Anonymous ID: f8f1d3 Nov. 30, 2022, 8:21 a.m. No.17854139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4159 >>4168 >>4265 >>4389 >>4480 >>4511

>>17853478, >>17853538 (lb)



>A response was due from the Defendants by November 23, 2022…and we got one!

>Actually we got a VERY STRANGE one.

>They didn’t ignore it or refuse to reply.

>They actually filed a reply but waived their right to respond!


The $64,000 question, is WHY? Why did they waive their rights to respond?

Answer: In one word…IMMUNITY.


The Legislative branch of the Federal government has passed laws granting themselves "Blanket Immunity from all prosecution".

Yes, you heard right.

That is why Liddle Shifty Shiff can stand before the public on MSM and lie through his teeth…He has IMMUNITY from any/all prosecution.


The Congress and listed members of the Executive branches are being 'smug', and

have no worries because of the laws they have passed to 'protect themselves from any prosecution'.


So, what is the Lo Down on all this?

These "Treasonous Teflon Porch Climbers" called Congress, are giving you, the American people the middle finger, and

telling you to go fook yourselves.

Telegraphing to the world they got "No worries, we be happy. Can't touch this!"


If this goes south, and the SC finds for the plaintiffs, due to the National Emergency/Security clauses, it will throw a spanner

in their Immunity laws and rip it to shreds from the Executive branch of government all the way to local State and City

government officials, and even some Law Enforcement agencies in varying states.

Anonymous ID: f8f1d3 Nov. 30, 2022, 8:35 a.m. No.17854197   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes. Aware of that.

My explanation is for the mindset of those in Congress, who think this is all…funny.

They have put themselves "above the law".


What the average American does not see, is that the Legislative branch of government can

[as THEY have defined and written the laws] be guilty of killing

millions of Americans, lets say through a hypothetical pandemic coupled with a

hypothetical BAD vaccine, and not be prosecuted for their involvement.

They have immunity.