Anonymous ID: ef2a15 Nov. 30, 2022, 3:24 a.m. No.17853309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3317 >>3321 >>3330 >>3393 >>3435 >>3489 >>3501 >>3513 >>3650 >>3651 >>3746

Remember when the media tried to get you to believe that people were just dropping dead in the streets in the very beginning of all this fake pandemic scare? Fear-based control.


Remember when they tried to tell you that there were so many dead bodies piling up? Piles of bodies were stacking up in waiting rooms, utility rooms, and being loaded into big refrigerated trucks? That was fake.


Remember when they tried to tell you that they had to dig huge mass graves? Fear-based mind control. It works easily on weak-minded, gullible, intellectually-lazy, willfully ignorant people. They know you don't dig and look for yourself. They know you're complacent. They know you'll believe whatever they tell you.


Remember when they tried to get you to believe that you had to wear a mask everywhere? Remember when they told you that masks weren't enough and you should wear goggles? Remember when they tried to make goggles "trendy" by telling you that you could decorate your goggles and have fun?


Remember how they tried to tell you that one mask isn't enough and you should be wearing 2 or three masks. Just wear the whole damn box.


Remember when they had doctors and nurses make song and dance videos in the beginning of this scam to get you into the programming? How blind can you be?


Remember how there were no bio-bins everywhere for all of those "contaminated" masks and gloves and ignorant maskholes just threw them on the ground? If it was a real pandemic, there would be bio-hazard bins everywhere. Duh. Remember how there were so many people ignoring so many very important details like that one.


Remember how the homeless never bathe, never wash their hands, never use hand sanitizer, and the homeless population wasn't wiped out by this fake pandemic. Every day and every night for 3 solid years now. Sickly, unhealthy, drugged up, zombies. The homeless people are magic. No.


You just simply chose to be ignorant to all of the actual facts. And it was all right in front of your face. All the facts were made available to you if only you chose to look at the facts for yourself and know. See?


Remember how brainwashed triggered dipshyts yelled at random people for not wearing a mask or social distancing? Remember how brainwashed ignorant dipshyts put their own children through hell for no reason?


Remember how people weren't allowed to go to work, feed their children, wipe their ass, go to the park, go to funerals, visit our elderly, go on vacation, go to church, go to school, hold graduations, hold weddings, but RIOTS ARE OK?


Looting, rioting, arson. They brought a young violent thug into a MI nursing home to beat the hell out of elderly while preventing their family from being anywhere near them.


They released thousands upon thousands of dangerous criminals for their "safety". They arrested, locked up, and heavily fined innocent upstanding citizens. Remember how children were roughed up and pepper sprayed for trying to play with a ball outside? And skate parks were filled in with truck loads of sand. Beaches, parks, playgrounds were all locked down.


Remember how businesses had to shut down? Remember how people had to suffer without much-needed medical care?

Remember how many people committed suicide? Remember how many families will lose their homes? Remember how many marriages were broken?


What the fuck is wrong with you people? Seriously, what the fuck is your damage? Are you people retarded? Do you idiots have Stockholm's Syndrome? What is wrong with you people?!


Remember how there were no more outstanding number of deaths in America in 2020 than in any previous year? Covid testing has a 96% false positive rate. Contact tracing. Isolation. Lives destroyed.

Covid Internment camps. You people are blind and stupid, only because you people choose to be blind and stupid.


Vaccine Passports to go anywhere. Pull your heads out of your asses and snap out of it. What part of any of this does anyone fail to comprehend??? What the fuck is wrong with you people???


Look at the States and Nations who DIDN'T PARTICIPATE in masks and lockdowns. How do you ignore that? And now Biden is flooding America with illegal aliens who tested positive and aren't being forced into lockdowns. They also aren't being forced to get the covid vaccine. But you are. You brainless idiots. Shame on YOU!!!


Get it now?? You're fools. Because you chose to be fooled. Snap out of it. Look at what you've done!!!! I fucking TOLD YOU SO every damn day ever since this began. Every single day for 3 years now. You could've known the truth. Easily. But you chose to be ignorant and complacent. You chose not to use your brain. You chose not to be intellectually honest with yourself. You chose to blindly worship Fear and Lies. Face it. SHAME!!! Fix yourselves.



Anonymous ID: ef2a15 Nov. 30, 2022, 3:28 a.m. No.17853314   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Do you see what you people are doing to all of these children??? Holy shit!!!! You do know that they WILL absolutely learn the truth. And when they do they will also learn how gullible, ignorant, stupid, and easily-intimidated their brainless coward parents really are. The truth! And they will hate you so much forever. Rightfully so.

You won't be able to fix that fuck-up. "Ooops" doesn't cut it.


Many of them have had to end their own lives to escape the hell you caused. You pushed them to suicide. You shameful idiots. Their blood is on your hands. Look at what you've done!!!!!


Do you know nothing of THE NUREMBERG CODE???

And you already know everything about Operation Paperclip.

You know where all of those nazis went after WWII.

You know they were given powerful positions in Science, Pharma, Medical, Education, Government, etc.

All over the world. This is known fact. Indisputable.

Have you learned nothing about how nazis operate???


Psychological Warfare. Recognize.

Now go do your homework and get yourself caught up on this planned program - OP LOCKSTEP.


The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

Make the human subject (you) believe that they should voluntarily consent by any means necessary. ANY means. Coercion. Soft fluffy sugar-coated coercion. If that isn't effective, they move on to fear tactics. And then use of force. That way they aren't responsible for horrific outcomes. Because you consented. So it's your own fault.


Now think about what all of this has been like for the rest of us. Those of us who do have functioning brains and aren't easily-intimidated fools. We are sick of your shit. Pull your heads out of your asses and get right for once. Adulting. Responsibility. This scam will only end when you snap out of it and stop being complicit. Face it. Be honest with yourselves. Thanks.



Good. Now grow some balls and man up.

You're adults. Start acting like it.

You have a brain; start using it.

Revolt against these filthy nazis.


This gestapo bullshit will only end when you stop allowing it.

Stop consenting. Stop being spineless.

Anonymous ID: ef2a15 Nov. 30, 2022, 5:24 a.m. No.17853524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3650 >>3651 >>3746

Yellow Vests boldly stood up against globalist deep state corruption all over the world.

So then came the lockdowns.

No more Yellow Vests.

No more Free and open dialogue.

No more public uprising in the streets.

No more protesting.


Time to get louder.