Trump is not capable, sorry time for a new leader
He lacks judgement on who he keeps company with, always being brought down by people he puts trust in.
My gut tells me he makes some really bad decisions, heart is in the right place but his judgements is lacking in critical matters
But the reason Biden is begging for oil from our enemies is because Trump put his trust in people that brought him down, over and over again
funny but I was just following up on my previous post
But he lost the last election, not legitimately but he still lost, I don't see genius moves here I see avoidable mistakes.
Who did he light up, his own reputation? Anyway I guess losing is the way it has to be the plan.
Yes people are seeing truth that is for sure but question is can we actually win again now? That's what I worry about, we will never win again nationally I fear. Yes we can win locally and in congressional elections because they are spread out but look at the Senate and national elections.
I hear you anon just shaking my head at the nonsense kek. Tired of waiting.
Unless more people choose evil, which is a legitimate possibility
Well at least I know Q is here, since I was not automatically flagged as a troll by all by having doubts. They know who I am and that I am on the right side.
good to know