Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 7:14 a.m. No.17853873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4265 >>4389 >>4480 >>4511

Satanists Sue Netflix, Warner Bros. For $150M, Saying 'Sabrina' Copied Their Statue

November 8, 20187:15 PM ET


Just months after a statue of Baphomet grabbed national headlines while briefly appearing outside the Arkansas State Capitol, the winged, goat-headed creature has stepped back into the spotlight — this time, taking its starring turn in the courts.


The Satanic Temple has sued Netflix and Warner Bros. in a New York federal court, alleging that the media giants lifted and misused its distinctive icon. The organization filed a complaint Thursday saying its copyrighted statue design, known as Baphomet with Children, appeared without its permission in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, a new streaming series released on Netflix last month.


The temple claims that by doing so, the companies committed copyright infringement, violated its trademark and injured the organization's business reputation. All told, it is demanding relief on the order of more than $150 million.


"Among other things, TST [the Satanic Temple] designed and commissioned the TST Baphomet with Children to be a central part of its efforts to promote First Amendment values of separation of church and state and equal protection," the complaint explains. "Defendants' prominent use of this symbol as the central focal point of the school associated with evil, cannibalism and murder blurs and tarnishes the TST Baphomet with Children as a mark of TST."


When contacted for comment, Netflix referred NPR's request to Warner Bros. — which, in turn, declined to offer a statement.


The Satanic Temple argument hinges largely on a side-by-side comparison of the two images. Both feature a young boy and girl gazing admiringly at the seated deity, which has two fingers raised to the sky as it stares straight ahead. What's more, the plaintiff notes that unlike previous depictions, the Sabrina version uses "an exposed male chest, instead of exposed large voluptuous female breasts" — a characteristic the Satanic Temple claims to be its own original contribution.


Temple co-founder and spokesperson Lucien Greaves presented the two versions together in a tweet earlier this week "for purposes of comparison."


The statue may look familiar — and not just for Sabrina viewers.


Back in August, the Satanic Temple made a national splash with its protest of a Ten Commandments monument that had been installed on Arkansas State Capitol grounds earlier in the year. The temple — and other groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union — decried the move as violating the separation of church and state.


In reaction to the Ten Commandments monument, the temple hauled out its own 7 1/2-foot statue to take up residence on the state grounds. And it held a rally to celebrate the short-lived installation.


It came down after just a handful of hours.


Now, the Satanic Temple is girding for a new fight, saying the series has twisted its publicly espoused tenets — which it says call for "compassion and empathy," the "struggle for justice" and conforming beliefs to "one's best scientific understanding of the world," among other principles.


The series, on the other hand, implies "the monument stands for evil," the complaint states. And now, the temple is demanding redress in a trial by jury.



Satanists Sue Netflix, Warner Bros.


For $150M, Saying 'Sabrina' Copied Their Statue


Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 7:18 a.m. No.17853890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3895

In latest report, Afghan watchdog says Biden agencies 'refused to cooperate' with disclosure rules


(What, Who and How much are they hiding)


A watchdog overseeing U.S. funding to Afghanistan said in a little-noticed report earlier this season that the Biden administration has broadly refused to cooperate with traditional funding disclosures regarding the embattled Middle Eastern nation.


The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction said in its quarterly report to Congress on Oct. 30 that"for the first time in its history it was "unable this quarter to provide Congressand the American people with a full accounting of this U.S. government spending [in Afghanistan] due to the noncooperation of several U.S. government agencies."


"The United States Agency for International Development, which administers the majority of U.S. government spending for Afghanistan, and theTreasury Department refused to cooperate with SIGAR in any capacity," the report said, "while the State Department was selective in the information it provided pursuant to SIGAR’s audit and quarterly data requests."


The group said the State Department shared "high-level funding data but not details of agency-supported programs in Afghanistan."


The group said the disclosure failures were in "direct violation" of U.S. statute.


"SIGAR has notified Congress of this matter," the report said.



In latest report, Afghan watchdog says Biden agencies 'refused to cooperate' with disclosure rules

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 7:34 a.m. No.17853950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3968 >>4265 >>4389 >>4480 >>4511

PN >>17853306, >>17853303 Lindell and American Thinker: Is this lawsuit about a rigged election?


November 30, 2022

Here’s How They Did it: Real-time Election FraudBy Jay Valentine


Database latency – a geeky term, but that’s how they did it!

A policeman pulls over a speeder. The police computer reports that three hours ago a similar vehicle and person held up a liquor store – so the police are on alert.

No database latency.

County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week. Those 31,000 are undeliverable. Someone collects those valid ballots. On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back.

National Change of Address Database (NCOA) will not pick up those address changes. They didn’t happen because there is no history.

The 31,000 citizens were getting their mail just fine except for ballots. Ballot addresses were driven by the county mail-in ballot database the one that was changed, then changed back.

Many states send ballots to everyone; the recipient is none the wiser that they never received a mail-in ballot. They may vote in person. Oops! “You already voted!” Ever heard that?

Welcome to database latency.

Our bad guy pals know they can change voter rolls, take an action, then change them back. Who would know?

A thousand voters are changed from inactive, voted, then changed back, and how would you ever know? With lots of complex footwork, you could eventually tell from their voter history file – months after the election.

What are you going to do about it? Reverse the election?

The new, and current “ballot gathering strategy” mandated by the almost universal mail-in ballots adds pretty cool database games – exploiting database latency.

The ballot gathering scammers know about latency – it’s their ground game!

To Republicans, election engineering is civics. To Democrats, it’s business – and they are great at it!

They know the Republicans have hundreds of diligent election sleuths working in basements and dining room tables checking voter rolls for the dead and the fakes.

They know those people rely on NCOA and Melissa and other highly latent services as their baseline. If someone moved, it shows up in NCOA – two months later.

A real voter moved. They want to keep getting their St. Jude’s donation cards. They fill in their NCOA form to get mail forwarded to their new address. Our fraud detectives find this person – and maybe someone voted for them. Cross out one phantom!

Our bad guys are happy to give up a few retail-level ballots to hide the wholesale-level ballot-gathering apparatus. They count on it.

Here’s the fraud equation taking place across the country:

Count the in-person votes on election day.

Count the early, in-person votes.

Shut down the system (Atlanta water leak, Maricopa County everything).

Bring in undeliverable ballots gathered when you changed voters’ names, addresses, or zip codes, then changed them back.

Determine the votes you need to win. Press the “WIN” button.

Wait for the Republicans to file a lawsuit months later.

Floating ballots are the lifeblood Democrats need to win – and win they do….

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 7:39 a.m. No.17853968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3976 >>4265 >>4389 >>4480 >>4511


Ballot gatherers know Republicans use dumb technology – relational databases, SQL, NCOA, Melissa, all non-real time, highly latent systems.

Bad guys are happy to watch Republicans waste time finding ones and twos, while the real action takes place by the thousands – invisible to these batch, latency-prone systems.

The RNC helps with its antiquated “big data” system equally oblivious to anything that happens within a month.

Want to run for office? It’s uglier.

A latency-prone database, like the RNC's, to pick one, tells you how your voter was prone to vote over the last 10 election cycles. She “leans” Republican.

Unfortunately, it does not tell you that while she leaned Republican for years, she donated, this week, to Greenpeace, enraged at the Dollar Store being built across her street. Real time means something: what is going on here, now, today.

Your Democrat opponent knows that – she is real time, you aren’t, you are RNC.

You, dear candidate, are using the RNC latency database to get out the vote for your opponent – because you are “latent.”

We explain this at

Let’s take a short walk into the future of how we fight ballot gathering with technology– just a fun little peek.

We know an election commission is going to do anything possible to make the Democrat win. Wisconsin Election Commission, Arizona’s Maricopa County, seven states in 2016, for instance.

Rather than wasting time on batch NCOA, we get a daily copy of the election roll. That’s expensive! The list in Wisconsin is $12,000! But did you know your Democrat friends bought it 28 times before the 2016 election?

What is a governorship worth? How much does a contested Senate seat cost? Maybe $50 million? What is a presidential campaign worth?

Why would anyone spend $50 million on a Senate seat and let the other side own the election rolls? That is a question Ronna McDaniel may be asked by Mike Lindell!

We take that election roll, with perhaps 15 million voters, Florida, for instance, or Texas compare every voter against every other voter and address, down to the cell level, and see any differences every day!

What do we find?

In a real-life example, this month, we found a county that changed 31,500 zip codes, yet the voter remained at the same address. Curious?

That means the voter did not change their address, continued to receive all their mail, except one item – a ballot sent from a voter commission.

Our teams in Wisconsin and Florida are discovering this scam by the truckload do not email me that it is not real! And NCOA and Melissa? They are totally blind to this because the addresses are changed back!

The Fractal team spent the last 20 months, with guidance from Mike Lindell, encouragement from the great Sheriff David Clarke, and over a dozen election integrity teams advancing voter integrity analysis from the ancient, batch, latent to the modern, current real-time.

We learned the core strategy to fight ballot-gathering fraud in real time analysis of voter rolls and cast ballots. It is also real-time analysis of ballot collection points – like large apartment complexes and dorms where ballots gather because there is not an apartment number.

The question now is whether Republicans want to start leading with technology or continue to spend millions on “big data” “data driven” batch buzzwords.

We are about to find out.

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 7:53 a.m. No.17854013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4185


Nor any other MAGA candidate, Lake, Finchem, Blake, Hamadeh


Rinos goal is to demoralize and destroy us, it wouldn’t surprise me if McConnel paid Milo to destroy Trump. Below is the very detailed story how Kanye planned this with Fuentes and Milo (mostly Milo), and a dumb prior Trump staffer got them there!


The inside story of Trump’s explosive dinner with Ye and Nick Fuentes

What was supposed to be a private dinner ended up being a political nightmare.

Yiannopoulos, a former Breitbart editor who was banned from Twitter in 2016 for inciting a racist campaign against the comedian Leslie Jones, told NBC News that he was “the architect” of the plan to have Fuentes travel with Ye in the hopes of slipping him into the dinner with Trump. The intent, according to Yiannopoulos, was for Fuentes to give Trump an unvarnished view of how a portion of his base views his candidacy.

Yiannopoulos persuaded a former Trump 2016 campaign adviser from Florida, Karen Giorno, to give Ye a ride to Mar-a-Lago, which she said led her to become an accidental member of Ye’s dinner party. Yiannopoulos said he also wanted Giorno to brief Ye on Trump and politics and, if she went to the dinner, to lend a sense of political gravitas to the discussion. The fourth member of the party was a man Ye later identified as a parent of a student at his private school in California, Donda Academy. (Donda shut down for the year after Ye’s antisemitic remarks.) Yiannopoolos said he was unsure of why the man traveled with them.

Yiannopoulos said Fuentes is serving in an advisory capacity to Ye. Giorno is not an official member of the unofficial Ye campaign team but flew to Los Angeles to meet with them this week.


“I wanted to show Trump the kind of talent that he’s missing out on by allowing his terrible handlers to dictate who he can and can’t hang out with,” Yiannopoulos told NBC News.


“I also wanted to send a message to Trump that he has systematically repeatedly neglected, ignored, abused the people who love him the most, the people who put him in office, and that kind of behavior comes back to bite you in the end,” he added.


And, Yiannopoulos said, he arranged the dinner “just to make Trump’s life miserable” because news of the dinner would leak and Trump would mishandle it.


Fuentes echoed the sentiment: “I hate to say it, but the chickens are coming home to roost. You know, this is the frustration with his base and with his true loyalists.”

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 8:03 a.m. No.17854048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN >>17853309 Anon Remembers - notable rant


I’m going to frame this and hang it up in my office! Most Valuable rant of our lifetime!


This anon who wrote this, and all anons on the board worked day and night to expose this lie and psyop for years and we still do. We will never give up!

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 8:11 a.m. No.17854091   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Washington Examiner took the left handed path long ago, Breitbart is now following them, very few conservative outlets are America First. The Federalist, some of Town Hall, but Vespa is following WE


Its almost like every traitor is willingly revealing who they really are

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 8:18 a.m. No.17854126   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have a sense that will happen, maybe


But if Mike really takes over at RNC he will reform it quickly. He did multiple interviews with Bannon explaining what he would do and why. He said major donors of RNC to take it over, because after this election they will not donate to the RNC, nor forgive them on what they did.


What better person to run the RNC than a man that spent millions to investigate and expose every type of voter fraud. His first goal is to finally get rid of all machines. He told Bannon he doesnt care is he spends every cent his had to transform the party and the nation

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 8:22 a.m. No.17854147   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This really makes me wonder about Trump’s defamation lawsuit against CNN and whether CNN made an agreement with Trump they will clean it up. Remember Trump posted, “good, I’ll even help CNN to fix the brand”.


Also the big money guys on the CNN board (or parent comp) said their goal was to get back to real news

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 8:29 a.m. No.17854166   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Its been proven by multiple scientists that baby’s stem cells should never be used in anybody, they immediately cause tumors etc. Scientists and some doctors are creating your own restored stem cells.


Check out the Centeno Shultz Clinic in CO, theyve been doing it for at least 12 years. I actually had a consult with Centeno about back issues.

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 8:37 a.m. No.17854204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4232


No the point was the gov will never give them the information, why does bidan admin get away with breaking the law constantly? Oh year the Doj and Fbi in their pocket.


Jordan and Comer’s announcement of investigations pissed me off because I thought why werent they investigation all of it for last two years? So they’ll spend two years proving what we’ve known for years. Unless their investigations are done the way Nunes and Kash did it, nothing will matter. Kash said that himself

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 8:49 a.m. No.17854251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4265 >>4389 >>4395 >>4480 >>4511


Kekkity, I wish I could find the cum cow video


Unvaxxed Men Are Now Trying To Sell Their Sperm Through Cryptocurrency

As anti-vaxxers continue to push the false claim that Covid-19 vaccines affect fertility, those who are unvaccinated now believe their sperm will be worth a fortune one day.


Despite scientific reports refuting such claims immediately, anti-vaxxers continued to push a rhetoric surrounding fertility and the Covid-19 vaccines. There’s no evidence to suggest the vaccines affect fertility – a logic that’s been disproven by researchers almost as quickly as the anti-vax sentiment originated – but it also appears that there’s no way scientists are going to win this argument when it comes to the anti-vax community. Now, anti-vaxxers are so sure that unvaccinated sperm will be worth fortunes in years to come, that a new cryptocurrency has emerged, essentially looking to make ‘unvaxxed sperm’ the new anti-vax bitcoin.

News of the cryptocurrency emerged in a Vice article written by David Gilbert, in which it was reported that developers behind Unvaxxed Sperm are looking to provide a service that caters to “objective scientific inquiry and the freedom of discourse.” The idea originated from the developers behind the project attending anti-vaxxer protests, during which they saw signs reading: “Unvaxxed Sperm is the new Bitcoin.” It draws on the belief that in the future, the sperm and eggs of unvaccinated people will be worth a fortune when people realise Covid-19 vaccines have damaged their ability to procreate. Studies however, have shown that getting vaccinated doesn’t affect sperm quality or count.

As Gilbert writes, “To be very clear, Unvaxxed Sperm and the people behind it are not anti-vaccine to a degree; they are completely anti-vaccine, baselessly claiming that 90 per cent of the population has no need to take a Covid-19 vaccine and advocating that the pandemic can be medicated with alternative remedies like ivermectin, even though the only studies to claim the drug typically prescribed as a horse de-wormer can treat Covid-19 have been retracted.”

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 8:59 a.m. No.17854294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4315

30 Nov, 2022 15:56

HomeWorld News

Russian ex-president comments on retracted EU claim about Ukraine losses


Dmitry Medvedev mocked Ursula von der Leyen’s self-censorship as subservience to the US


The self-censorship of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s speech, in which she mentioned Ukrainian casualties, is “humiliating” for the bloc and shows it is nothing but a US puppet, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday.


“It is obvious that ‘Aunt Ursula’ was slapped upside the head by her bosses in Washington,” Medvedev said in a post on VK. “Seemed to hurt, too. It looks extremely humiliating.”


There is no EU, there is only the 51st [US] state.


The president of the EU executive body had claimed in a speech that 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers had died in the fighting so far, along with 20,000 civilians. Soon afterward, however, the tweet about it on von der Leyen’s account vanished. The reference was also removed from the transcript of the speech on the European Commission’s website, and edited out of the video the EC shared on social media again.


The self-censorship was subsequently confirmed, with spokeswoman Dana Spinant saying the number had been an “estimation” from “external sources” and referred to all casualties – those killed and wounded combined. Spinant also thanked everyone who “pointed out the inaccuracy” in von der Leyen’s original speech.


Medveded is funny

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 9:05 a.m. No.17854315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4389 >>4480 >>4511


30 Nov, 2022 13:44

HomeRussia & FSU

Ukraine objects to EU assessment of its casualties


The number of dead is “sensitive” and up to Kiev's top officials to release, a presidential spokesman insisted

Ukraine has reacted badly to a claim from European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. that it has lost more than 100,000 personnel in the conflict with Russia.


Released via Twiitter, it was deleted from von der Leyen's account earlier on Wednesday. Kiev argued that it was up to President Vladimir Zelensky and top Ukrainian officials to voice such numbers.


However, officials did not deny the European Commission President's estimates.


Zelensky’s spokesman, Sergey Nikoforov, told Ukrainian media on Wednesday that such “sensitive” information should only be made public by the country’s top military commander General Valery Zaluzhny, Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov, or the president himself.


Earlier in the day, the head of the EU executive branch cited an assessment that more than 100,000 Ukrainian troops and over 20,000 civilians have been killed in the conflict with Russia. The video statement has since been pulled from her Twitter account and replaced with a new version, which omits the figures. Von der Leyen did not identify the source of the assessment.


Earlier in the month, US General Mark Milley, who serves as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that over 100,000 soldiers may have been killed and wounded on each side of the conflict, with 40,000 civilians killed as collateral damage.


Milley, speaking at the Economic Club of New York, said that the winter season would cause hostilities to go “static” and open “a window of opportunity” for negotiations. The call for diplomacy reportedly outraged officials in Kiev, who pledged to continue fighting against Russia until it fully regains pre-2014 positions.(this will never happen)


In her Wednesday address, von der Leyen urged the UN to convene a special tribunal to try Russia for its alleged crimes against Ukraine.


The Commission chief also shared the EU’s plans to invest seized Russian national reserves and “oligarch” money for profit that would later be used to rebuild Ukraine. She estimated Ukraine’s damage at €600 billion ($621bn) so far, which dwarfs the €319 billion ($330bn) of Russian funds blocked by the EU. The assets would only be unfrozen after anti-Russia sanctions are lifted, to be paid in compensation to Ukraine, the official stated.


Top Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have criticized the freezing of assets by the US and its allies, including the EU. At first, they devalued national reserves denominated in dollars and euros through inflation, and later “pawed and pocketed”them, Putin remarked in October.




Ukraine objects to EU assessment of its casualties

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 9:08 a.m. No.17854334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4340 >>4389 >>4480 >>4511

30 Nov, 2022 14:58


Elon Musk fed up with the Fed


The Tesla CEO has called for an ‘immediate’ rate cut to prevent a recession

Tesla and Twitter boss Elon Musk has called on the US Federal Reserve to slash the key interest rate as soon as possible in order to avoid a severe recession. He added that the regulator’s latest attempts to bring down inflation could make the situation worse.

The critical remarks, published on Musk’s Twitter account on Wednesday, came in an exchange with Tesmanian (Tesla Accessories and News) portal co-founder Vincent Yu in which several other executives participated.


“Trend is concerning. Fed needs to cut interest rates immediately. They are massively amplifying the probability of a severe recession,” Musk posted.


The tweet was reposted by Yu, who said he was “expecting a real economic recession in 2023… prepare for any macro storm ahead of us.”


The Fed “stayed too easy for too long totally misreading inflation and now they’ve tightened aggressively into the highest debt construct ever without accounting for the lag effects of these rate hikes risking they’ll be again late to realize the damage done,” NorthmanTrader founder Sven Henrich posted later in the thread.


The Fed had previously taken several drastic steps to tackle the highest US inflation in more than four decades. So far this year, the regulator has hiked its benchmark rate half a dozen times, taking the overnight borrowing rate to a target range of between 3.75% and 4%. The regulator is expected to maintain its hawkish stance and raise the rate a few more times before stopping.


The world’s richest man warned of impending economic downfall last month. In a similar exchange on October 24, Musk estimated a global recession could last “until the spring ’24,” noting, however, that he was “just guessing.”

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 9:13 a.m. No.17854355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4365 >>4427

30 Nov, 2022 12:00

HomeBusiness News

EU wants to cash in Russia's frozen assets


Brussels claims it will use proceeds of what it confiscates to rebuild Ukraine


EU lawmakers are looking for legal ways to confiscate Russian assets that have been frozen as part of Western sanctions and to use these to help Ukraine.


The issue of a legal seizure of Russian state and private assets held abroad has been debated for months by EU officials. However, the bloc's desired mechanism is not easy to apply, as in most EU nations seizing frozen assets is only legally possible when there is a criminal conviction.


“In the short term, we could create, with our partners, a structure to manage these funds and invest them. We would then use the proceeds for Ukraine,” EU president Ursula von der Leyen said in a statement on Wednesday.


She added that so far the EU and its allies have blocked €300 billion (over $310 billion) of Russian Central Bank reserves and have frozen €19 billion in assets of Russian individuals.


Moscow has called the seizures illegal, and has said that, effectively, they constitute theft.


According to the commissioner, EU lawmakers were proposing the establishment of a specialized court, backed by the UN, “to investigate and prosecute Russia's crime of aggression.”


“We will work on an international agreement with our partners to make this possible. And, together, we can find legal ways to get to it,” von der Leyen said.


Does anyone think the EU is cracking under its own weight of corruption and ineptitude? Crazy they think they can just steal Russia’s assets.

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 9:20 a.m. No.17854390   🗄️.is 🔗kun


30 Nov, 2022 11:25

HomeRussia & FSU

Russia announces arms-spending hike


Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that increasing expenditure in 2023 will ensure the military is combat ready

Russia is on track to spend nearly 50% more on defense next year than in 2022, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has revealed. He explained that the hike will help ensure a 97%-combat-readiness rate for weaponry and hardware.

Meanwhile, in late September, Vedomosti media outlet, citing government documents, claimed that Moscow spent 4,679 trillion rubles ($77 billion) on defense in 2022. According to journalists’ estimates at the time, the figure was expected to further rise next year and reach some five trillion rubles. The article also claimed the upward trend would continue into 2024.


Speaking at the Defense Ministry’s collegium on Wednesday, Shoigu called on Russian arms manufacturers to “retain the maximum production capacity” and ensure “ahead-of-time deliveries to the military.”


He also stressed the need for continued modernization of weapons, so that state-of-the-art models can be sent to the battlefield in Ukraine.


According to Shoigu, special emphasis should be placed on artillery and missile systems, as well as the use of drones to enhance the weapons’ effectiveness.


“As a result of the special military operation and the partial mobilization, requirements have increased with respect to the state [defense] order on all levels of control and implementation,” the minister noted.


Russian President Vladimir Putin sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements, which had been brokered by Germany and France and envisaged the granting of special status within the Ukrainian state to the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics. The Kremlin also accused Ukraine of discriminating against the Russian-speaking ethnic minority.


The former Ukraine territories of Kherson and Zaporozhye, seized by Russian forces, as well as the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, were incorporated into Russia in early October. This was preceded by referendums held in those territories, where, according to local authorities, most voters favored joining Russia.


In late September, nearly seven months into Moscow’s ‘special military operation,’ Putin declared ‘partial mobilization’ in the country.


Commenting on its results, Shoigu said on Wednesday that more than 300,000 reservists have been trained in Russia and Belarus over the past two months with the help of 3,000 instructors.


The minister also revealed that over 8,000 crews had been prepared for tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, artillery systems, air defense as well as drone and electronic warfare units.

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 9:30 a.m. No.17854434   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I stopped liking benny when he jumped on the DeSantis train, and tried to get others to go along. I also realized he shouts in all his video. He says its being positive, but thats doubtful

Anonymous ID: f1ae0b Nov. 30, 2022, 9:33 a.m. No.17854444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4464 >>4478


Yes, I see they intentionally every day or couple pf days release some bullshit measure to make Russia lose it. They never will, but EU is cracking under the sheer stupidity to go along with Joe