Be nice to him, he's mentally challenged
>Epstein is Dead
>Weinstein is in Jail
>Maxwell is in Prison
>The Red Wave Manifested
>Seems to be working just fine
Noooo! You can't just pay attention and notice the plan is actually working and happening that's uhh, racist
>implicitive 1PBTID contrarian tripe
Yes!!!! OMG Fox News is so heckin based and valid
Thanx for sharing fren :^)
>>>17850244 Ascension
bun for you baker
>>17850229, >>17850244, >>17850377 Is Ascencion a DNA weaponization program we just don't know about yet?
>>17850455 Eukarya, Bacteria and Archaea RE: DNA
>Want to know who really should own facebook and twitter?
>The american public
Any Romeanons Here?
Found this on faceshit just now
If confirmed this would be notable
>Moloch Idol installed in the Colosseum?
Go ahead
Click dat shit
Compare the pic of him on that boat last summer to his Halloween photo
I don't think he's even a real person
Plus the video game that gun is from had the news media turn out to be AI
What's more likely: Clown Assets changing sides?
Or elaborate US Mil Psyops by whitehats to sugar-coat what needs to be done so normalfags won't have their immersion broken by all the coming red pills?
Just thinking out loud