Anonymous ID: 9d4829 Nov. 29, 2022, 9:56 a.m. No.17848866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8875 >>8893 >>8932 >>8977 >>9029 >>9035 >>9159 >>9231 >>9239 >>9286

Twitter CEO Elon Musk SaysHe Will Publicly Reveal Twitter’s “Files on Free Speech,” and Implies Coordination with Government


November 28, 2022 | Sundance | 275 Comments

CTH has not visited the various Twitter stories recently, quite frankly because we are ambivalent to them. It just seems illogical for Elon Musk to have purchased Twitter without any idea of what was happening inside Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop, the public-private partnership that structures the operations of the social media company known as Twitter.


That said, some interesting developments recently as media rail against the platform and organized ultra-leftist groups demand advertising boycotts. Apparently, Apple and Android are threatening to remove the Twitter App and Mr. Musk is doubling down on exposing the matrix of how the U.S. government was working with Twitter toward controlling speech that was against their interests.


This tweet about releasing internal “files” on “speech suppression” follow on the heels of Mr. Musk noting that government involvement in the blocking of speech is very troubling.


It’s not a secret that FBI and U.S. Dept of Homeland Security offices were in partnership with Twitter. Much has been written about how DHS collaborated with the platform on the definitions and removals of material adverse to their interests.


When Musk uses the word “files” he is probably referencing a set of guidelines from the U.S. government to Twitter for content enforcement.


We see a lot of shocked faces around this as if people are only just discovering the issue. The general ‘surprise‘ seems rather weird.


It is worth remembering when Twitter became a tool of the U.S. government. It was back during the 2011 ‘Arab Spring’, specifically the events in Egypt, when members from the Obama administration first solicited Jack Dorsey (Twitter) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) for help.


The U.S. State Dept goal was to use these social media platforms as a way for citizens in Egypt and Libya to organize when the government was trying to put down protests. President Obama wanted to assist the Muslim Brotherhood achieve the goal of removing Hosni Mubarak and Muammar Khaddaffi respectively.


Twitter and Facebook were instrumental in the organization of the protests which were then compromised by the more extreme political elements of political Islam from within the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood. The relationship between the government and social media grew from there.


While the middle east uprisings were essentially the Beta test, everything in the relationship between govt and those companies evolved toward domestic use in the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri.


Twitter and Facebook began promoting the “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” nonsense that was created for national media consumption by the Black Lives Matter group. … and from that moment the public-private partnership was off to the races.


Fast forward a decade, and yes, now DHS is focused on domestic extremism as the greatest public threat. Again, controlling speech that runs counter to the interest of government is part of a continuum of the same relationship.


It will be interesting to see what’s in the files.

Anonymous ID: 9d4829 Nov. 29, 2022, 10:02 a.m. No.17848886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8932 >>9035 >>9159 >>9161 >>9239 >>9286

Republican Thomas Massie Gives Voters Excellent Example of How and Why the Overton Window Moves

November 28, 2022 | Sundance | 236 Comments

In a series of tweets today, Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie provides an excellent example of why and how government always grows.


The Overton Window is basically a catchphrase to explain a narrow spectrum of acceptable government policies at any given moment. As the nation evolves the window of what would be considered currently “acceptable’ moves. In the example of the government continue to grow, the Overton Window constantly shifts toward leftist totalitarian objectives, bigger government.


The movement happens slowly – over time – but is never reversed. Regardless of who controls power, the big government Overton Window always goes one way, one nudge at a time in one direction, toward bigger government. People often ask, why does this continue to happen even after Republicans are elected? Today, Thomas Massie accidentally gives us a perfect example of how and why.


When Democrats are in power, they do everything to maximize their power and minimize the influence of their Republican opposition. However, when Republicans are in power, they do everything to minimize their power and maximize the power of their Democrat opposition, now in the minority. Democrats in control, they maximize the Overton Window shift. When Republicans are in power, they do nothing to pull it back – they actually do everything possible to maintain the shift. LOOK:




Saul Alinsky wrote the rulebook for radical leftists saying, “force the opposition to play by their own rules.” A seemingly abhorrent concept when the powered wig crowd of honorable constitutional republicans take control.


Sitting atop the high horse Massie explains how it is a matter of principle that Republicans should not use power.




We are in an abusive relationship with government.


Representatives like Thomas Massie likely have the best intention in mind, but the result is a constant loss of freedom in one direction.


The constitution was written as a document to be affirmed, executed and defended by honorable people. The progressive movement uses the morality within the affirmation as a weapon.


In a similar way a kidnapper tells one of two victims, they will harm the other if they try to flee, radical leftists slowly kill us by manipulating our love of country and constitution.


We should no longer accept the baseline premise; instead, we should change the dynamic by killing the kidnapper.


Get off the high horse and fight Mr Massie.


There comes a time to ‘Fix Bayonets’!


Fight dirty.


Fight ruthlessly.


Fight to survive.


Fight like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark.


Fight to win.


Give your grandchildren the opportunity to remount the high horse and wax philosophically about the value of the constitution.


Then again, all of that only applies if you really believe the message…

Anonymous ID: 9d4829 Nov. 29, 2022, 10:23 a.m. No.17849002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Kemp Disavows Trump’s White Supremacist Dinner, Refuses to Support 2024 Run


Pam Key29 Nov 2022



Governor Brian Kemp (R-GA) said Tuesday on “CNN This Morning” that former President Donald Trump made a “bad decision” when he had dinner at his Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach, FL, with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes.


Kemp refused to support Trump’s presidential run.


Co-host Kaitlan Collins said, “Let me get your reaction to something former President Trump has been under fire for, which is having dinner with Nick Fuentes, an outspoken white supremacist and antisemite?”


Kemp said, “I just put a statement out there. I’ll let that statement speak for itself. I mean, that was a bad decision. There’s no place for that in the Republican Party. And I know he’s got, you know, his answer to that question. I’ll let him speak to that, but my views on that are very clear.”


Collins said, “He has defended it, saying he was a guest of Kanye West, who was his guest, but he hasn’t criticized or denounced the statements we have seen, hateful language from Nick Fuentes.”


Kemp said, “Listen, I am not privy to who said what and all of that. I’ll just let my statement speak for itself. It’s very clear.”


Collins said, “But you did see the former president announce he will be running in 2024. Would you support him for that?”


Kemp said, “I did see that.”


Collins said, “Would you support him in that run?”


Kemp said, “I haven’t seen who else is going to run. So I’m going to keep focused on getting Herschel elected to the United States Senate. We do not need to get distracted from that.”


Kemp grew up in Georgia, he grew up and still hangs around prior (or current) white supremicists. Kemp will regret this decision. Btw he and Raffensberger stole the elections again in 2022. And I doubt they want Walker to win.


GA anons get out anc vote anx tell all your friends to vote Walker.People Pundit (i think) on Bannons warroom that CNN and other vote trackers took 26,000 votes away on election night from Walkerhe should have won on voting day

Anonymous ID: 9d4829 Nov. 29, 2022, 10:26 a.m. No.17849023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9035 >>9159 >>9239 >>9286

Trump Slammed by Jewish Allies, Officials and Former Envoys for Hosting Kanye West, Nick Fuentes


Deborah Brand29 Nov 2022

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 11: (AFP OUT) (EDITORS NOTE: Retransmission with alternate crop.) U.S. President Donald Trump hugs rapper Kanye West during a meeting in the Oval office of the White House on October 11, 2018 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Oliver Contreras - Pool/Getty Images)

Oliver Contreras - Pool/Getty none



Former President Donald Trump has come under a barrage of criticism from Jewish supporters and former envoys over his decision to host antisemitic rapper Kanye West and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago.


Trump’s former ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, blasted the move.


“Even a social visit from an antisemite like Kanye West and human scum like Nick Fuentes is unacceptable,” Friedman said in one of several tweets. “I urge you to throw those bums out, disavow them and relegate them to the dustbin of history where they belong.”


Trump’s Mideast envoy Jason Greenblatt called on Trump to condemn West and Fuentes, saying the dinner “should not have happened.”


“I hope President Trump condemns Fuentes, West and their ilk for what they are — haters of Jews and haters of the foundations of the United States of America. People like Fuentes are dangerous to the United States. The President Trump that I know would recognize that and issue this condemnation,” Greenblatt wrote in an oped published in CNN.


Greenblatt noted, however, Trump’s “extremely positive record with respect to” Jews and Israel.


Elan Carr, who Trump appointed as the State Department’s antisemitism czar, expressed his disappointment over the dinner on Twitter.


“No responsible American, and certainly no former President, should be cavorting with the likes of Nick Fuentes and Kanye West,” Carr wrote.


“To placate antisemitism is to promote antisemitism. President Trump must condemn these dangerous men and their disgusting and un-American views.”


The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), an umbrella organization representing over 2000 prominent Orthodox Jewish rabbis, called on Trump to publicly and formally “repudiate the antisemitic rhetoric of two leading purveyors of antisemitism.”


The Orthodox Jewish community was largely supportive of Trump during his presidency. Orthodox Jewry tends to vote Republican, unlike the majority of American Jewry which votes Democrat.


“A former President does not enjoy the luxury of meeting over dinner with any oddball, especially when that fool is a self-declared hater,” CJV Vice President Rabbi Dov Fischer said in a statement.


“It was wrong for former President Obama to affiliate with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan. It is wrong for President Biden to praise Jew-hater Rashida Tlaib and fail to exert his leadership to rein in the Jew-hatred of Ilhan Omar. And it is wrong when President Trump breaks bread with such individuals.”


CJV Southern Regional Vice President Rabbi Moshe B. Parnes said it was “contradictory” for someone “who has done so much for the State of Israel and for the Jewish community” to meet with people who have expressed “open hostility against the Jewish people.”


“Trump should have condemned West’s antisemitism before the meeting, and repeated it at the meeting, so it is past due for him to speak out. As he said himself when he introduced his Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism, ‘the vile, hate-filled poison of anti-Semitism must be condemned and confronted everywhere and anywhere it appears.’”


Morton Klein, the president of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) who recently gave former Trump a special award, also denounced the move.


Klein told Breitbart News Trump had “legitimized the Jew-hatred of Ye and Nick Fuentes.”


Breitbart turned against Trump too, here we go again!

Anonymous ID: 9d4829 Nov. 29, 2022, 10:48 a.m. No.17849139   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Excellent news anons. I’m here in GA, to vote in the runoff for Walker.I’ve never seen so many people voting in a runoff!The line in the precinct library, is rapped around all the bookcases and it will take an hour and a 1/2 to get to vote. A guy that lives near here says that its been this busy since Saturday early voting started. People are motivated!


The past runnoff for Loefler I got in to vote asap.