Anonymous ID: 082c86 Nov. 30, 2022, 8 a.m. No.17854034   🗄️.is 🔗kun


An open letter to YE MILO and NICK

OK guys (?) can you dmit you are taking a PRbeating? And its not just fake and gay slurs and lies – you all fuked up pretty badly we all know it


Why can’t you finish the story? You ASK the JQ and states the facts of the jewish dominance in entertainment media and finance – yeah you right but THAT’S NOT ENOUGH


You are leaving yourself wide open to the very criticism you are seeing and you have NOT refuted it by simply presenting the facts on numbers of Jews in these positions. This is the very same error the muhjoo shills make on this board. They do NOT answer the key questionss:




Here is the answer for all of you: Its important and significant because of the political ideology of the jews as a whole – they are predominantly liberal democrat (with exceptions discussed below) SO this means that the media and furms they control will be steered in this direction – which is exactly what we see with the woke crap, the LBGTQARF? nonsense, the censorship, on and on and on. Does this not seem OBVIOUS when pointed out? Of course but YEMiloNick and the muhjoo shills never say this – never - even if we assume they are aware of this they seem to ASSUME everyone gets it but no one does – NO ONE.


So the overall social and political attitudes of Jews mans that their positions in which they wield control of day to day news is extremely relevant – not because they are jews per se – but because of the political agendas.


But you say there are also many conservatives jews. This is true BUT the problem is this grouping is almost all religion based – esp organiztions like Chabab but indeed almost all orthodox and conservative (religious) jews are GOP, BUT here lies the problem – their motivation is not political its religious and therefore skewed – same with Christians BUT with jews the Israel issue is always paramount, leaving the rest of is to (reasonably) suspect their motives and agenda – esp with the massive amount of money they spend on lobbying (bribery) not to mention honeytraps and Mossad fukery, and the huge money USA gives to Israel – all of which should raise eyebrows – and would but for the liberal destruction machine they have in place if one questions the formula.


So the key to public awareness AND acceptance of the facts is to connect the dots and explain WHY their jewish identity is relevant to the discussion. This outlines the basics and there are many nuances since this is the oldest lie in the books – jews have been used by tyrants to manage the sheeples and then to shift blame on them – a role they accept with relish because they get rich doing it too. This is all dark shit. I don’t view jews as evil this is part of the lie – I do view them as a key tool of the cabal to control and in that they are certainly guilty. When the cabal is finally exposed and their stolen assets recovered this will include their many agents and accomplices - inc the jews but also MANY others.


God Bless and Carry On.


Anonymous ID: 082c86 Nov. 30, 2022, 8 a.m. No.17854036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4081 >>4090 >>4253 >>4265 >>4389 >>4480 >>4511

Anon thoughts on Q DNA post


DNA Q post like other anons guessing it has to do with the jab which changes your DNA


many posts about the heritage ID sites as fukery which use dna to tell u wut race etc hahaha

23 and me etc, but first regarding DNA


Kill u by altering ur DNA with the jab

but of course vise versa

Kill (harm u- control u) by TAKING ur DNA with the jab


Have enough evidence to know

it DOES kill ya

ALL the young deaths, all the statistics, all the real doctors calling this out

DNA is just a biological instruction

change ANY in the instructions and this F*ks up the organaism

prob has MOAR than one instruction it F*ks up in the same or in different jab batches

this is how they could hide it

cause so many of VARIOUS diseases/ body break down leading to premature death

THIS is how they introduced chaos and confusion made it really hard to trace


so that is the biological side

the other side is psychological

if they dont kill u with the jab - ie biologically altering ur DNA along what whatever else it does

obtaining ur DNA has MAJOR opportunities to Mind F*k u with the info, again with any info the cunts have they state some true some not, this is the cunts technique of deception and manipulation and ultimately CONTROL over us

they send u information about ur self from the jab - freak you out psychologially like saying u r this or that (fake and gay info) paired with real info regarding a medical condition that is revealed in ur DNA and predict it or know it- MAJOR F*kery opportunities


Forget the fact that this is KILLING us

and that this would remove us and they can then no longer control us

they are the energy of extinction

they will go ALL the way to extinction along with us

THAT is how important domination is to them

NOTHING else matters to them