Pidkozox from Nebulac
The leader
of the dark forces
is an entity named
who comes from planet
in our solar system.
There is
a parallel dimension
of the planet Uranus
to humans where an
advanced race live.
This world
is called Nebulac.
The beings who inhabit
this world are 7 feet tall
with 4 arms, claws and
have gold scaly skin.
Worship of Pidkozox
As Most Intelligent
People Of Earth Know,
Is As Evil As
A Being Can Get!
This Evil Being
Which We Consider
The Soros Beast To Be,
Follows An Entity Called
Perun (Pidkozox)
Who Is Known
To Be A Slavic god.
Soros Takes His Orders
From Perun (Pidkozox).
The Final Incarnation
of Pidkozox
Henry Kissinger was the
last body used and the entity
from the body did surrender
to the Galactic Federation.
Kissinger is a Bilderberg
member and
did blood sacrifices at
Bohemian Grove with
the Bushes and others.
People were killed.
This was one body
used by this entity.
Many were used
for thousands of years.
All of them were evil.
The Clone Replacement
of Henry Kissinger
Many in the cabal who
are arrested or killed are
replaced with clones by
their own people.
Duplicates can be made
in 5 months.
They do this both to
maintain the status quo
and to have the persona
available for propaganda,
or profit.
The black eyes seen on
many elites is bruising from
updates through their
eye socket.
This is one way
data is transferred to the
clone’s tech-augmented brain.
The death of Kissinger
was not reported and when
Pidkozox left the body,
the prepared clone
continued in his place.
Imprisoned in Antarctica
This Entity was commanded
to leave the one called
Henry Kissinger and to
remain in our facility in
There will be a
moment when We will
destroy evil.
This moment will be as
Earth experiences
the Grand Shift.
The Entity will no longer
have a name or effect on
Life at any level of Being.
The Bottomless Pit
The approximate location
where Pidkozox and his
family are being held;
Denman Glacier,
“the deepest canyon on land”.