I concur, anon. Jennifer Aniston was indeed hot in the 90s.
Free Speech as a Service.
But the $8 allows for Tweets to gain more traction vs. those that don't pay the $8, correct? That would imply there is no free speech, just tiered speech.
>in the grand scheme of things, who the fuck cares really?
Free Speech vs. Tiered Speech contingent on payment. I care.
You assume I even use social media. That's your first mistake.
>Dafuq do you think 8kun is?
Am I posting my relationship status or what I had to eat or pics or the kids I don't have?
> Stay in your lane.
Comprehension issues? Free Speech vs. Tiered Speech contingent on payment. I couldn't care less if Elon wants $8 to swap a boolean value in a database entry. I do care when someone is selling something that is misleading. Bluecheck tweets have more reach than those that don't pay.
I already told you: I care. Might want to evaluate your comprehension and reading skills when visiting this board.
>who the fuck do you think you are?
I am the thorn. You seem angry. You should leave your emotions at home when you visit this board as well.
I think I'll go with a clove heavy bay rum postshave for today's post face scrape with sharpened steel.
A combination of the Biden administration's merry band of rogue feds and the CCP would be my guess.
I'm only an asshole because it's necessary at this time.
I want nothing but justice. If I was ever offered money I would donate it to the treasury.
Absolutely. Elon has a brain. He would be anon, I think, but be a strong anon. Not one that openly insinuated he was Chief Twit. That's what I think anyway.