Anonymous ID: 0db14b Nov. 30, 2022, 10:03 a.m. No.17854598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4617


that's who you are?

look it, you could wise up and understand that it's not 'all a grift' and learn some things.

you can find 'free' things of great value.

and when you do if you're the sharing kind you need a way to destribute it so you don't get your windfall stolen away. that is why people study Economics, so that resources are fairly destributed and that hoarding is curtailed, and product gets to market long before it's freshness date expires.


or you do the 'everything is scrum, even though I don't know anything, I must dominate' meme-scumming that you seem to put out . . .


and learn nothing

and waste everyone's time

and repulse people

and be a mental burden for the whole world


Anonymous ID: 0db14b Nov. 30, 2022, 10:15 a.m. No.17854647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4666


i don't get my directions from you, oh supposed giver of options.

why are you the ruler and task master of those who dare to point out: that thing you do here, it's unfriendly at best, wrong headed, and you are here to distract, defame, and annoy.


I point out your fallacies and suddenly your my prison wardon?

who is doing that to you to make you try to do that to me?

who taught you to be this knit-pickkie naysayer and gasslighter wanna be, spreading false Ecomomics and posting bitch-scold pepe memes and telling anon what their choices are?


that person wasn't your friend.

maybe they give you payouts.

I don't know your personal situation.

what I do know is that you aren't authentic as an anon, taskmaster, crap-pepe-meme scold poster.