Trump is a Scottish Freemason. Same as his idol Norman Peale. Trump has admitted this before on video. Gives the hand signs. And has the award hanging in Florida. And don't even think there are good freemasons. They are all liars and crooks.
Seriously people. How many know this? Freemasons cannot acknowledge the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Else they will be killed. They will pretend they are Christians and say specific things to make the unwise believe it. But he will NEVER say what matters. Because he is luciferian. Furthermore. Trump is on the Steve Jackson 1995 Illuminati card that says "Enough is Enough". Trump and Jr both have made this exact expression many times recently. And the card implies Trump has a sniper on him at all times. Meaning he is controlled. Mike Flynn prays to demons. Also a luciferian. People should wise up and realize that things are not what they seem. This implies that "Q" is also a luciferian FRAUD. And the fact that Q has exposed so much from the left wingers tell me they are ALL collaborating and this has been planned for a long long time. Grow some brain cells people.