Anonymous ID: 535d20 June 17, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.1785872   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Woke up this mornin…

My eyes were… Glued Shut…

Seems as if… They were chock full of…

This Political… Gummy Stuff…


Didn’t know which way to LOOK…

Left or Right…

Couldn’t see the TRUTH…

Wasn’t even in… Sight…


So I looked… for the Eye Drops…

The bottle said… Q…

That’s Q Eye Drops… fer me N… you…


Well I squirted a drop… In the Right Eye…

Didn’t change a Thing…

But one in the Left Eye…

Now, All of a sudden… I cud see… Real Keen…


Cleared Everything… Rite Up… It did…

I cud see… the BAD

I cud see… the GOOD

Time ta… Clean out the Goo… Lift yur Lid…


Look… Look there…

Alice… N… WonderLand

Smell the BO…

One man with it all +

Banks Galore ++

Even the Kings of the Sand +++

Stands in our way…

The way to… The Promised Land…


So, now I can See…

I can see it all…

More than you know…

You have it all…


All because… of the Best Eye Drops…

The bottle say’s… Q…

For the Clearest… Vision…

For me N… You