this man shows
begrieved marxist angry-face
age lines
incongruent pretend prayers because they are coupled with disgust that profanes the creation of the creator.
a sick person or clueless parrot posts such combinations.
did you use a render program to gen up that pillow or is that a real product photo?
There is so much wrong with the Bidens, and so much one can point at and say 'this, this is odd.'
I'm sorry, what she wears really doesn't concern me that much.
yes, her clothes sometimes look like they used curtains or table cloths to make them with but . . . there is a lot wrong with them and no need to dwell on her home decor wardrobe motif
please don't be profane and blasphemous, it's a tasteless bit, and you're not Him.
If you were Jesus you'd know that I do.
the board will shunt and only Proto users can post but only when a spam-wave is sent by those who try and destroy this venue through their methods of flooding revulsion and hate filled diatribes.
and then you won't be ale to post, nor I, unless you purchase a Proto membership, which most people probably would think twice about.
Captcha is thus no longer necessary.
anon, people get degrees in Rhetoric and Epistemology.
you can't explain the universe in a single post.
and those people with those degrees, they are often no good at explaining what it is, either, what ever it is that might be considered as relevant, or useful, or necessary to know (that's like telling you that Gnosticism is a broken concept)
protect your DNA: it's the same as keeping your personal data private.
who can some miscrientti harm another with DNA or knowledge fo the other's DNA?
I don't know
and why or how is not really the point.
cover up. Don't cook bacon with out an apron.
live through the pain
arise in a new dawn
get some rest or a meal or a shower.
fall into deep meditation.
rest until you break out of the despair.
taking the name brand pain-killer over long periods make the arthritis worse!