation for Kennedy’s assassination, the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 became law. It created the Assassination Records Review Board tasked with reviewing and releasing records held by the US government related to the assassination. While some US government records have since been released, others remain hidden away.


On December 15, the remaining Kennedy assassination records are scheduled for release. But, don’t get your hopes up. Future of Freedom Foundation (FFF) President and Kennedy assassination researcher Jacob G. Hornberger predicts in an October 21 FFF article that President Joe Biden will, like President Donald Trump did in 2017 when the deadline for release of the final materials first occurred, refuse to let the public see all the information. Indeed, Biden already did so once in 2021 when the secrecy extension period Trump had set for the remaining records passed.


Hornberger explains in his article why he has felt confident to predict that Trump would not allow all the information to be released as scheduled in 2017 and that Biden would similarly maintain the secrecy in 2021 and next month:


Now, I want to make something perfectly clear: I am not Nostradamus! Those predictions, all of which have come true and will continue to come true, are not because I possess some sort of special predictive abilities.My predictions are simply a matter of logic. Buried within those still-secret records is incriminating information that will further fill out the mosaic that establishes that the CIA and the Pentagon engaged in one of their infamous regime-change operations on November 22, 1963.


Biden’s refusal to release remaining secret Kennedy assassination records is no surprise. Biden has not been out promoting their release. In contrast, Trump had indicated he would release the records before he instead chose to keep much of them secret through 2021 — a time period that could and has been extended since.


Legal scholar Andrew Napolitano, who has known Trump since before Trump’s 2016 presidential run, provides some insight on Trump’s change of mind regarding the release of the still secret Kennedy assassination records in a Tuesday video conversation with Gerald Celente of the Trends Journal. Napolitano, who is an Advisory Board member for the Ron Paul Institute and was a state trial judge in New Jersey, discusses a late December of 2000 phone conversation he had with Trump in which Trump not releasing the records during his presidential term was discussed. Napolitano relates that Trump, who was then finishing up his presidential term, told Napolitano, “Judge, if you saw what I saw, you would know why I can’t release them.” Queried then by Napolitano concerning what Trump was talking about, Napolitano relates Trump said he could not tell Napolitano over the phone but could tell Napolitano next time they meet in person — something that is yet to happen.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 9:57 a.m. No.17848871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8908

Over 500 Voters Were ‘Disenfranchised’ at One Maricopa Polling Place Alone, Election Worker Testifies


Similar issues took place at polling places across the county, potentially putting the number of affected voters in the thousands


An election worker who worked the polls at a 14-day voting center in Maricopa County — Arizona’s largest county — testified that over 500 voters were “disenfranchised” at his polling place alone. Election day in Maricopa County was plagued by printer errors that led to long lines and a large number of provisional ballots. Multiple poll workers testified that these many of these ballots were not counted due to improper training on checking voters out, while a number of others simply left due to the wait time, however. Despite testimony from multiple poll workers, Maricopa County election officials opted to certify the election.


“Ladies and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, I was a poll worker…. And what I will say that I’ve seen is voters this cycle have in fact been disenfranchised,” the poll worker said. “When they come in, and they bring their ballot, and they can’t turn it in because there’s a line to turn it in. Or they can’t vote, because they were told they cannot check in because they were not able to properly check out at the previous polling center they were at, because we, as poll workers, were not taught how to check out voters at our poll centers,” he continued.


“So if a tabulator goes down and they have to come to our poll center, you know what this means. It means they are still checked in at another poll center and given provisional ballots that are not being counted.”


The poll worker went on to say that only a fraction of nearly 700 voters lined up outside his polling place were able to vote due to the issues and wait times. “And then at my poll center, where we literally had at 7 pm on Election Day 675 people waiting in line. Out of 675, do you know how many came in? 150.”

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10 a.m. No.17848883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8912 >>8932 >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

NATO Commits To Future Membership For Ukraine


NATO leadership committed Tuesday to adding Ukraine to the alliance in the future and continuing to support the country’s defense against Russia.


Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance’s “door is open” and pushed back on Russia’s attempt to keep countries in Eastern and Northern Europe from joining. However, he added that the alliance wouldn’t move to add Ukraine until the ongoing war against Russia is over, due to fears of splintering the alliance.


“President Putin cannot deny sovereign nations to make their own sovereign decisions that are not a threat to Russia,” Stoltenberg said. “We are in the midst of a war and therefore we should do nothing that can undermine the unity of allies to provide military, humanitarian, financial support to Ukraine, because we must prevent President Putin from winning.”


Stoltenberg also spoke to NATO’s recent additions and future plans for other new members during the alliance’s meetings in Romania. He referenced the addition of both North Macedonia and Montenegro, whose accession Russia vehemently opposed, as well as plans to add Sweden and Finland in the near future.


Hungary and Turkey stand as the only roadblocks to adding the two Scandinavian countries, who applied for membership earlier this year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, to the alliance. Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom said he believes his country is making good progress toward meeting Turkey’s demands for membership.


A rogue missile hitting Polish territory and killing two civilians earlier in November stoked fears that NATO would become embroiled in a broader conflict with Russia. However, it was later determined that the missile was a Ukrainian defensive projectile launched at incoming Russian rockets, preventing the invocation of Article 5 of the NATO treaty that requires mutual defense.


Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Romania meeting with other NATO foreign ministers. He will announce additional aid to bolster Ukraine’s power grid ahead of a likely attempt by Russia to weaponize energy shortages during the winter, U.S. officials said.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:03 a.m. No.17848894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8932 >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Do Not Criticise Qatar Too Much Over World Cup as they Give Us Money – Blair


Former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair has warned Britons not to criticise World Cup hosts Qatar too much, saying that the Arab nation frequently invests in the UK.


Tony Blair, the former Neoliberal leader of the leftist Labour Party, has said that Britons should avoid criticising the Islamic nation of Qatar too much over its LGBT and human rights record, saying that the country is an ally of the UK that invests heavily within the island.


It comes as leftist governments, campaigners and media outlets heap attacks on both Qatar and world football governing body FIFA over the tournament, which has seen the display of various pro-gay rights symbols curtailed both on and off the pitch.


Although he insisted he was pro-LGBT rights, Blair appeared to criticise this recent social justice-inspired onslaught against Qatar, telling the News Agents podcast that there were lots of reasons to go easy on the country.


“It is not sensible of us to disrespect Qatar,” the former leader argued, saying that the World Cup is the “biggest event they held” with historical significance for the nation.


“…it is a huge event for the country. They are allies of ours, they do invest a huge amount of money in this country,” he continued, arguing that the country, along with other nations in the middle-east, is quickly liberalising.


Pressured on this point, the former PM admitted that people could feel strongly about the issue, but that the continued pressure being put on the country by ministers wearing pro-LGBT armbands in stadiums was unlikely to achieve anything.


“You make your point, but then having made your point, you recognise for the country that it is a really important event,” he said, arguing that while “you can make a protest in whatever way you want”, ministers should still engage with the tournament.


Blair also emphasised that the last time England held the World Cup in 1966, homosexuality was still illegal in the country, saying that Britons were now “in danger of going over the top” with their crusade against anti-LGBT Qatar.


The former Labour leader’s arguments here echo those made by Gianni Infantino, the current president of FIFA, who has attacked western critics of the games as being hypocritical.


“We have been taught many lessons from Europeans and the Western world. I am European. For what we have been doing for 3,000 years around the world, we should be apologising for the next 3,000 years before giving moral lessons… This one-sided moral lesson is just hypocrisy,” the official said earlier this month.


Qatari officials have also been quick to reverse criticism of their human rights record in the run-up to the tournament, with one official accusing the west of racism and Islamophobia amid claims that there was skullduggery surrounding the decision to allow the country to host the tournament.


“We dealt with this in a fair competition and there was no corruption,” former Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani remarked. “Sadly there’s a great deal of discrimination and racism.”

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:06 a.m. No.17848915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8932 >>8974 >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Canadian People’s Party Leader Blasts Retailer Over Viral Euthanasia Ad


People’s Party of Canada (PPC) leader Maxime Bernier has slammed a Canadian company over a viral video, criticising the retailer for trying to make suicide seem “cool.”


The PPC leader criticised Quebec retailer Simons after a commercial the company made several weeks ago went viral on social media over the weekend.


The video, a commercial for the company, features a young woman who sought to end her own life under Canada’s liberal euthanasia laws, known as medical assistance in dying (MAID).


Speaking to Breitbart News on Monday, Mr Bernier said, “now you have a marketing corporation that decided to do an ad on that and you know, if they did that, it’s mostly because I’m pretty sure that they did focus group and they saw that it’s in or ‘cool’ to, to have an ad about that for big corporations like Simons here in Quebec.”


“So but that being said, for me, this is disgusting,” Bernier said and added that while he voted for MAID legislation while a member of the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), he stated that “it was supposed to be only for the end of life, and in rare, rare exceptions, and now it’s not the case anymore.”


Bernier noted that the woman in the viral video was young and said, “it’s like you know if you’re depressed, there’s a solution for that, you can end your life. I don’t like that. And I believe that it’s going too far.”


Last year, the euthanasia advocacy group Dying With Dignity Canada, interviewed PhD candidate Sydney Campbell who advocated that “mature minors” should be eligible for MAID and said it was “unfortunate” that it was “taboo” to speak on the topic.


Mr Bernier, meanwhile, advocated the opposite approach, saying “I believe that the federal government and provincial governments must look at it. And like I said, we must put more restrictions on that. It’s too easy for people right now to have assisted suicide. It’s very easy.”


Instead, the PPC leader stated that governments should look to restrict MAID and said that it was wrong to glorify suicide. “If you have a doctor or a nurse who is promoting that, it must be unethical, you know, you’re there to save life not to promote another alternative that is ending your life. It must never come from medical personnel.”

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:07 a.m. No.17848923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8932 >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

160 Migrants from 10 Countries Apprehended near Border in Arizona over Thanksgiving Weekend


Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 160 migrants from at least ten different countries along the border wall. Agents also interdicted a human smuggling attempt where the driver fled to avoid apprehension.


Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Ajo Station agents encountered a group of 56 migrants who crossed the border near the Port of Lukeville. Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John R. Modlin tweeted photos of the apprehension and reported the group of migrants apprehended on Saturday came from five different nations.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:09 a.m. No.17848936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8937 >>8942 >>8954 >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Federal Reserve set to introduce privacy-crushing digital currency that can be ‘controlled’ and ‘programmed’ by government bureaucrats


When Barack Obama was in the White House and Democrats controlled Congress for his first two years in office, they passed a bill dubbed “Obamacare” that was the first step toward giving federal government bureaucrats complete control over Americans’ health care.


Since all Americans require medical care during their lives, the move was seen by critics as the ultimate authoritarian move; after all, if the government controls all healthcare decisions, tyrannical government bureaucrats could then begin to dictate behaviors and reward or punish people based on behavior.


Now, the government is attempting yet another major authoritarian move: The creation of a “digital currency” with the endgame objective being to control behaviors through “programmable” money that can influence and/or block certain spending habits.


“The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Innovation Center, or NYIC, announced that it would be launching a 12-week proof-of-concept pilot for a central bank digital currency, or CBDC,” Coin Telegraph reported this week.


The outlet continued: “In a Nov. 15 announcement, the New York Fed said the program would explore the feasibility of an ‘interoperable network of central bank wholesale digital money and commercial bank digital money operating on a shared multi-entity distributed ledger’ on a regulated liability network. Banking giants including BNY Mellon, Citi, HSBC, Mastercard, PNC Bank, TD Bank, Truist, U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo will be participating in the pilot by issuing tokens and settling transactions through simulated central bank reserves.”


Mind you, the participating banks are advertising this simply as a concept to make interoperability more feasible, but make no mistake, this ‘test’ is research: The Fed wants to develop and then hone this technology so that a ‘programmable’ digital currency can be introduced to the general public for the express purpose of controlling spending habits by favoring or disfavoring products (think ‘yes’ for electric cars, solar panels, and fake ‘meat’ but ‘no’ for cigarettes, alcohol, gasoline, and anything deemed ‘harmful to the planet’).


“The NYIC looks forward to collaborating with members of the banking community to advance research on asset tokenization and the future of financial market infrastructures in the U.S. as money and banking evolve,” NYIC Director Per von Zelowitz said in announcing the pilot program.


“Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank President Esther George said in an interview that inflation is at risk of growing entrenched in the economy, making it difficult for the Federal Reserve to fight inflation without a recession. George said that labor is the driver of inflation now, rather than supply chain or production shortages, and the real challenge for policymakers is prematurely ending rate increases,” private intelligence firm Forward Observer reported in a note to subscribers earlier this month.


An accompanying analyst comment noted: “Fed officials have previously waved off the risk of recession, so this admission is significant. George is now saying the proverbial quiet part out loud, as [Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome] Powell has been engineering a deliberate recession since last year.”


Now, as an engineered recession is upon us, the same Fed will be introducing a digital currency that it can manipulate on behalf of the wishes of the deep state permanent government.


The N.Y. Fed said in a statement: “This U.S. proof-of-concept project is experimenting with the concept of a regulated liability network. It will test the technical feasibility, legal viability, and business applicability of distributed ledger technology to settle the liabilities of regulated financial institutions through the transfer of central bank liabilities.”


“The NYIC looks forward to collaborating with members of the banking community to advance research on asset tokenization and the future of financial market infrastructures in the U.S. as money and banking evolve,” said Per von Zelowitz, Director of the New York Innovation Center.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:13 a.m. No.17848952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9035 >>9159 >>9179 >>9239 >>9286

China may get top ownership of US lithium mine


A Canadian company is hoping to get approval and federal funding for a new lithium mine in northern Nevada, but former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Republican lawmakers are raising concerns about the mining company’s largest shareholder, a Chinese firm. The mining company is going through with an effort to dilute this Chinese ownership, but concerns remain about China’s potential influence over the critical mineral mine at a time when China is seeking to overtake the U.S. as a dominant global power.


Lithium Americas, a Canadian-based company, has been trying to get approval from the U.S. federal government to proceed with its Thacker Pass mine in northern Nevada for years but is awaiting approval to begin mining. The company is already facing a variety of legal challenges to the new mining project — including from Native American and environmental groups — but the Republican politicians are also honing in on the mining company’s largest shareholder: China-based Ganfeng Lithium Co Ltd.


Lithium is a key material for electric batteries. Lithium Americas is trying to get approval for the Thacker Pass mine at a time when China controls roughly 60 percent of the world’s lithium resources and has a commanding position over the electric battery supply chain. Bloomberg Law reported the U.S. currently only has one lithium mine in operation at Albemarle’s Silver Peak in southwestern Nevada.


Adding to the concern, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said Ganfeng is partly owned by China’s ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).


The Washington Free Beacon reported Ganfeng currently owns a more than 10 percent stake in Lithium Americas.’ Earlier this month, Lithium Americas announced a corporate restructuring that it told the Washington Free Beacon it hopes will ease the “geopolitical” concerns surrounding Ganfeng’s ownership stake.


On Nov. 3, Lithium Americas announced it would split into two independent public companies. The Canadian company had primarily been focused on mining projects in Argentina and announced that the split-off company Lithium International would assume Lithium Americas’ Argentine mining assets, while Lithium Americas would keep the Thacker Pass project and the company’s other North American investments.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:14 a.m. No.17848957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8965 >>8970 >>8978 >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Thousands of convicted pedophiles in California are being released from prison in less than a year for horrific acts, including rape, sodomy and sexual abuse of kids under 14, investigation reveals


An analysis of a California sex offenders database shows thousands of child molesters are being let out of prison after just a few months's investigation reveals more than 7,000 sex offenders were convicted of 'lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age'

Those 7,000 pedophiles were released the same year they were convicted

Others who committed some of the worst child sex crimes, including sodomy and rape of children, served similarly short sentences

Current and former Los Angeles sex crime prosecutors tell that the figures are 'terrifying' and 'shameful'

Deputy DA Jon Hatami blames Proposition 57, a 2016 bill allowing early parole for nonviolent felons which was supported by his boss, LA DA George Gascón

'Thousands of child victims are being denied justice and George Gascón and his group of radical prosecutors can care less,' Hatami said

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:17 a.m. No.17848971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8992

U.S. Mission China Statement to American Citizens

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:22 a.m. No.17848996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Military-biological activity by US, Ukraine violates BTWC — Russian envoy


Gennady Gatilov recalled that at the consultative meeting of the BTWC member states on article 5, "Washington and Kiev failed to provide exhaustive answers to the fundamental questions raised there"


Military biological activities by the United States and Ukraine on Ukrainian territory are a violation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Geneva headquarters, Gennady Gatilov, said on Monday. Russia will be pressing Washington and Kiev for correcting the situation regarding the implementation of this convention, said Gatilov who is leading the Russian delegation at the 9th review conference of the parties to the BTWC, which has opened in Geneva.


Gatilov drew attention to the "exposed facts of military biological activity by the United States and Ukraine violating the BTWC on Ukrainian territory."


He recalled that at the consultative meeting of the BTWC member states on article 5, "Washington and Kiev failed to provide exhaustive answers to the fundamental questions raised there."


"We have not seen a proper, substantive reaction to the presented documents and testimonies that would shed light on the true nature of the interaction between the Pentagon and its contractors on the Ukrainian side in the military biological sphere," Gatilov said.


Due to the United States and its allies’ counter-productive stance Russia’s corresponding complaint was not satisfied. Also, Russia's proposal for an international investigation under article 6 of the BTWC under the auspices of the UN Security Council was blocked, Gatilov continued.


"As a result, despite the use of all mechanisms available under the convention for resolving disputes, the current inadmissible situation, directly related to the convention’s implementation remains unsettled," he stressed. "We will persistently demand the American and Ukrainian sides should correct it."

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:27 a.m. No.17849028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Major News Organizations Finally Urge US to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange


The New York Times and four other organizations tell the US government that 'publishing is not a crime'


Five major Western news organizations have finally spoken out for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and are calling on the US government to drop the charges against him.


In a letter to the US government, the editors and publishers of The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, DER SPIEGEL, and El País said that “publishing is not a crime” and that it was time for the US “to end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets.”


The five news outlets benefited greatly from documents released by WikiLeaks and worked with the organization to publish State Department cables in a release known as “Cable Gate.” The letter explains that for receiving those leaks and the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs from whistleblower Chelsea Manning, Assange has faced “the most severe consequences.”


The letter reads: “On 12 April 2019, Assange was arrested in London on a US arrest warrant, and has now been held for three and a half years in a high-security British prison usually used for terrorists and members of organized crime groups.”


While being held in Belmarsh Prison on no charges, Assange has been subject to psychological torture, a UN special rapporteur has determined. If extradited to the US, he could face up to 175 years in a maximum security prison.


The US Department of Justice indicted Assange under the Espionage Act even though he used standard journalistic practices to receive the information he published. The letter explains that the Obama administration refrained from seeking Assange’s indictment due to the precedent it could set and that the Trump administration decided to pursue charges.


“Under Donald Trump however, the position changed. The DOJ relied on an old law, the Espionage Act of 1917 (designed to prosecute potential spies during World War 1), which has never been used to prosecute a publisher or broadcaster,” the news organizations said.


The Trump administration’s decision to indict Assange was likely related to WikiLeaks’ publication of documents that detailed the CIA’s hacking tools, known as Vault 7. While there was nothing illegal about the release, and Assange is being charged for unrelated leaks, Vault 7 enraged the CIA and then-Director Mike Pompeo.


Last year, in a bombshell report, Yahoo News revealed that the CIA under Pompeo plotted to kidnap and discussed assassinating Assange over the release of Vault 7. The report has been cited by Assange’s legal team to argue against the UK’s former Home Secretary’s decision to extradite him to the US, which is currently being appealed.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:31 a.m. No.17849041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9186

Palestinian killed in clashes with IDF in West Bank, 5th fatality in a day


Military says suspect hurled firebomb at troops, hours after Palestinian attacker killed following ramming, and three others killed in clashes with military


A Palestinian man was killed during clashes with Israeli troops in the central West Bank on Tuesday afternoon, Palestinian health officials said, marking the fifth fatality in a day.


The Palestinian Authority Health Ministry said the man was shot by Israeli forces in the village of al-Mughayyir, near Ramallah.


He was identified by Palestinian media as Raed Ghazi Naasan, a member of the Palestinian Authority security services.


The Israel Defense Forces said Palestinians had hurled stones at soldiers who arrived in the town to notify residents of illegal construction. Some parts of al-Mughayyir are considered Area C, where Israel maintains civilian control.


A suspect hurling a Molotov cocktail at troops was shot at, the IDF said, adding that “hits were identified.”


One Israeli soldier was also lightly hurt by the stone-throwing, and taken to a hospital for further treatment, the IDF added.


Hours earlier, a Palestinian attacker was killed after he carried out a car-ramming attack, and early Tuesday, three Palestinians were killed in separate clashes with troops.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:32 a.m. No.17849052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9054 >>9059 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

In world first, Israeli lab derives male and female stem cells from same person


Using cells identical in genetic composition, but not in gender, scientists hope to be better able to understand how drugs affect men and women differently


In a world first, Israeli scientists have derived male and female stem cells from the same person.


The researchers say they’ve successfully grown nervous system cells from the stem cells, with genetically identical male and female versions.


They note that the nervous system cells are a proof of concept, saying they are confident that any human cells can be obtained from the stem cells. The breakthrough was outlined in a peer-reviewed study, in which researchers around the world were offered the stem cells to explore their possibilities.


The Israeli scientists, from Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, started with cells donated by a man who has both male and female cells due to a genetic syndrome.


The cells were in an international cell bank, and the technology to derive the stem cells isn’t new, but until now nobody took the initiative. “I really don’t know why it wasn’t done yet, because the benefits for medical science are very significant,” Prof. Benjamin Reubinoff told The Times of Israel.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:36 a.m. No.17849070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9079 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

CDC knew COVID vax associated with myocarditis but left off post-vax surveys


Data released under court order shows 1 in 3 among earliest populations to get vaccinated reported needing medical care, missing school or work, or inability to "perform normal daily activities." CDC still fighting to keep v-safe "free-text field data" secret.


The earliest demographics to get COVID-19 vaccines, such as healthcare workers, reported a surprisingly high rate of serious complications from them, according to data the CDC turned over under court order.


Among the 10 million-plus users of the agency's v-safe active monitoring smartphone app through July — 8.5 million of whom signed up between December 2020 and April 2021, before all adults were eligible for COVID vaccines — nearly 8% said they required medical care after receiving the vaccines.


For patients ages 3 and older needing such care, nearly 3 in 4 couldn't rely on telehealth visits. They required urgent care (48%), emergency room (15%) or hospitalization (10%). For infants, who were authorized to receive the jabs this summer and are enrolled in v-safe through parents or guardians, hospitalizations were much lower (2%) but urgent care much higher (66%).


Another 12% of v-safe users reported they were unable to perform normal daily activities, and 13% said they missed work or school, meaning 1 in 3 had more than mild adverse reactions.


Well over 10 million symptom reports were filed each month from January through April 2021, dropping to 5 million in May and hovering around 1 million for the next few months. The reports jumped above 2 million again in October following President Biden's vaccine mandates for roughly 100 million workers, and dropped to the low- to mid-hundred thousands from January through July 2022.


The v-safe data obtained thus far are posted by the Informed Consent Action Network as both interactive graphs and several gigabytes of files. It got them through ongoing Freedom of Information Act litigation against the CDC.


Those are just the data the CDC affirmatively sought through checkboxes on v-safe surveys, which are sent to users daily for the first week after each dose, then weekly for 6 weeks and 3, 6 and 12 months after the final dose.


It took a year and a half to get "five excel files which likely took the CDC minutes to download and produce," ICAN said in its portion of the Nov. 4 joint status report filed with the court.




Notably, chest pain and other cardiac symptoms that could indicate myocarditis and pericarditis — now known to be more common post-vaccination in people under 40 — are completely missing from the survey checkboxes, without which input data are harder to standardize.


V-safe users would have to write in cardiac symptoms on the survey form's "other" field, limited to 250 characters, for them to be counted. ICAN is still trying to compel the agency to turn over this "free-text field data," its lawyer Aaron Siri told Just the News.


The fact that the agency didn't prompt users to consider adverse events of special interest (AESI) it had already identified in an early v-safe protocol is "one of the best and most compelling pieces of evidence supporting premeditated [wrongful] conduct," Siri wrote in the second of what he told Just the News would be at least a 12-part series of posts on the disclosures.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:39 a.m. No.17849081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

105 Countries are Exploring CBDCs and 11 Have Already Launched Them


At an International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) seminar last month, IMF’s Deputy Managing Director and former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, Bo Li, spoke about the “programmability” of central bank digital currencies (“CBDCs”):


“CBDC can improve financial inclusion [ ] through what we call programmability. That is CBDC can allow government agencies and private sector players to program, to create smart contract, to allow targeted policy functions. For example, welfare payment, for example, consumption coupon, for example, food stamp. By programming CBDC, those money can be precisely targeted for what kind of people can own and what kind of use this money can be utilised, for example, for food.”

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:40 a.m. No.17849089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

The Great Reset: How World Governments are Playing GOD with Global Depopulation


Everything is starting to make more sense as I go further down the “rabbit hole.” I can’t help my curiosity. The truth is much stranger than fiction and much more important.


A lot of my oldest and dearest friends are worried about me and I understand why. They see a disabled man who is spending his energy fighting what they feel is a losing battle. I tell them that I am not going down without a fight and they shouldn’t either. I will fight for them and YOU until my last breath. That is what I have been called to do.


Recently I wrote 2 articles that I would love everyone to see, because today is just the next chapter in the story. It’s not because of my writing but the video evidence contained within those articles.


Those articles will both open in new windows, if you are on a laptop or desktop, so you can continue reading this first. Don’t even worry about reading what I wrote in those two articles. Just watch the videos the articles contain. You will see evidence that Covid is killing people through vaccines and that governments are playing God by controlling the weather and depopulating the earth on purpose through “geoengineering.” The covid vaccines are also altering human DNA. It has already started.


We hear the term “The Great Reset” often and barely understand what they are talking about. It’s not conspiracy theorists pushing that term. It’s politicians and The World Economic Forum.


They make many fall in love with a plan that simply does not involve nor include them. They are playing God, but also weeding out unnecessary people like you and me as well as their own supporters. They make you fall in love with the idea without telling you that you aren’t part of it. I’ll prove that to you with the later videos.


Before I go on I want to give you a couple of quick truths about me. First I am disabled and keep writing because I believe that this is what God wants me to do. The world is in serious trouble and I’m trying to help. Secondly, I have to learn as I go and am not necessarily an expert on most things. But the following videos may frighten you as much as they do me, because they are not really hiding what is going on. The Great Reset is NOT an innocent strategy to save the world from future problems. It is more a case of humans playing God and believing they can replace God. If these things happen your freedoms are lost forever and the bad news is that they are already progressing at break neck speed.


The first video is going viral on Rumble and clearly shows how many world leaders are trying to create a new human race.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 10:42 a.m. No.17849100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9135 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Leaked Documents Reveal Activities Of Ukrainian Security Forces In Donbass Years Before Russia Entered Military Conflict


Another batch of secret documents of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) was leaked online. The following reports of heads of SBU departments in different settlements in the Donbass were left by the staff of the SBU in Mariupol when they were fleeing the war-torn city. As a result, the secret documents were found by Russian forces.


There are secret reports and classified correspondence on the implementation of measures in accordance to the decision of the SBU Board on activities in the Donetsk region and towards Russia.


The SBU staff in different settlements reported on informational operations, recruitment of agents for cooperation with security forces, filtration of civilians and hunt on pro-Russian citizens in the Donbass.


The operations of the SBU were aimed at undermining the internal situation in the Republics, sowing panic among the civilian population and spread of pro-Ukrainian propaganda. The set of measures that can be observed in the documents below shows that the main goal of the SBU was to inflict maximum damage to the civilian population of the region, including the creation of unbearable living conditions, an increase in crime and hindering the work of local social vital services, including hospitals, ambulances, energy and water supply facilities, etc.


All the following operations were conducted in 2016-2018, far before the beginning of the Russian military operations in Ukraine. The illegal activities of the Kiev regime were accompanied by its attempts to blame Russia for the same operations in the war-torn regions, based on fake news revealed in the following documents.




The documents were translated by the SF Team. The texts may contain some inaccuracies caused by translation difficulties.


In near future, SouthFront will publish another batch of secret documents of the Kiev regime.


Lots more

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 11:09 a.m. No.17849253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9286

US sanctions and economic conditions drive Nicaraguan migration, while Washington blames repression


Why are more Nicaraguans heading north to the United States looking for jobs? Until July 2020, numbers were tiny. But in the last 1½ years numbers have increased sharply. Suddenly this has become a story, and government detractors argue, with little evidence, that people are fleeing political repression. “They’d rather die than return to Nicaragua,” is a typical headline.


Manuel Orozco, a Nicaraguan based in Washington who strongly opposes the Sandinista government, told The Hill, “Nicaragua’s dictatorship is criminalizing democracy and fueling migration to the U.S.” Then, on September 20, this became the official explanation when White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said Nicaraguans are “fleeing political persecution and communism.”


But is this true? Or is the issue being politicized as part of the heated debate about migration? The reality is more mundane: the biggest drivers of migration are economic, not political. Blaming migration on “repressive dictatorships” allows Washington to pretend that its policies are helping Nicaraguans, when in fact they are impoverishing them.

Migrants’ stories in Nicaragua give a more rounded picture


Migrants’ stories collected at the U.S. border are inevitably conditioned by migrants’ vulnerability and needs when confronted by law enforcement or looking for help from border communities. Talking to the families of migrants here in Nicaragua, as those collaborating in this article have done, gives a more rounded picture.


In Ciudad Sandino, a city just north of the capital, or in Ciudad Dario, in northern Nicaragua, anecdotally it appears there is hardly anyone who hasn’t had a family member leave for the US. The message is that they are motivated by the success stories of people getting jobs and being able to send back $500 or more each month: enough to maintain a family here. The few foreign media who speak to Nicaraguans here confirm the impression that economic opportunities are the main driver.


This is also evidenced by the rapid growth in amounts sent back to family members. Nicaragua’s Central Bank reports remittances to the country totaled US.$862.2 million dollars during the third quarter of this year, 63.6% growth over the same period in 2021. They have become one of the biggest sources of national income and most are going directly into the pockets of poorer families.

Anonymous ID: 60a1ee Nov. 29, 2022, 11:10 a.m. No.17849261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9286

Wisconsin parents sue school district for transitioning their daughter without their permission


The parents of a Wisconsin girl whose middle school allowed her to adopt a male name and pronouns without their knowledge or permission are taking legal action against the school district whom they accuse of violating their parental rights.


The parents of a Wisconsin girl whose middle school allowed her to adopt a male name and pronouns without their knowledge or permission are taking legal action against the Kettle Moraine School District whom they accuse of violating their parental rights.


According to documents obtained in a public records request made by Parents Defending Education, and shared on Twitter by parent rights advocate Scarlett Johnson, staff aided the social transition of the Grade 6 girl after taking advice from the child’s affirming therapist, but the girl’s parents strongly disagreed with this approach and immediately pulled their daughter from the school. After being removed from the affirming environment, the girl has since desisted and no longer believes herself to be a member of the opposite sex.


In a letter to the school board president from the family’s legal team, the full story is outlined. The 12-year-old girl began to experience “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” as well as significant anxiety and depression, which led to her being temporarily withdrawn from the Kettle Moraine Middle School for treatment at a mental health center. However, at the center, she received only affirmation and returned to school requesting to go by a male name and pronouns. Her parents, based on their knowledge of their daughter and their own extensive research into the issue, did not feel that transitioning was in her best interests, but the school refused to honor their request and instead went ahead with the social transition.


The lawsuit filed in Nov 2021 states that the action “seeks to vindicate one of the most fundamental constitutional rights every parent holds dear: the right to raise their children.”


“The Kettle Moraine School District has violated this foundational right by undermining and overriding parents’ decision-making role with respect to a major and controversial issue,” continues the statement. “Specifically, the District has adopted a policy to allow, facilitate, and ‘affirm’ a minor student’s request to transition to a different gender identity at school - without parental consent and even over the parents’ objection.”


The documents obtained show that, at the time of the child’s desire to transition, the school had sought outside legal advice and had “reviewed current rulings and direction from mental health experts,” which led to them making the decision to enable the child’s change of name and pronouns, despite the obvious mental health issues that she was dealing with.


“We do have a practice of using a nickname when requested by the child, and that has been in place for decades,” reads a piece of internal correspondence from the superintendent at the time. “The concern is if we refuse to allow a child to request a nickname because of the transgender issue, we are discriminating against a protected class.”


A further email shows the child being celebrated for coming out as transgender, which is a process known as “love-bombing.”