Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 9:55 a.m. No.17854559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Vaccine compensation case in Supreme Court] Government in its affidavit before Supreme Court blames public for getting vaccines despite having knowledge of its side effects of death.


The Union of India in its reply affidavit dated 23.11.2022 filed before the Supreme Court in the case of Rachna Gangu Vs. Union of India Writ Petition (C) No. 1220 of 2021, had made following submissions:


(i) Government never forced any citizen to get vaccines. There were no compulsion to citizen to get vaccinated. The vaccination program was completely voluntary. [Para 41]


(ii) The Government on its website, Circular and also the PTI in its, press release had time to time informed the citizen about death causing and other side effects of Covishield vaccines. Therefore, any person taking vaccine has to verify said information and then to decide whether to get vaccines or not. Since vaccination was voluntary. [Para 43]


(iii) During vaccines development stage if any person suffers from any injury then the vaccine manufacturing company is bound to compensate the participant under Chapter VI of the NDCT Rules [Para 46]


(iv) At the vaccine administration stage, after marketing authorization has been obtained from the Government of India and the vaccine is available to the public, if a person suffers physical injury or death from an AEFI, appropriate remedies in law are open to the vaccine beneficiary or their family including approaching civil courts for a claim of damages/ compensation for negligence, malfeasance or misfeasance. Such claims may be determined on a case-to-case basis in an appropriate forum. [Para 47]


  1. The law of informed consent and the operational guidelines for Covid-19 vaccination as has been issued by the Central Government, itself says that before vaccinating any citizen he must be given information of all side effects of vaccines and then their written consent must be taken.


In all the Government ads and in all appeals it was falsely informed to the public that the vaccines are completely safe.[Para 40 -43]

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 9:58 a.m. No.17854578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Election Workers’ Sworn Affidavits Accuse Maricopa County Employee Who Donated To Mark Kelly Of Election Rule Violations On Election Day


According to observations and signed affidavits, three poll workers and an election marshal who worked at the same Maricopa County voting center on Election Day witnessed concerning issues and irregularities at the hands of Maricopa County employees.


The Gateway Pundit reported on the serious problems in Maricopa County’s General Election on November 8. Tabulators were down, printers ran out of ink, and long, long lines kept voters waiting to cast their ballots. Many were prevented from voting altogether due to extremely long wait times.


Maricopa County gave instructions on Election Day, which likely contributed to this voter suppression.


Voters who could not tabulate their ballots were told to deposit their ballots into “box 3” or “door 3” to be tabulated later at the Elections Department in downtown Phoneix. The County claims that only 17,000 votes were affected and dropped in “box 3.”


However, Election experts and election workers later reported that these uncounted ballots were commingled with already counted ballots, leaving no way of knowing if all legal votes were counted!


Four election workers detailed similar issues at the Grace in the Desert Church in Peoria, Arizona, including ballot reconciliation issues, suspicious ballot spoiling instructions, questionable testing procedures, and potential law violations.


Each of them fingered Maricopa County’s Mark McCall for Election Day negligence and maladministration.


“Mark, who was the supposed leader, was the cause of most of the issues and did nothing to correct anything that was brought to his attention,” said Cynthia Schlesinger.


Mark McCall was further accused of stuffing misread “box 3” ballots into black duffel bags instead of the designated transport bins and dropping unused tamper-evident security ties into the duffel bags. This breaks the chain of custody by potentially allowing bad actors to open these bags and reseal them without anybody knowing.


It also appears that Mark was also left alone in the tabulation center with no supervision. It is unclear whether or not there were live ballots in the room.


“When Mark would spoil a ballot, he wouldn’t write across the printing on the back of the ballot but on the side, said Marcella Heiman, corroborating Pam Cetina’s story that “They didn’t want me writing SPOIL in the middle of the ballot and asked that when the customer was done with it, to find him/her.”


Two poll workers reported that when they brought concerns to McCall’s attention, he joked about the County firing him for his incompetence or malfeasance. According to the affidavits, Mark joked to poll workers, “oh well, they can fire me” and “oh well, they might fire me.”


McCall’s LinkedIn page shows us that he is a Learning and Development Manager in human resources at Maricopa County.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10 a.m. No.17854589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Biden’s Energy Advisor Amos Hochstein: “Eventually We Are Going to be Phasing Out the Use Oil”


Joe Biden’s energy advisor Amos Hochstein appeared on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” Wednesday morning to discuss the Regime’s plan to phase out oil.


Of course the elites will still be using gas-powered vehicles and will still have access to oil.


Oil will only be phased out for the peasants.


“What does [Joe Biden] mean we’re going to ‘end drilling?’ – When?” CNBC host Joe Kernan asked Biden’s advisor.


“Eventually we are – we’re going to be phasing out the use of oil,” Amos Hochstein said.


Hochstein also said it’s “very difficult to understand criticism” or Biden’s decision to empty the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:02 a.m. No.17854595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

SBF Addresses Rumors Whether He Laundered Ukraine Donations: "I Wish I Could Have Pulled That Off"


The disgraced former head of the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency exchange tells his side of the story in candid but occasionally inarticulate interviews.


Former FTX head Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) selected cryptocurrency vlogger Tiffany Fong for a series of lengthy and candid telephone interviews. In the two interviews that had been released on YouTube at press time, SBF speaks about many of the major questions connected with the collapse of FTX.


The first interview was conducted Nov. 6 and released Nov. 29 on YouTube. “I’ve started to trust my gut on things like this,” SBF said, explaining why he selected the relatively unknown figure to speak to. Fong has less than 10,000 subscribers to her channel. “Here’s someone who will, like, approach this from at least a somewhat neutral and interested vantage point,” he said of her. He continued:


“We as a society, in my opinion, my humble opinion, have spent quite enough time this week trying to figure out whether anyone living in [the FTX residential facility in] Albany [Bahamas] was polyamorous […] and the answer is too boring for people to believe.”


The recording began with SBF saying, “You don’t get into the situation we got in if you, like, make all the right decisions.” Taking her cue from that, Fong started her interview by asking about the “backdoor” that allowed SBF “to execute commands that could alter the [FTX] company’s financial records without alerting others.”


SBF expressed surprise at the very idea. “And this is something I would be doing?” he asked. “That I can tell you is definitely not true. I don’t even know how to code. […] I literally never even opened the code for any of FTX.”


This set the tone for the rest of the conversation, in which Fong politely asked hardball questions and SBF answered with seeming openness.


SBF went on to comment on FTX’s FTT coin. “I think it had real value. That being said, there are a few problems. […] This was f*g embarrassing given my background. […] I think it was basically more legit than a lot of tokens in some ways. Its was more economically underpinned than the average token was,” he said.


“Illiquidity didn’t cause the crash,” SBF continued. Rather, it was “the massive correlation of things during market moves, especially when they are triggered by fear over the position itself.”


SBF agreed with Fong that “the recovery looks pretty slim” for international customers, while “U.S. is a hundred percent. If its Amazon account had not been turned off, “they could already be withdrawing.”


Speaking about his political activities, SBF said, “I donated about the same to both parties. […] All of my Republican donations were dark.” He addressed rumors about money laundering of Ukrainian donations:


“The Ukraine one? I wish I could have pulled that off. I wish. I didn’t fully understand the goal of it. I was helping Ukraine launder funds for the Democratic Party? I don’t know why Ukraine is laundering funds for the Democratic Party. I don’t know how they would or why they would.”

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:05 a.m. No.17854606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4861

National Group Uncovers Real-Time Democrat Election Fraud – HERE’S HOW THEY DID IT


Here’s How They DID IT! Real-Time Election Fraud


A policeman pulls over a speeder. The police computer fortunately picks up that 3 hours ago a similar vehicle and person held up a liquor store – so the police are on alert.


No database latency.


County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3.


Ballots go out that week. Those 31,000 are undeliverable. Someone collects those valid ballots. On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back.


National Change of Address Database, NCOA, will not pick up those address changes. They didn’t happen because there is no history.


The 31,000 citizens were getting their mail just fine – except for ballots. Ballot addresses were driven by the county mail-in ballot database – the one that was changed – then changed back.


Many states send ballots to everyone; the recipient is none the wiser that they never received a mail-in ballot. They may vote in person. Oops! “You already voted!” Ever heard that?


Welcome to database latency.


Our bad guy pals know they can change voter rolls, take an action, then change them back. Who would know?


A thousand voters are changed from inactive, voted, then changed back and how would you ever know? With lots of complex footwork, you could eventually tell from their voter history file – months after the election.


What are you going to do about it? Reverse the election?


The new, and current “ballot gathering strategy” mandated by the almost universal mail-in ballots adds pretty cool database games – exploiting database latency.


Database latency, as you likely gathered, is when the database record lags current reality. We all experienced it in our electronic-driven society.


The ballot-gathering scammers know about latency – it’s their ground game!


To Republicans, election engineering is civics. To Democrats, it’s business – and they are great at it!


They know the Republicans have hundreds of diligent election sleuths working in basements and dining room tables checking voter rolls for the dead and the fakes.


They know those people rely on NCOA and Melissa and other batch, highly latent services as their baseline. If someone moved, it shows up in NCOA. Great. 2 months later!


A real voter moved. They want to keep getting their St. Jude’s donation cards. They fill in their NCOA form to get mail forwarded to their new address. Our fraud detectives find this person – and maybe someone voted for them. Cross out one phantom! One!


Our bad guys are happy to give up a few retail-level ballots to hide their wholesale-level ballot gathering apparatus. They count on it.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:06 a.m. No.17854612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4652 >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Bombing At Ukrainian Embassy In Madrid Has Diplomats On High Alert


Ukrainian diplomats around the world are on high alert after a small bomb went off at Ukraine's embassy in Madrid on Wednesday, injuring a diplomatic staff member.


The embassy had received an envelope that exploded when it was either moved or opened, and the package was addressed to Ambassador Serhii Pohoreltsev, a statement released by the Spanish government confirmed.


Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba soon after the mail bomb attack which appeared to target the country's ambassador to Spain said he has "issued an urgent instruction to step up security at all Ukrainian embassies abroad."


A foreign ministry statement additionally said: "Whoever is behind this explosion they will not succeed in intimidating Ukrainian diplomats or stopping their daily work to strengthen Ukraine and to counter Russian aggression."


It's unclear whether Ambassador Serhii Pohoreltsev was at the embassy at the time, or how close in proximity he was to the explosion. Spain’s Foreign Affairs Minister Jose Manuel Albares held a phone call with Amb. Pohoreltsev wherein the latter confirmed the injured person was a Ukrainian worker.


Spanish FM Albares is currently in Romania, where he's visiting Spanish troops there on a NATO mission. Spain is among Western European countries which have from the beginning been sending consistent defense and foreign aid to Kiev.


The mail bombing is under investigation, and at this point there have been no statements to suggest the police or Spanish government have any leads at this time.


Within hours after the incident, Spanish police have established a stronger security perimeter with vehicles completely surrounding the embassy location in the Hortaleza district of northeastern Madrid.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:08 a.m. No.17854618   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU chief’s assessment of Ukrainian casualties deleted


Ursula von der Leyen had earlier said around 100,000 Kiev troops had been killed to date


A claim about the number of Ukrainian soldiers killed during the conflict with Russia has been removed from a speech by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on the executive’s official website.


“More than 100,000 Ukrainian military officers have been killed so far,” she declared during an address earlier on Wednesday, adding that around 20,000 civilians had also died in nine months of fighting. The source of this information was not provided.


However, her reference to Kiev's death toll soon disappeared from the text of the speech on the European Commission’s website. It was also cut from a video of the address on the website and on von der Leyen’s account on Twitter.


The editing was noticed by some media outlets and social media users, who compared the two versions of the statement online. The move was then officially confirmed by the European Commission.


The EU executive body’s spokeswoman Dana Spinant took to Twitter to thank those who had “pointed out the inaccuracy” in von der Leyen’s speech.


“The estimation used, from external sources, should have referred to casualties, i.e. both killed and injured, and was meant to show Russia’s brutality,” she wrote.


In late September, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu stated that Ukrainian losses had by then amounted to more than 61,000 troops, which was ten times greater than Russia’s.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:10 a.m. No.17854624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4630 >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin Who Ruled After Tiananmen Massacre Dies At 96


Xinhua News Agency published an open letter by the ruling Communist Party, parliament, Cabinet, and the military, about the loss of the former president.


"Comrade Jiang Zemin's death is an incalculable loss to our Party and our military and our people of all ethnic groups," the letter read, expressing the announcement was with "profound grief."


Zemin ascended to power after the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre that left at least 10,000 people dead, according to UK documents released by BBC News in 2017. Under his leadership (from 1993 to 2003), China peacefully regained Hong Kong in 1997 and entered the World Trade Organization in 2001.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:13 a.m. No.17854639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4664 >>4675 >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214 >>5257

AUDIO: SBF Brags About Donating $37 Million in ‘Dark Money’ to Republicans


Disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman Fried gave hefty donations to anti-Trump Republicans


Disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman Fried, commonly referred to as “SBF,” bragged about using a Citizens United loophole to give $37 million in “dark money” to Republicans. The term “dark money” refers to political spending in which the funding source is not disclosed. As National File previously reported, longtime GOP House Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in part used FTX funds to attack America First/MAGA candidates in GOP primaries before withholding funding in the general election. Dark money PACs also mobilized to defeat notable America First Republicans in Anthony Sabatini of Florida and Joe Kent of Washington.


In recently released audio, SBF can be heard discussing how he donated $37 million in dark money to Republicans. His reasoning was that the corporate press would have “freaked out” if he donated the funds outright.


“I donated about the same amount to both parties this year,” SBF said. He then went on to brag about how easy it is for big money donors to skirt the Citizens United ruling


“That is not generally known because, despite Citizens United being literally the highest profile Supreme Court case and the thing everyone talks about when they talk about campaign finance. For some reason, in practice, no one can possibly fathom the idea that someone in practice actually gave dark,” he said.


“So, I don’t know, all my Republican donations were dark,” SBF continued. “And the reason was not for regulatory reasons, it’s just reporters freak the f**k out if you donate to a Republican, they’re all secretly liberal and didn’t wanna have that fight, so I made all the Republican ones dark,” the disgraced FTX boss said of his Republican donations.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:17 a.m. No.17854661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4764 >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Balenciaga BDSM scandal ignites ‘hidden’ child Satan worship conspiracy video


Wait, doesn’t the devil wear Prada?


As if Balenciaga’s controversial commercials — and the $25 million lawsuit they’ve spawned — didn’t feature enough disturbing elements, some conspiracy theorists now claim to have spotted “Satanic cult” symbols in the fraught fashion house’s scandalous ad campaigns.


A bizarre video detailing the alleged demonic imagery has amassed 3.1 million views on TikTok as of Thursday afternoon, with some viewers piling on to accuse the brand of “hidden messages” amid pleas for the second coming of “lord Jesus Christ 🙏🙏🙏” in the crowded comments section.


“Balenciaga on a mad one,” TikTok content creator and music producer Marc Baigent captioned the allegedly incriminating clip, which claims to expose “satanic cult” symbolism using children as pawns.


For the uninitiated, the top fashion label came under fire after running a problematic campaign featuring young children modeling with what appear to be teddy bears wearing bondage gear. The ads were met with criticisms and allegations of normalizing sexual fetishization and abuse of children, and eagle-eyed social media watchdogs pointed out that another ad showed what appeared to be legal documents from a Supreme Court case that ruled on federal laws regarding child pornography.


However, according to Baigent’s TikTok, these adverts also included something else that was equally sinister: “Five things spotted in one of the Balenciaga campaign photos,” intones the narrator in the clip as the camera zooms in on various supposedly demonic memorabilia in a photo of a young boy. These supposedly Luciferian totems included an alleged “child’s drawing of the devil” and a shady black hood of the type worn by “Satanic cult” members, per the clip.


“Even the trainers look like the devil staring you right in the face,” the narrator declares, referring to the boy’s bright-red shoes. The voiceover also highlights the lone candle sitting adjacent to them like a séance accessory from an occult horror flick.


On Monday, the luxury couture company issued a statement saying, “We strongly condemn child abuse; it was never our intent to include it in the narrative.”


The Post has reached out to Balenciaga’s reps for comment about the latest viral accusations — which are completely unconfirmed at this time — in the sartorial-meets-satanic saga.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:19 a.m. No.17854674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4676 >>4741 >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Hakeem Jeffries elected House Democratic leader, succeeding Nancy Pelosi


House Democrats elected Rep. Hakeem Jeffries as their leader Wednesday, making the Brooklyn and Queens lawmaker the first black person to lead either party in the chamber and ushering in a new generation of Dem leadership after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced earlier this month she would step aside after 20 years in charge.


Jeffries, 52, was selected by his colleagues during a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill after they lost control of the chamber in the Nov. 8 midterm elections.


“It’s a solemn responsibility that we are all inheriting. And the best thing that we can do as a result of the seriousness and solemnity of the moment is lean in hard and do the best damn job that we can for the people,” Jeffries told reporters the night before his election.


Jeffries, first elected to Congress in 2013, told his colleagues in a letter announcing his leadership bid Nov. 18 that he will look to the future with an eye toward unifying the party and regaining the majority in 2024.


“To further unleash our talent and ability in the most powerful fashion possible, the entire team should be on the playing field and put in position to elevate our individual strengths, interests and areas of expertise,” he wrote.


“It will be my mission to make sure that every single Member of the Caucus has an authentic seat at the legislative table and the maximum opportunity to excel. That is my promise to you,” he continued in the missive.


Along with Jeffries, Democrats elected Rep. Katherine Clark of Massachusetts as minority whip and Rep. Pete Aguilar of California as caucus chairman.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:22 a.m. No.17854684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK Diversity Group Calls to Rethink Christmas and Spare Feelings of Non-Christians


Too many people feel left out of Christmas celebrations due to their own faith – or lack of it – so the traditional Christian season should be downplayed, a UK-based diversity lobby group said.


The call comes after statistics showed less than half of the population of England and Wales described themselves as Christian in the 2021 census, meaning Christianity is now a minority religion, as Breitbart News reported.


Both atheism and Islam are making major gains as more people reportedly feel left out as a “heavy emphasis on celebrating the birth of Jesus,” can exclude others, according to Watch This Sp_ce, a self-described diversity and inclusion consultancy.


The group claims that, from November onwards, the decorations in town centres, the advertising on our televisions, the constant emails from retailers, all combine to imply everyone will be celebrating on December 25 while evidence suggests that is no the case, CYMRU Online reports.


They say many people feel left out and excluded from the celebrations, while their own religious or spiritual festival is ignored while the pressure to spend large mounts of money for “no real reason” is reinforced.


Watch This Sp_ce says modern work spaces are “loaded into a pressure cooker,” highlighting people in the team that don’t celebrate at this time of year, forcing them to either “conform to a religion they don’t believe in” or stand out as a highly visible minority amongst their teammates, who may well be labelling them Scrooge.


The group wants a new festive season to be implemented instead of the old.


Co-Creator Allegra Chapman told the outlet: “Christmas can be a time of fun and joy, but it is also filled with stresses, challenges and discomfort.


“Rather than forcing everyone to celebrate in an old-fashioned way, in the name of ‘just a bit of fun’, there is a great opportunity for organisations to take a fresh look at how and why they bring their teams together.”


This is not the first time a call to reshape Christmas has been made.


As Breitbart News reported, last year UK civil servants axed the word “Christmas” from a proposed government campaign, for fear the term would offend minorities.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:24 a.m. No.17854693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4699

Milo Yiannopoulos Says He Arranged Fuentes, Trump Dinner To Make ‘Trump’s Life Miserable’


Far-right activist Milo Yiannopoulos said he arranged the dinner between former President Donald Trump and white nationalist Nick Fuentes in order to make the former president’s “life miserable,” according to NBC News.


Yiannopoulos, who is reportedly advising rapper Kanye West, formally known as ‘Ye,’ told the outlet he was “the architect” behind the plan of having Fuentes travel with Ye so that he could infiltrate the dinner. Yiannopoulos told NBC News he “wanted to show Trump the kind of talent that he’s missing out on by allowing his terrible handlers to dictate who he can and can’t hang out with.”


“I also wanted to send a message to Trump that he has systematically repeatedly neglected, ignored, abused the people who love him the most, the people who put him in office, and that kind of behavior comes back to bite you in the end,” Yiannopoulos reportedly said.


The former Breitbart editor added he set the dinner up “just to make Trump’s life miserable” because he knew Trump would be unable to handle the scrutiny once the details of the dinner were leaked, according to the report.


An anonymous Trump confidant told NBC News Trump was livid after the meeting.


“He tried to fuck me, he’s crazy. He can’t beat me,” Trump allegedly said, according to NBC News, which cited the anonymous source.


“Trump was totally blindsided, it was a setup,” the anonymous source reportedly said regarding Fuentes’ presence.


Trump has denied having knowledge Fuentes was going to be present at the dinner.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:34 a.m. No.17854737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

CIA Director’s Former Think Tank Introduced Congressional Staffers To Experts Who Worked For Chinese Spy Fronts


The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace introduced congressional staffers to at least 10 individuals who worked for Chinese intelligence front groups during a 2019 trip to China while current CIA Director William Burns served as the nonprofit’s president, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.


During the week-long, all-expenses-paid trip to Beijing, a bipartisan group of congressional staffers from the offices of various representatives — including Connecticut Democratic Rep. Jim Himes and former North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows — met with Chinese government officials, journalists, academics and policy experts, according to the trip’s itinerary. Yet, at least 10 of the Chinese individuals worked for front groups controlled by Chinese spy agencies, such as the Ministry of State Security (MSS), the International Liaison Department (ILD) and the intel arm of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the DCNF determined.


The congressional staffers participated in a number of discussions with undisclosed Chinese intelligence front group members, such as a Nov. 6 “pre-dinner dialogue” concerning “Chinese perspectives on U.S.-China policy challenges,” which included Ding Yifan, a member of the MSS-controlled Institute of World Development Studies.


PLA’s Second Intelligence Department carries out military intelligence operations, while the ILD focuses on political intelligence and the MSS serves as China’s equivalent of the CIA, according to the Defense Intelligence Agency.


The DCNF was able to identify some of the individuals who participated in Carnegie’s 2019 trip as being tied to Chinese intelligence agency front groups by cross-referencing the itinerary with the research of several prominent Chinese intelligence specialists, including former CIA analyst Peter Mattis and Alex Joske, a former analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.


Joske’s new book, “Spies and Lies,” details how, since the 1980s, Chinese intelligence operatives co-opted or established various nonprofits and impersonated scholars with the goal of luring prominent Western think tanks, such as Carnegie, into partnerships in order to influence U.S. government policies towards the communist nation.


Carnegie’s cooperation with Chinese intelligence front groups dates back to at least 2004, when, under the leadership of former think tank president Jessica Mathews, the nonprofit launched a joint program with the MSS-controlled China Reform Forum, according to Joske’s research. More than a decade later, Carnegie co-hosted the 2019 congressional staffer trip, which occurred while current CIA Director William Burns served as the think tank’s president.


“A lot of the key scholars and other figures involved in U.S.-China relations on the Chinese side have these sorts of relationships,” Joske told the DCNF.


The six day trip, which was co-hosted by Carnegie and the Aspen Institute, became a flashpoint during Burns’ 2021 confirmation hearings. Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio pressed Burns about Carnegie’s ties to a Chinese government-backed group as well as the all-expenses-paid trip that brought 11 congressional staffers to Beijing in 2019.


Burns told Rubio the trip was meant “to provide congressional staff members with an opportunity to engage directly with Chinese counterparts and to express their concerns about Chinese actions and malign behavior quite directly.”


However, the DCNF previously reported congressional staffers were also introduced to the president of a CCP-affiliated front group called the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC). In 2020, the U.S. State Department designated CPAFFC as a foreign mission seeking to “malignly” influence American leaders.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:51 a.m. No.17854778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4788 >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Warning! Disturbing Images! François-Henri Pinault, CEO of Balenciaga’s parent company owns an auction site selling child sex mannequins with erect penises, vaginas, and anuses instead of mouths or noses


François-Henri Pinault owns Kering, Balenciaga’s parent company. He also owns Christies, an art auction site.


If you search Jake & Dinos Chapman on Christie’s, you will find numerous mannequins made by them which feature nude children with erect penises, vaginas, and anuses instead of their noses and mouths.


Pinault owns some of the Chapman Brothers artwork, but there’s no indication he owns the child mannequins:


Chapman Brothers official art site…


Pinault’s official art collection website…


Pinault’s Wikipedia states he is the founder of Group Artmeis, which owns Christie’s…


The fashion company Supreme also sold Skateboards featuring images of the child mannequins. I’m not aware of any connection between this and Pinault and Balenciaga.


That’s an old deleted tweet of the photographer behind the Balenciaga scandal… Crazy, no?


It’s all a big club… the Pedo club!



Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:54 a.m. No.17854789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4823 >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Oncologist Sends Urgent Letter: Stable Cancers and Other Diseases Are Rapidly Progressing in ‘Boosted’ People


In an urgent letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, Dr. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at the St. George’s University of London, asks for UK’s unnecessary covid vaccine program to end immediately,


The cancer specialist of more than 30 years writes that the link between Covid vaccine and “blood clots, myocarditis, heart attacks, and strokes is now well accepted, as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy.” He adds that he already predicted these side effects in June 2020.

‘Diseases rapidly progress’


Now there is another reason to halt all vaccination programs, says Professor Dalgleish. As a practicing oncologist, he sees people with stable diseases rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, which many take so they can travel or work.


Patients he sees with a stable disease deteriorate rapidly after taking a booster. Dr. Dalgleish explains,…

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 10:57 a.m. No.17854795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Next armed conflicts: NATO chief says, after Ukraine, Bosnia, Georgia and Moldova


Press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the President of Romania Klaus Iohannis

28 Nov. 2022




[L]et me thank Romania for hosting the meeting.


And also, let me thank you, President Iohannis for your strong personal commitment to our Alliance, to NATO, at this critical time for our security.


You contribute to our shared security in many different ways.


Your troops serve in our battlegroup in Poland.

You contribute to NATO missions in Kosovo and Iraq.

And you also host a key system for NATO’s ballistic missile defence.


I also welcome your strong commitment to maintain defence spending above 2% of GDP.




Today, in our meeting we discussed security in the Black Sea region, which is of strategic importance for the whole of NATO.




We have set up new battlegroups, including the one led by France here in Romania.

Fighter jets from Canada….

And US Patriot missiles….


This sends a clear message that NATO is here.




Here in Bucharest, NATO Foreign Ministers will address ways to step up our support for Ukraine, as well as other partners facing Russian pressure – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Moldova.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:01 a.m. No.17854809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4811 >>4830 >>4836 >>4838 >>4868

'Antisemite of the year' top 3 finalists announced


Disgraced rapper Kanye West is in the lead to win the dishonorable title by watchdog group StopAntisemitism. Voting for the finalist is open until December 11.


Disgraced rapper Kanye West is in the lead to win the dishonorable title of “Antisemite of the Year” by a group that tracks Jewish hate.


The other two finalists for watchdog group StopAntisemitism's fourth annual contest include Mohamed Hadid — the father of supermodels Gigi and Bella Hadid — and Jon Minadeo II head of the white supremacist group the Goyim Defense League (GDL).


"Though these three men promote antisemitism from three different directions, they are equally dangerous,” said StopAntisemitism Executive Director Liora Rez. “Together, they have all been a catastrophe for the well-being Jewish people in the United States in 2022. There are no Jewish safe spaces. The current state of Jew hatred is running rampant with no end in sight."


"Though these three men promote antisemitism from three different directions, they are equally dangerous."

Liora Rez


Who are the 'Antisemite of the Year' finalists?


West, who has legally changed his name to "Ye," tweeted last month that he was going to go “Death Con 3” on Jews, followed by a slew of antisemitic rants on Twitter. Adidas, Balenciaga and other firms have severed ties with the performer, costing him a large portion of his fortune.


Palestinian-Jordanian luxury real estate developer Mohamed Hadid, along with his famous daughters, has outspokenly blamed the Jewish state for the plight of the Palestinians, such as calling for the erasure of Israel using the infamous pro-Palestinian rallying cry, “from the river to the sea.”


Hadid also blames his personal financial problems on Jewish people and has been known to spread age-old tropes about Jews and power to his influential network.


In one of his latest antisemitic Instagram posts back in October, Hadid compared Zionist Jews to Hitler to his audience of 1.3 million followers


"Hitler labeled the Jews as terrorists and the Germans believed and cowardly did the crime of the century," Hadid wrote. "And the Zionists labeled the Palestinians terrorists in their own land. Fear no longer, the Zionists are the terrorist in our own land."


White supremacist and founder of the GDL, Jon Minadeo II, is the first repeat honoree for StopAntisemitism’s annual dishonor after hanging a banner over the 405 freeway in Los Angeles that read “Kanye is right about the Jews.”


Minadeo and the GDL are notoriously known for their flyer campaigns – distributing hateful and antisemitic flyers that blame Jews for COVID-19, 9/11, gun control, and more around US neighborhoods.


Voting for the finalist is still open and the “winner” of the “Antisemite of the Year 2022” title will be announced on December 11.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:22 a.m. No.17854882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Australian PM Tells US to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange


Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Wednesday said that he has personally asked the US government to drop its case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is an Australian citizen.


Albanese, who previously rejected public pressure to push for Assange’s release, said that he raised the issue with US officials in recent meetings. “The government will continue to act in a diplomatic way, but can I assure the member … that I have raised this personally with representatives of the United States government,” Albanese said.


“My position is clear and has been made clear to the US administration – that it is time that this matter be brought to a close,” the Australian leader added.


Assange has been held in London’s Belmarsh Prison since April 2019 as the US is trying to extradite him for exposing government secrets and war crimes. The US Department of Justice has indicted Assange using the Espionage Act for receiving and publishing leaks from whistleblower Chelsea Manning, a standard journalistic practice.


If extradited to the US, Assange could face a sentence of up to 175 years in a maximum-security prison for his journalism. Albanese’s comments came after The New York Times and four major European news outlets finally spoke out for Assange in a letter to the US government.


In the letter, the five news organizations said that “publishing is not a crime” and that it was time for the US “to end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets.” The letter acknowledged that Assange’s work is “in the public interest is a core part of the daily work of journalists.”

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:27 a.m. No.17854901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5085 >>5156 >>5214

Corporate profits hit record high in third quarter amid 40-year-high inflation


Corporate profits in the nonfinancial sector hit a record high of $2.08 trillion in the third quarter even as 40-year-high inflation continues to squeeze American consumers.


Profits adjusted for inventories and capital consumption rose $6.1 trillion from the second to third fiscal quarters, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday, continuing a red-hot recovery from the flash recession caused by pandemic shutdowns.


Following a two-quarter dip in 2020, quarterly profits have surged by more than 80 percent over the last two years, from around $1.2 trillion to more than $2 trillion, adding weight to arguments that the private sector is driving inflation by exploiting consumer expectations to keep prices elevated.


The “Fed should make clear that rising profit margins are spurring inflation,” Paul Donovan, UBS chief economist of global wealth management, wrote in the Financial Times in November, asking Fed Chairman Jerome Powell to elucidate this point as he shepherds the U.S. central bank to raise interest rates and slow economic activity.


“Companies have passed higher costs on to customers. But they have also taken advantage of circumstances to expand profit margins. The broadening of inflation beyond commodity prices is more profit margin expansion than wage cost pressures,” he wrote, adding that “resilience in demand has given companies the confidence to raise prices faster than costs.”


Companies in a wide variety of business sectors openly express this confidence on earnings calls with investors,


“I’m optimistic that with time, the market — and we’ve proven this, I think, over the years that the markets will come back into balance, but it is a function of time. I think in the short term, everyone will squeeze what they can,” Exxon Mobil CEO Darren Woods said during his company’s third quarter earnings call, as transcribed by financial media company The Motley Fool.


Pepsi Co. financial chief Hugh Johnston said on his own company’s third quarter earnings call that his company “is capable of taking whatever pricing we need.”


Corporate profits are getting scrutiny from Congress.


At a September hearing of the Economic and Consumer Policy Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, subcommittee Chairman Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) said that the dynamics of supply and demand are simply not enough to explain why corporate profits are so high.


“Since early 2021, Americans have been suffering from rising prices caused by global supply chain disruptions and changing demand patterns due to the pandemic. Even combined with traditional supply and demand factors, however, these elements are insufficient to totally explain why inflation remains elevated,” he said.


“There are other factors that contribute to inflation that have not received enough attention. One of those factors is extreme price hikes — in other words, companies raising prices far more than required to offset higher costs even when accounting for shifts in supply and demand, resulting in the highest profit margins we have ever seen in the last 70 years,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:28 a.m. No.17854908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4909 >>4913 >>4924 >>4981 >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Ex-Twitter safety chief admits Hunter Biden laptop censorship was a 'mistake'


Yoel Roth quit Twitter in protest of the company's new owner Elon Musk


The former head of trust and safety at Twitter recently admitted that the social media company’s decision to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 was a "mistake."


During a sit down with journalist Kara Swisher, ex-Twitter safety chief Yoel Roth said that despite concerns about the authenticity of the laptop story, it still did not reach a point where he wanted to remove the content — which was later censored anyway. Initial reporting suggested that Roth blocked user access from the October 2020 story, but the former Twitter division lead said the decision was not up to him.


"We didn’t know what to believe, we didn’t know what was true, there was smoke — and ultimately for me, it didn’t reach a place where I was comfortable removing this content from Twitter," Roth said. "But it set off every single one of my finely tuned APT28 hack and leak campaign alarm bells."


Roth repeatedly reiterated that despite Big Tech companies' high-alert status and his personal feeling of responsibility to protect the "integrity of conversations" from foreign governments attempting to interfere in elections, it never rose to the level where he believed the story should be censored.


"But — so it was a mistake?" Swisher asked.


"In my opinion, yes," he responded.


Roth planned to meet with the Department of Homeland Security’s now-defunct Disinformation Governance Board, where the government was expected to ask Twitter to become more involved in efforts to monitor misinformation.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:30 a.m. No.17854915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4925

Nearly a quarter of countries forcefully stopped religious gatherings during COVID, report


Religious groups defied COVID public health rules in 35% of countries and territories in the study.



Nearly a quarter of countries around the world used physical force to stop religious gatherings in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study.


The study published Tuesday by the Pew Research Center also found religious groups in more than a third of those countries defied the lockdowns.


Authorities used physical means, including arrests and prison sentences, to enforce COVID-related mitigation measures in 23% of 198 countries and territories in a study.


In the U.S., police in New Jersey arrested 15 people at a rabbi’s funeral that violated the state’s ban on public gatherings, according to the report. The arrests were made after some mourners reportedly became unruly and argumentative when police tried to disperse the crowd.


Religious groups in 37% of the surveyed countries faced various outside attempts to deter them from meeting during the COVID outbreak in 2020, the study also found.


Measures taken to deter religious groups from meeting included government force, private or governmental actors publicly blaming religious groups for spreading COVID or private actors participating in violence or vandalism against religious groups.


Religious groups, however, defied COVID public health rules in 35% of countries and territories in the study.


Religious groups filed lawsuits or spoke out against the restrictions in 27% of countries including the United States.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:34 a.m. No.17854930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4943

Investigation finds Europe’s Excess Covid Deaths were not caused by the Virus but instead due to Criminal Healthcare


Here is evidence to support the “fragile healthcare hypothesis” and genetic “vaccine” mediated incidence of infection and disease, without which there may have been no unusual excess death in Europe.


A couple of months ago we published an article from PANDA Uncut which – using data from Lombardy, Italy, relating to the period February 2020 to May 2020 – demonstrated that it is not the spread of a virus but rather health policies, the administration of health and social care, which impacted death rates in the region.


Now, Joel Smalley has reviewed data from across Europe and seems to have reached the same conclusion.


I recently did a presentation to some doctors and scientists in Israel entitled ‘Atypical Mortality Patterns Across Europe During the Covid Era’.


Whilst researching, I developed some insights that support the “fragile healthcare” hypothesis, something that I had been reluctant to accept for some time due to lack of empirical evidence.


The logic goes like this:


  1. Historically, mortality follows distinct but consistent patterns in Europe, leading to the categorisation of countries into groups in line with the findings of Hope-Simpson.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:38 a.m. No.17854951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4962

Jim Caviezel blasts Hollywood bigwigs for horrific acts done on children to extract adrenochrome


Actor Jim Caviezel, who rose to prominence via his role as Jesus Christ in the 2004 film “The Passion of the Christ,” blasted Hollywood executives for their horrific acts on children. He added that showbiz bigwigs abuse trafficked children to extract adrenochrome from them.


During the Tulsa, Oklahoma leg of the Health and Freedom Conference organized by Brighteon.TV host Clay Clark, Caviezel divulged that entertainment industry elites are “raping and murdering” children due to their addiction to adrenochrome. This fountain of youth, produced by the oxidation of the hormone adrenaline, is released into the body of terrified children.


“Essentially, you have adrenaline in your body, and when you are scared you produce adrenaline. If you are an athlete in the fourth quarter, you have adrenaline that comes out of you. If a child knows he is going to die, his body will secrete this adrenaline and they have a lot of terms they use,” he said.


The movie star was promoting an upcoming movie “Sound of Freedom,” which tells the story of Tim Ballard, a former Central Intelligence Agency operative who quit his job as a special agent with Homeland Security Investigations. The film exposes VIP pedophilia and child trafficking.


He said that Ballard, who he portrays in the film, is “saving children as we speak because they’re pulling kids out of the darkest recesses of hell right now, in dumps and all kinds of places.”


Caviezel, a veteran actor, played leading roles in the 1998 film “The Thin Red Line,” 2000’s “Pay It Forward” and “The Count of Monte Cristo” from 2002.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:43 a.m. No.17854972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5000 >>5059

Spain Makes 44 Tonne Marijuana Bust from Hidden Camp in the Pyrenees


Spain Makes 44 Tonne Marijuana Bust from Hidden Camp in the Pyrenees


Print article

Published: 30 November 2022

Written by Henry Pope


It’s going to be a green Christmas for the Spanish Civil Guard this year, as they enter the holiday season fresh off a 44-tonne marijuana bust made deep in the Pyrenees mountain range.


In a remote and almost inaccessible area of the Aragonese Pyrenees along the border between France and Spain, police dismantled nine marijuana plantations that together operated as one of the largest growing operations Spanish authorities have ever seen.


All together, the harvest produced well over 44,000 plants intended for the illegal drug trade. Photos from the scene show officers navigating through huge fields of marijuana, with some plants as tall as the officers themselves.


Ten people were arrested at the scene. Police say the conspirators razed parts of the forest to make room for such a massive operation, setting up hose lines from a nearby river to irrigate the crops.


Each plantation was attended by two to three people responsible for crop cultivation, maintenance, and camouflage. The plantations themselves were expertly concealed and required watercraft to even reach them.


Despite their isolation, the caretakers were well disciplined, police said. They consistently operated at a maximum alert level and had planned several escape routes through the forest in the event of discovery.


Some camps were equipped with rudimentary alarm systems.


As isolation was their best defense, the suspects brought with them enough provisions to last up to six months in the wilderness without any contact with civilization. This included food, gas, and work materials needed to cultivate the land.


The investigation, which began back in March, used Civil Guard air units to properly surveil the plantations. For some fields, agents had to hike several kilometers through the Pyrenees to reach the crops without being detected.


On the day of action, marine units were deployed via the river to quickly infiltrate officers into the area and then afterwards exfiltrate them along with the 10 detainees and the fruits of their labor, 44 tonnes in all.


All together, almost 100 agents from the Civil Guard’s sea, air and land units were brought in to man the operation.


In the past 30 days, Spanish authorities have seized well over 100 tonnes of marijuana. This 44 tonne seizure was not even the Civil Guard’s largest in this time period.


In late October, 160,000 marijuana plants weighing 12.6 tonnes were seized, which police say was destined for the transnational drug trade.


The seizure that took home first prize, however, occurred less than two weeks ago, when more than 50 tonnes were discovered across eight plantations in the Catalan region. The 20 suspects, arrested on drug trafficking charges, claimed that they were in fact legal hemp cultivators.


The legal limit in Spain for the possession and consumption of cannabis is 100 grams.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:45 a.m. No.17854984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5073

AMO P-3 crews & partners seize 11 tons of narcotics


U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Air and Marine Operations (AMO) worked with their federal and international partners to seize nearly 21,000 pounds of cocaine and 1,300 pounds of marijuana in international waters between October 1 and November 17, denying transnational criminal organizations an estimated $396 million in proceeds.


AMO has P-3 NASO Centers located in Jacksonville, FL and Corpus Christi, TX. P-3 aircrews operate throughout North, Central and South America in defense of the borders of the United States to prevent attempts to smuggle persons or contraband and are vital in partnership with U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) detection and monitoring operations. This partnership bolsters support to U.S. and international law enforcement by sharing information and intelligence to help identify, track and disrupt suspected illicit trafficking targets.


Several significant seizures involving AMO National Air Security Operations Center P-3 crews and SOUTHCOM partners occurred in the Caribbean and Eastern Pacific during the reporting timeframe:


On November 5, a P-3 Airborne Early Warning crew departed San Juan, Puerto Rico and responded to a request to aid search for bales that had been jettisoned by maritime drug smugglers in the Caribbean. The aircrew located a debris field and guided partner nation law enforcement teams to recover 156 floating cocaine bales with a reported at-sea weight of 11,281 pounds.


On November 6, a P-3 Airborne Early Warning crew responded to a report of a suspect go-fast vessel. The aircrew tracked the vessel and guided in a partner nation law enforcement team who seized 28 bales of cocaine that composed a weight of 1,757 pounds.


On November 10, P-3 Long Range Tracker and Airborne Early Warning crews responded to a report of a suspect vessel. An AMO P-3 crew guided a partner nation maritime law enforcement team to interdict. Partners seized 9 bales of cocaine with an at-sea weight of 6,852 pounds.


AMO safeguards our nation by anticipating and confronting security threats through our aviation and maritime law enforcement expertise, innovative capabilities, and partnerships at the border and beyond. With approximately 1,800 federal agents and mission support personnel, 240 aircraft and 300 marine vessels operating throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands, AMO serves as the nation’s experts in airborne and maritime law enforcement.


In Fiscal Year 2021, AMO enforcement actions resulted in 1,119 arrests and 122,035 apprehensions of undocumented individuals as well as the seizure or disruption of 324,772 pounds of cocaine, 779,725 pounds of marijuana, 18,548 pounds of methamphetamine, 900 weapons, and $73.3 million.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:47 a.m. No.17854999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5068 >>5156 >>5214

Seventeen New York City And State Public Employees Charged With Fraudulently Obtaining Pandemic Relief Loans


Nineteen Defendants Total Charged with Allegedly Submitting Fraudulent Applications for U.S. SBA Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loans, Most of Whom Were Currently or Previously Employed by New York City or New York State

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:59 a.m. No.17855045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California city will send all adult residents, including non-US citizens, $100 in taxpayer funds to donate to political candidates


Oakland, California, residents passed a measure to give all adult residents $100 in taxpayer-funded vouchers, called "Democracy Dollars," to donate to local political candidates every other year, the Daily Caller News Foundation reported.


The ballot measure, called the Fair Elections Act, was approved by nearly 74% of residents, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Every two years, residents 18 years and older will receive four $25 vouchers that can be donated to local political candidates running for mayor, City Council, or school board positions. All legal permanent adult residents, including non-U.S. citizens, will receive those vouchers, which will be paid for by the city's general funds.


The most recent draft of the act explains that the initiative aims to "curb corruption," encourage more public participation in local elections, and help finance candidates not funded by donors with significant wealth. Additionally, the program will prevent former city officials from becoming lobbyists.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, noon No.17855047   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California city will send all adult residents, including non-US citizens, $100 in taxpayer funds to donate to political candidates


Oakland, California, residents passed a measure to give all adult residents $100 in taxpayer-funded vouchers, called "Democracy Dollars," to donate to local political candidates every other year, the Daily Caller News Foundation reported.


The ballot measure, called the Fair Elections Act, was approved by nearly 74% of residents, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Every two years, residents 18 years and older will receive four $25 vouchers that can be donated to local political candidates running for mayor, City Council, or school board positions. All legal permanent adult residents, including non-U.S. citizens, will receive those vouchers, which will be paid for by the city's general funds.


The most recent draft of the act explains that the initiative aims to "curb corruption," encourage more public participation in local elections, and help finance candidates not funded by donors with significant wealth. Additionally, the program will prevent former city officials from becoming lobbyists.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 12:04 p.m. No.17855074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5156 >>5214

'Deep implications': New report finds Australian universities are replacing history with woke identity politics


University students are studying race rather than democracy, identity instead of the enlightenment, and sexuality rather than the reformation or the renaissance, an audit of 791 subjects has revealed.

Anonymous ID: 150d83 Nov. 30, 2022, 12:21 p.m. No.17855154   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Laura Loomer Accuses MTG Of Trashing Trump And Choosing McCarthy, Refuses To Back Down


Laura Loomer has spent days slamming a high-profile Republican over the extraordinary and weird dinner meeting last week when music star Kanye West went to Mar-a-Lago on Thanksgiving and caused a dust-up with three of his own guests who were not expected.


Loomer’s explosive social media accusations slammed US Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-CA) for devising the meetup for the group of guests to embarrass Trump just days after Trump announced he was running for President again in 2024 .


Greene has been making heads spin, by also making media appearances to advocate for US Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for Speaker of the House, who himself- is facing major scandals, as reported by National File, for accepting funding with ties to the FTX scandal.


In fact, Loomer believes the purpose of the political theater was to destroy Trump’s chances at winning in 2024 and to also help McCarthy.


“Marjorie Traitor Greene just encouraged all of her colleagues to vote for Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House. Kevin McCarthy’s best friend is [former GOP House Speaker] Paul Ryan, who recently endorsed Ron DeSantis for President against Trump in 2024,” Loomer wrote on Telegram.


“This story isn’t going away anytime soon. Milo and MTG are BUSTED. I’m exposing them. MTG may want to change her name to Marjorie TRAITOR Greene!” Loomer posted on Getter Tuesday night.


According to Newsweek, Greene’s spokesperson said that the accusations were a lie and that Greene continued to be a strong supporter of Trump.


The two women had endorsed each other in their respective races, and it is unclear what happened to the two friends to turn them against each other.


Greene told Newsweek that she thought Loomer had been a great citizen journalist but said she was wrong about the Trump- dust-up.


Loomer insists that she is on to something.


Loomer wrote on her Telegram account that Greene had hired Yiannopoulos as a congressional intern early in the Summer, and she had dirt on another attendee from that night, telling media, “I want to make it very clear, I will never again work with Karen Giorno after what she did to President Trump at Mar a Lago. I happily accepted her resignation from my campaign, over a month before it even ended in 2022. What she did to President Trump is an incredible act of disloyalty and betrayal, and I completely disavow her working with Milo Yiannopoulos to try to set President Trump up at his own private residence, Mar a Lago.”


Loomer added that Yiannopoulos is now “openly attacking and sabotaging” Trump while currently working as campaign manager for West, who announced he was running for President in 2024 against Trump and Giorno was helping them.


“Marjorie Taylor Greene is undermining President Trump by employing Milo as an official staffer in her congressional office, while he is openly attacking and sabotaging Trump as the ‘campaign manager’ for Ye,” Loomer wrote on Telegram.


“It bothers me and should bother all of you that MTG is claiming to be pro-Trump and using Trump to boost her profile while she and her team are secretly undermining him by using Milo as a political operative to make Trump look bad.”


“MTG is a snake and she needs to go. That’s why I call her Marjorie TRAITOR Greene,” Loomer added.