Anonymous ID: 3f5db4 Nov. 30, 2022, 4:09 p.m. No.17856326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6411

>>17856141 lb

Serotonin makes you feel much less fear. Similar to LSD and Magic Mushrooms which are both essentially pure / packed with Serotonin. The thoughts of suicide were there already, you're just much more likely to go through with it because you have much less fear.


SSRIs should be given to otherwise healthy people that lived through literal-Hell as a crutch, or time to time to remind you what happiness feels like so you can fall back on those memories. Should be administered sparingly to those under the age of 25.


Careful with LSD/Mushrooms and who you're around using it. I used some LSD with a group of dudes I met, this one guy handed me a literal Samurai sword and engaged me with his own. Deflection after deflection I parried all of his attacks, I summoned my ancestors or some shit pulling off those moves instinctively. He stops, and we end up chilling near the campfire shooting the shit like nothing happened. What a dickhead, he also karate-chopped me in the jaw, took like a year to properly heal. Fucking Vikings yo.


Also another buddy of mine told me a story he took Mushrooms with his friend and the friend was trying to stab him with a knife. Imagine being high on Mushrooms and your buddy is trying to stab you with a knife. Drugs aren't for everyone, seriously, some people just don't know how to have a good time without going batshit crazy.

Anonymous ID: 3f5db4 Nov. 30, 2022, 4:36 p.m. No.17856415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6443


Yeah Onion News Network spoke so much truth, it's what made it hilarious. It lost steam, pretty sure it was shut down and harassed by you know what with the you who therein viz avi.

Anonymous ID: 3f5db4 Nov. 30, 2022, 4:41 p.m. No.17856434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6468 >>6532


Yeah because doctors don't know how to think, they blanket prescribe based on whatever kickbacks they receive. You have to do your own research on medication, go on forums see how other people are doing, ask in person etc.


Find a doctor that listens to what YOU want, and helps you administer the dosage properly and look after you like a brother / sister.


Medicine is a technology, just because some retard doctor killed his patient through gross negligence / greed, doesn't mean we should throw out the medicine with the bathwater. Do you wanna throw out Ivermectin and HCQ too? Or can we use it responsibly?

Anonymous ID: 3f5db4 Nov. 30, 2022, 4:57 p.m. No.17856503   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They wanted to shoot up their school in the first place. The SSRI's removed the fear so they could go through with it. A proper doctor should know not to prescribe a Serotonin booster to a person like this through clever Mind-Tricks to find out a kids intention. Instead most of these [psychiatrists] groom them as killers. That kid needs to be in a better environment, maybe change schools, leave their parents and be with grandparents I dunno.


I agree SSRIs should not be as prevalent as it is now, can fix depression with exercise and diet. But it's useful to treat trauma-based anxiety. SSRIs helped me though some hard times, removed fear so I could actually not be so terrified of talking to someone in person. Helped me meet my current landlords and acquire a place to rent.


Now I'm on doctor prescribed amphetamine to help me focus. When you're in constant fight or flight from trauma based anxiety you can't focus. I take a sleeping pill and it works every-time as well. The damages of not sleeping over months or years is way worse than me taking a sleeping pill. I'm not advocating for everyone to do what I'm donig, I'm just saying stop attacking all the medicine over a few greedy retards or ppl that can't take daily dosage without losing control and taking the whole bottle. Use / do at your own risk just like anything else in life.

Anonymous ID: 3f5db4 Nov. 30, 2022, 5:18 p.m. No.17856611   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The medicine is there for you. If you've been trying years and years to no avail, maybe go for the Mach 10 cure which is modern medicine. Absolutely do your own research and don't rely on doctors in their current state to properly prescribe you what you need. Most of the time I know just as much if not more about the medicine I want than the doctor does.


For example, if you're above 45 and you're feeling just under the weather no matter what, can guarantee some Steroid / HGH product will bring you back to life. I went through a cycle a a year ago and my shoulder pain of 10 years finally healed.


Follow proper dosage protocol, that is the key. You are always going to think you need more when you don't