It's the Bee, Anon.
>Truth can be found in satire
Agreed. Satire often speaks truth hidden in humor. At the Bee they do this very well.
>shut down and harassed by you know what with the you who therein
Ah!, you mean the Long-Term Global Coincidence.
>like RRN???
Open mind. No conclusions. Entertaining. Just take in the info to be processed when the puzzle pieces fit together. Information is the focus of information warfare.
>Wait, I thought ya'll didn't control everythingโฆ
Apparently 'much of our lives' and things like our 'comfort' and our 'economy' depend upon 'Jews' liking 'White Americans'. 'White Americans' are the ones 'in for a rude awakening' somehow. Hmm. Sounds like an admission that 'White Americans' 'lives, comfort, and economy' depend upon the 'feelings' of 'Jews'. I don't think this disagreement will end well for you, Elad.
>Bad things happen when you threaten people who have a proven record of war.
Why pick that fight? Americans are people of every heritage and will fight together. Does anyone really want to take on an aroused and well-armed American light infantry armed only with 'we own and control your lives and comfort'?