Anonymous ID: c0425b Nov. 30, 2022, 12:44 p.m. No.17855278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5291 >>5303 >>5310 >>5336 >>5569 >>5709

Trump fumes that Kanye ‘tried to f–k’ him over with Nick Fuentes dinner: report


Alt-right provocateurMilo Yiannopoulos, who is now working on West’s campaign, boasted to NBC that he was the one who had set up the dinner “just to make Trump’s life miserable.”


“I wanted to show Trump the kind of talent that he’s missing out on by allowing his terrible handlers to dictate who he can and can’t hang out with,’ Yiannopoulos said.


“I also wanted to send a message to Trump that he has systematically repeatedly neglected, ignored, abused the people who love him the most, the people who put him in office, and that kind of behavior comes back to bite you in the end.”

Anonymous ID: c0425b Nov. 30, 2022, 1:05 p.m. No.17855393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5418 >>5424 >>5569 >>5709

Jim Caviezel blasts Hollywood bigwigs for horrific acts done on children to extract adrenochrome


(Natural News) Actor Jim Caviezel, who rose to prominence via his role as Jesus Christ in the 2004 film “The Passion of the Christ,” blasted Hollywood executives for their horrific acts on children. He added that showbiz bigwigs abuse trafficked children to extract adrenochrome from them.


During the Tulsa, Oklahoma leg of the Health and Freedom Conference organized by Brighteon.TV host Clay Clark, Caviezel divulged that entertainment industry elites are “raping and murdering” children due to their addiction to adrenochrome. This fountain of youth, produced by the oxidation of the hormone adrenaline, is released into the body of terrified children.


“Essentially, you have adrenaline in your body, and when you are scared you produce adrenaline. If you are an athlete in the fourth quarter, you have adrenaline that comes out of you. If a child knows he is going to die, his body will secrete this adrenaline and they have a lot of terms they use,” he said. (Related: Remember when adrenochrome was a “conspiracy theory?” Now it’s conspiracy FACT in the form of “youth transplants.”)


The movie star was promoting an upcoming movie “Sound of Freedom,” which tells the story of Tim Ballard, a former Central Intelligence Agency operative who quit his job as a special agent with Homeland Security Investigations. The film exposes VIP pedophilia and child trafficking.

Anonymous ID: c0425b Nov. 30, 2022, 1:06 p.m. No.17855399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5418 >>5528 >>5569 >>5709

Precedent Set – A Doctor Is Executed Under the Nuremburg Code – For Administering a Covid Vax


Anti-Death Shot activist and physician, Dr Elizabeth “Betsy” Eads says that a physician has been executed for injecting a patient with the COVID-19 bioweapon, which resulted in his patient’s death.


Dr Eads urges all medical professionals listening to stop injecting this bioweapon at once, if they want any hope of not meeting the same fate.


She says, “You know people are dying from the bioweapon vaxxines. You need to stop what you’re doing. If you have to quit that job and walk away, walk away. These are crimes against humanity. You cannot run, you cannot hide. You will not be able to walk down the street.


“Nuremberg-like tribunals have started. Whether you’re a doctor, a nurse, a pharmacist, a CNA, a lab tech – anyone participating in giving these bioweapon jabs are killing a patient.


“That includes school headmasters. That includes principals, that includes anywhere where somebody was forced to take an experimental medication without informed consent or a CDC cocktail, including ventilation or CDC without consent. Appropriate consent. Not talking about written consent. I’m talking about appropriate medical consent, including what ingredients are being given, what the side effects of the product are and what studies have been done to prove the efficacy of the product.


“Because we know the vaxxines are bioweapons. They are lipid nano; nanotubes or nano Qdot spot, graphene oxide, which are killing patients.


“We know remdesevir killed 53% of the patients in the ebola study. All of this is readily available to nurses, doctors, pharmacists and healthcare workers all over the world.


“There is no excuse for continuing to push the bioweapon shots remdesivir and ventilation on people. There’s no reason to push a fraudulent PCR antigen test, which is doing nothing but collecting genetic material to be passed on for cloning.


“Please, I implore you to cease and desist what you’re doing, nurses, pharmacists. Walk away if you have to walk away. Repent. Ask for forgiveness.


“Because if you don’t, God will find you and you will suffer the same death that this Malaysian doctor suffered and you will deserve it.


“God bless everybody.”

Anonymous ID: c0425b Nov. 30, 2022, 1:20 p.m. No.17855473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5512


Maybe he used Diet Coke cans because he didn't have any little green army men laying around and thought empty cans would represent soldiers marching just as well in a pinch. The gun and the picture are self-explanatory.