Anonymous ID: 8eefdd Nov. 30, 2022, 2:06 a.m. No.17853267   🗄️.is đź”—kun

10 years ago, Anon still thought "preps for hyperinflation & crash" meant "chickens and gardens" and Mr & Mrs Anon built an urban homestead. Anon got too sick to work, and Mrs got in a car wreck on her job …and we lived the next 3 years "chickens and gardens."


Do not recommend.


Decided "preps" meant "make all the money" and became micro-manufacturer / retailer on what was left of our shoestring, to tie us to the global economy. Much better plan, kept us economically paced with real world habbenings for the past 6 years. Plan was "as long as general population spends, Anonstead would have FRNs too."


Worked great. That said, looks like we're about 60 days out from being the level of the foodchain that has to dump unsecured debt …first step in Anonstead having to join the masses in stiffing the banks.


Bank stiffing seems to be part of the plan from both planners, light and dark, so here's hoping the gold ends the Fed soonish. Should take a long time for Mr& Mrs to be in any real physical difficulty, because was/is a prep plan, but with difficulty reaching us now -Anon knows real world economy has to break …sooon.


Best wishes, Anons. It's darkest before the dawn.

Anonymous ID: 8eefdd Nov. 30, 2022, 6:21 a.m. No.17853667   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3672


The US Attorney's Office dragged to the last day because they're lawyers. Their representation of the defendants was ended because The US Attorney's Office doesn't represent the government in front of SCOTUS. The Solicitor General does.

Them's the rules.