Anonymous ID: 2e9039 Nov. 29, 2022, 11:33 p.m. No.17853008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3015 >>3351




Wow. Had no idea anything was going on with famefags, kek. I guess we can't say we want these pos lawfully excuted or hung. Can't say the word kill, even if it's it killed the plants, can't say retard or faggot. Posted a picture of baphomet to show that poast with the WH goat head mirror, that got sensored. Most of mine get sent in for review and nobody else can see them (mostly) That's straight up shadowbanning, enit? Or they just hide it and you have to unhide to see the post or img or whatever. Other times, they just delete them and don't say a peep. You just can't post it. This angel was hidden too. I guess for nudity? We're adults though and aren't like twitter where there's straight up hookers showing blow job samples of how they work, etc There's straight up prostitution on there out in the open for all to see. Anyway, this img was too much for TS. It feels like we can't even breathe wrong on there now. It feels like CCP Deluxe or Disney's rated G.

Anonymous ID: 2e9039 Nov. 29, 2022, 11:39 p.m. No.17853020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3027


If it's supposed to be family friendly and censored, then they should say that. Maybe they do, idk. I just thought it was for us so that we weren't censored and had free speech. The word FAGGOT isn't breaking the law. The word retard isn't breaking the law either. They don't want gore on there, ok, I get that but the censorship has gotten extreme. I wonder if it's to expose google or something. Gab doesn't censor. I can say all those things there and nothing happens and there are shills n trolls on there and everyone says what we want and all is fine.

Anonymous ID: 2e9039 Nov. 29, 2022, 11:46 p.m. No.17853027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3032 >>3057 >>3382


I should be able to say, during a time of war while they're trying to slaughter all of us that I want these pos lawfully executed. How is that wrong to say? No. On Truth Social I'm not allowed to say this. Trump didn't even say "lawful" public executions. We shouldn't be censored on Truth Social and specially when they've gone full retard. (Unless it's to expose google, etc … somehow.) So this is war, we're fighting to save humanity from extinction, we need a social media platform that won't censor us but noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. A big fuck you and you better make Truth Social a safe space.

Anonymous ID: 2e9039 Nov. 30, 2022, 12:45 a.m. No.17853147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3153 >>3299 >>3393 >>3650 >>3651 >>3746


Scientists have already genetically modified human embryos, our DNA is becoming as editable and hackable as other types of code, and the race in genetic engineering is moving at a furious pace. We recently interviewed Jamie Metzl, PhD, one of the world’s top futurists and geopolitical experts, on the coming genetic revolution and what we should be doing now to prepare.


Metzl is Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council and serves on the World Health Organization’s expert advisory committee on developing global standards for human genome editing. He previously served on the U.S. National Security Council, on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and as a Human Rights Officer for the United Nations in Cambodia. (And yes, he is also an Ironman triathlete.) His latest book, Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity, explores the coming genetic revolution and the future of humanity.


JAMIE METZL: The genetic revolution that will fundamentally transform our healthcare, the way we make babies, the nature of the babies we make, and ultimately our evolutionary trajectory as a species has already begun.


This feels like sci-fi but it is very real and will change our lives very soon.


Because this transformation will touch each of us, it is all of our business. I’ve written Hacking Darwin to make it easy for people to understand what’s happening, what’s at stake, what this means for each of us, and what we all can do to prepare.

Anonymous ID: 2e9039 Nov. 30, 2022, 12:48 a.m. No.17853153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3299 >>3393 >>3650 >>3651 >>3746


They're absolutely mad.


BZ: What can people actually do now? In terms of genetically engineering their children?


JM: Many parents are already genetically engineering their children today, even though we don’t call it that. Increasing numbers of parents are using IVF and preimplantation genetic testing instead of sex to make babies and choosing to implant embryos less likely to have certain genetic diseases and chromosomal disorders. Others are using prenatal testing to detect genetic abnormalities and, in some cases, choosing to terminate pregnancies.

Anonymous ID: 2e9039 Nov. 30, 2022, 12:55 a.m. No.17853165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3169 >>3352 >>3393 >>3650 >>3651 >>3746

BZ: You’ve said that in the near future, sex for reproduction will take place in labs. Can you elaborate?


JM: The revolution in the way we make babies will encourage many of us to conceive our children in labs rather than in our beds and the back seats of our cars.


1 At first, we’ll do this to reduce the roughly three percent risk that babies conceived through sex will have some type of harmful genetic abnormality.(They want to do same with elon's self driving cars and make driving illegal because of accidents. We cost insurance too much money.)

Anonymous ID: 2e9039 Nov. 30, 2022, 12:59 a.m. No.17853169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3393 >>3650 >>3651 >>3746


2 We’ll then likely use stem cell technologies to help women generate thousands more eggs than they could on their own and dramatically expand the number of embryos that can be sequenced before a decision is made about which to implant.


3 We’ll also use precision gene editing tools more precise than CRISPR to make a number of discrete genetic changes to these pre-implanted embryos either to eliminate risks or confer benefits.


All of this will be controversial and raise monumental ethical issues we’ll need to actively explore.

Anonymous ID: 2e9039 Nov. 30, 2022, 2:26 a.m. No.17853278   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How to protect your genome.

I haven't watched it yet. Must. Take. Nap.