Anonymous ID: ebd99b Nov. 29, 2022, 5:14 p.m. No.17851358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1542 >>1799 >>1969 >>2050 >>2058

Former Rochester Housing Authority Chair Going To Prison For Fraud, Money Laundering And Lying To The FBI

Anonymous ID: ebd99b Nov. 29, 2022, 5:16 p.m. No.17851365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1542 >>1969 >>2050 >>2058

Two Owners of New Jersey Pharmaceutical Marketing Company Admit Role in $38 Million Compounding Fraud Scheme

Anonymous ID: ebd99b Nov. 29, 2022, 5:20 p.m. No.17851386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1399 >>1590

Transgender paedophile, 25, who identified as a woman won family's trust to groom 14-year-old girl and got her pregnant


David Orton, 25, was able to befriend victim and family as a transgender woman

Orton is legally male and groomed girl, 14, who at first thought nothing wrong

But last June after Orton got her pregnant she went to police to tell her story

Women's right campaigners said type of case was the 'tragedy' they all feared

Anonymous ID: ebd99b Nov. 29, 2022, 5:22 p.m. No.17851401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1799 >>1969 >>2050 >>2058

ICAC passed on Daryl Maguire evidence to 'relevant agencies' before conspiracy charge


NSW's corruption watchdog says it passed on information unearthed during its probe of former MP Daryl Maguire to "relevant law enforcement agencies" before he was charged with a visa conspiracy.

Key points:


Daryl Maguire has been charged over an alleged visa migration fraud

NSW's corruption watchdog investigated his conduct in parliament under Operation Keppel

It uncovered a secret relationship with former premier Gladys Berejiklian


The Independent Commission Against Corruption's (ICAC) Operation Keppel investigated the conduct of Mr Maguire during his tenure as the member for Wagga Wagga, which ended in 2018.


ICAC is yet to hand down its final report on Operation Keppel, which, among others things, looked at allegations Mr Maguire was involved in a "cash-for-visas" scheme through a company called G8way International.


Yesterday, Australian Border Force (ABF) confirmed it had charged the 63-year-old with conspiring to commit an offence, alleging it was linked to "visa and migration fraud".


Maggie Logan, formerly known as Maggie Wang, has also been charged with 12 counts of causing the delivery of a document with a false statement under the migration act.


It is alleged the duo furnished visa applications "containing statements or information that was false or misleading" on the Commonwealth, allowing non-citizens to remain in Australia.


Prosecutors allege the scheme stretched from January 2013 to August 2015.


Mr Maguire and Ms Logan are yet to enter pleas to the charges and will next appear before court in February.


The public hearings for Operation Keppel exposed the secret "close personal relationship" between Mr Maguire and former premier Gladys Berejiklian.


They had been overheard speaking via wire taps in place to investigate Mr Maguire's links to another ICAC investigation, Operation Dasha.


"Mr Maguire was a colleague of 15 years. He was someone that I trusted and that developed into a close personal relationship," Ms Berejiklian said at the time.


Giving evidence in November 2020 to the Operation Keppel inquiry, Ms Berejiklian told the inquiry the former MP was in her "love circle" and she had continued to see him until August 2020.


ICAC reopened the hearing in October 2021 to probe whether Ms Berejiklian's relationship with Mr Maguire exposed her to conflicts of interest while in office.


Ms Berejiklian, who stepped down as premier after becoming a subject of the investigation, denies wrongdoing.


There is no suggestion Ms Berejiklian had any involvement in the visa conspiracy alleged against Mr Maguire and Ms Logan.

Anonymous ID: ebd99b Nov. 29, 2022, 5:30 p.m. No.17851434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WATCH: American Journalist Attacked By US State Department Employee In Brazil, Forced To Flee The Country


An investigative reporter for The National File was set up in an apparent intelligence operation and he and his bodyguard were forced to leave the country under the protection of an armed escort.


On Friday November 18th, Addison Basurto, an American journalist for The National File, along his bodyguard, were attacked by Miguel Contreras, Second Secretary at the Embassy of the United States of America in Brasilia, Brazil while FBI Agent, Kristin Parkhouse, was present during their investigation and reportage on the largest pro-liberty demonstrations in the history of the Federative Republic of Brazil.


The attack occurred after the journalist requested to have his backpack returned, which was in the diplomatic-plated vehicle in which Contreras drove the duo to the “Jungle Bar,” an establishment owned by Renato Tebet, 33, the cousin of Simone Tebet, an ally of Luiz Inacio “Lula” Da Silva, who placed third in the 2022 Brazilian presidential election.


The car driven by Miguel Contreras had diplomatic plates, and the State Department employee boasted to Basurto and his security officer that diplomatic immunity made them untouchable by Brazilian law enforcement authorities.

FBI Agent, Kristin Parkhouse, sat idly by as Contreras attacked Basurto multiple times, even after she was asked to intervene. After Basurto requested the return of his backpack, which contained all of his electronics, notes and laptop, Contreras became belligerent, verbally and physically assaulting the American journalist.

The bar owner who facilitated the meeting of all people present, Renato Tebet, is a cousin of Simone Tebet, who placed 3rd in the 2022 Brazilian Presidential election.

Renato Tebet told Basurto he stands to “make a lot of money” if Lula takes power on January 1st, 2023.

Anonymous ID: ebd99b Nov. 29, 2022, 5:31 p.m. No.17851441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1969 >>2050 >>2058

RINO Reps. Threaten Moderate RINO or Even Dem Speaker if Conservatives Don’t Back FTX Scandal-Plagued McCarthy


McCarthy's supporters are running a psy-op against conservatives.


RINO Representatives are threatening to elect a Democrat or a “moderate” RINO, like Justin Amash or Liz Cheney, as the next Speaker of the House, should conservatives not fall in line to back establishment leader Kevin McCarthy, who used corrupt FTX money to keep America First candidates out of Congress.


As a result of the midterm elections, in which the anticipated “red wave” presented itself as a mere pink trickle, Republicans hold a razor-thin majority in the House of Representatives. There, establishment leader Kevin McCarthy has already anointed himself “Speaker-elect,” six weeks before the actual vote for House leadership positions.


McCarthy’s premature claim to the speakership began after a closed-door GOP vote.


Were it the actual January 3rd contest, he would have failed to receive enough support to be elected speaker, getting just 188 votes, well short of the 218 vote requirement.


In an effort to whip up votes for McCarthy and allow the establishment to cling to power, representatives, consultants, and donors have started a media blitz, which appears to be bi-partisan, claiming that if McCarthy isn’t made speaker, Democrats and “moderate” RINOs will have no choice but to elect one of their own.


According to a report from Breitbart News, a publication that’s been heavily supportive of Kevin McCarthy and his congressional agenda, a “doomsday scenario” will present itself if McCarthy isn’t made speaker.

Anonymous ID: ebd99b Nov. 29, 2022, 6:42 p.m. No.17851873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1998

DeSantis: Congress Should Target Apple Over Alleged Threats To Block Twitter


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and other Republicans this week said that Apple’s alleged threat to remove Twitter from its App Store warrants congressional investigation.


“That would be a huge, huge mistake, and it would be a really raw exercise of monopolistic power that I think would merit a response from the United States Congress,” DeSantis told an audience in Duval County, Florida, on Tuesday.


The “old regime” at Twitter attempted to “suffocate the dissent” in regards to COVID-19 reporting, DeSantis said, adding that Apple is acting as a “vassal of the CCP [Chinese Communist Party]” while using “corporate power in the United States … to suffocate Americans.”


The governor appeared to have been referring to reports that Apple blocked some features of its popular AirDrop service for only Chinese users prior to widespread protests against the regime’s “zero COVID” policies.


The Florida governor was referring to a claim from new Twitter owner Elon Musk’s posts on Monday that Apple, considered the world’s most valuable company, threatened to remove the Twitter app from its App Store. Apple has not yet issued a public comment on the matter, and The Epoch Times has contacted the firm for comment.


“Apple has mostly stopped advertising on Twitter. Do they hate free speech in America?” Musk asked on Twitter.


“Apple has also threatened to withhold Twitter from its App Store,” he posted, “but won’t tell us why.” The tech billionaire also directly asked CEO Tim Cook: “What’s going on?”


Outside of DeSantis, other Republicans said that Apple and Google have too much control over the internet via their respective app-downloading stores. Removing Twitter from both would mean that the social media app would be heavily limited in its growth and usage.


Parler, a social media platform favored by conservatives, was removed from the App Store, Google Play, and Amazon Web Services days after the Jan. 6 Capitol incident. For more than a month, the website was not accessible, and data shows that its usage significantly dropped during that time period and has never recovered.


“This is why we need to end the App Store duopoly before the end of this year. No one should have this kind of market power,” Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo) wrote.


Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), who co-sponsored a Senate measure targeting app stores, added that “

Anonymous ID: ebd99b Nov. 29, 2022, 6:46 p.m. No.17851894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1896 >>1974 >>2050 >>2058

DEVELOPING: Five Cars Rented by Biden’s Secret Service in Nantucket Burst Into Flames


Five cars rented by Biden’s Secret Service burst into flames after Joe Biden left Nantucket.


The Biden clan spent Thanksgiving weekend at a $30 million estate in Nantucket, Massachusetts.


Joe Biden called for all semiautomatic guns to be banned during his visit to the local fire department in Nantucket over the weekend.


The five vehicles used by Secret Service agents were destroyed in a fire after Biden left Nantucket.


“At approximately 5:22 am Airport shift staff observed an active fire in the rental car overflow area through the Airport’s Closed Circuit Television System,” the airport said in a statement to the Nantucket Current. “Staff activated the Alert system and responded to the fire in Airport-3, where they were met by responding units from Nantucket Fire Department and Nantucket Police Department.”


“Combined fire resources responded and contained the fire. Several vehicles were damaged. The Airport is currently coordinating with rental car agencies and agency partners to ensure scene safety, There is no longer an active fire at this time: the Airport is open, and aeronautical operations are not affected,” the statement said.


According to the Nantucket Current, an investigation into the fire that charred the vehicles used by Secret Service agents during Biden’s visit determined the blaze was not suspicious.

Anonymous ID: ebd99b Nov. 29, 2022, 6:48 p.m. No.17851912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1930 >>1969 >>2050 >>2058 >>2109

New York Times Protects Balenciaga Over Pedo Images – Blames QAnon Instead


In a secondary report, it was discovered Balenciaga used a copy of United States v. Williams which was a child pornography case decided by the Supreme Court, as a prop.


Only after major pushback ensued, Balenciaga apologized and sued the production company for the subliminal messages contained in the photo shoot.


Despite even apologizing for the shoot, The New York Times has just written a lengthy puff piece titled “When High Fashion and QAnon Collide”.


The article which took three journalists to write essentially protected Balenciaga in almost every line and blamed QAnon, Tucker Carlson, The New York Post, and Fox News for the new public belief the luxury brand condones child exploitation.


Here’s an excerpt from the New York Time’s puff piece:


Together, they ignited a firestorm that traveled from the internet to Fox News, fueled by allegations that Balenciaga condoned child exploitation. The controversy has become one of the most explicit collisions of internet culture, politics, fashion and conspiracy theories to date….


As online criticism of the campaigns spread, the story was picked up across right-leaning media outlets, including The New York Post and the prime time Fox News show “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” The show has helped to publicize and mainstream QAnon, the internet conspiracy theory that “a group of Satan-worshiping elites who run a child sex ring are trying to control our politics and media.”


“Here you have a major international retail brand promoting kiddie porn and sex with children,” Mr. Carlson told viewers on Nov. 22, “and not promoting it subtly but right out in the open.”

Anonymous ID: ebd99b Nov. 29, 2022, 6:50 p.m. No.17851925   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Echoes of Tiananmen Square: World Looks Away as Chinese Communist Regime Sends in Tanks to Xuzhou to Quash Democracy Protests


After several days of protests against the regime’s brutal COVID quarantine policies, the Chinese regime sent tanks into Xuzhou City on Monday.


This video of tanks entering the city was posted on social media.

But the Western media ignored this historic scene.


They don’t want to upset the Chinese Communists.


And the Biden regime will not openly support the democracy protesters.



The Daily Mail reported:


Several military tanks have rolled through the streets of China as Beijing ramped up its crackdown against demonstrators who are protesting against President Xi Jinping’s disastrous zero-Covid policy.


Video shows a steady stream of tanks trundling through the eastern city of Xuzhou on Monday night.


The footage will rekindle memories of the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, where hundreds – if not thousands – of Chinese protesters were killed by soldiers in tanks.


Xi’s Communist Party officials have ramped up their crackdown on demonstrators, with police officers seen wrestling with protesters before dragging them away.


Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night reported on the tanks sent into Xuzhou, a city in northwestern China with a population of 9 million people.


Tucker asks why the fake news mainstream media is not reporting on this major story.

Anonymous ID: ebd99b Nov. 29, 2022, 7:03 p.m. No.17852011   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Pentagon Admits It Can’t Account for $2 Trillion – AGAIN