Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Nov. 30, 2022, 11:01 p.m. No.17857756   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7774 >>7779 >>7788 >>7791

Every few weeks Ashli Babbitt trends on Twitter? Including today? Everyone says a traitor, blames Trump and MAGA. Cool. When it flips who she really is, they can still say traitor. Anyhow, does any of these anagrams regarding her name mean anything?


I see the words libs, blab and bats.


Do you guise see anything of note? babbitt&t=500&a=n



Ashli Babbitt


Was trending at #๏ธ33 about 4 hours ago.

Started trending about 7 hours ago


Lots of tweet replies"Ashli Babbitt"

Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:21 a.m. No.17857839   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7840 >>7848 >>7861 >>7864 >>7897 >>7903 >>7915 >>7917 >>7920 >>7942 >>7957



Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al.,

(Biden, Harris, Pence & 385 Members of Congress)


Currently, there are two lawsuits identical to each other.

The first One, filed by Loy Brunson is still held up in the Utah Federal Court.

The second one, filed by Raland J. Brunson has made it to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS),

Docket #22-380, where 9 Justices in conference will vote (only 4 needed) to move to a hearing.



Both lawsuits include defendants Pres. Biden, Harris, former V.P. Pence and 385 members of congress for breaking their oath of office by voting AGAINST the proposition (that came from members of congress) to investigate the claims that there were enemies of the constitution who successfully rigged the election.



"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domesticโ€ฆ"



How can you support, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign, and domestic? Answer: You investigate. If there are claims that there is a threat, even if you don't believe there is a threat, you investigate. How else can you determine if there is a threat unless you investigate? You can't. Were there claims of a threat to the Constitution? Yes. Where did these serious claims come from? 100 members of Congress. What was the threat? That there were enemies of the Constitution who successfully rigged the 2020 election. Is this lawsuit about a rigged election? No, it's about the members of Congress who voted AGAINST the investigation thereby thwarting the investigation. Was this a clear violation of their oath? YES.



That defendants be permanantly removed from office, and not allowed to hold a public office again.



Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:22 a.m. No.17857840   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7843 >>7848 >>7861 >>7864 >>7897 >>7903 >>7915 >>7917 >>7920 >>7942 >>7957





Loy, Raland, Deron and Gaynor Brunson (the brothers) witnessed the 2020 election along with claims from members of congress that the election was rigged. What got their attention was when the proposition to investigate those claims was presented to Congress and put to a vote. What came as a shock to the four brothers is when they discovered that 387 members of Congress along with VP Mike Pence actually voted against the proposed investigation, thus thwarting the investigation. Whether the election was rigged or not was no longer their main concern. What now became the concern was when those members of Congress violated their sworn oath by voting to thwart the investigation.


The brothers wanted to do something about this. Their brother Deron had quite a lot of experience in the legal field, which started out when he began suing banks in an attempt to show the corruption in that part of the financial world, so he had enough knowledge to file a lawsuit against the now current 385 members of Congress along with VP Mike Pence, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris. He already had experience with the SCOTUS by bringing two petitions to them, both of which were denied, but this experience gave him enough success along the way to give him the confidence that maybe, just maybe, he might be able to do something about this thwarted investigation.


Their brother Gaynor was heavily occupied with his audio/video television business (Rock Canyon Studios) so Deron got together with his other two brothers to plan out the strategy. They decided to have their oldest brother Loy to be the name on the lawsuit, which is called a "Complaint" and because he would be on the Complaint, the Court would refer to him as the Plaintiff. The 388 people being sued will now be called Defendants. Loy filed the complaint, which eventually got stuck in the Federal Court, so they got together and decided to have their brother Raland file the identical lawsuit with his name on it, in the Utah 2nd District Court. While Loy's lawsuit continued to be held hostage in the Federal Court, Raland's lawsuit eventually made it to the SCOTUS. Here are the events of both lawsuits:

Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:23 a.m. No.17857843   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7844 >>7848 >>7861 >>7864 >>7897 >>7903 >>7915 >>7917 >>7920 >>7942 >>7957





(To be updated when a new event occurs)



March 23, 2021

The Complaint

(Loy files the complaint in the Utah Federal Court)


March 29, 2021

1st Amended Complaint

(The brothers make changes, and Loy files the 1st Amended complaint in the Utah Federal Court)


March 31, 2021

1st Amended Complaint Served

(The Clerk of the Court had the U.S. Marshalls serve the 1st Amended Complaint on 85 defendants, including Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters before being stopped by the Court, claiming it was a "clerical error by the Deputy Clerk".)


Judge Romero asks Loy to Amend the Complaint, along with instructions on how to make it better.


April 6, 2021

2nd Amended Complaint

(Loy Brunson (following Judge Romero's instructions) files his 2nd Amended Complaint in Utah Federal Court.)


April 20, 2021

3rd Amended Complaint

(The brothers make changes, and Loy submits the 3rd Amended complaint for it to be filed in the Utah Federal Court)






June 1, 2021

Writ of Mandamus to the Court of Appeals (10th Circuit)

(Loy files a pleading to have the 10th Circuit compel the Federal Court to file Loy's 3rd Amended Complaint)



(explaining that the Federal Court will eventually get to it when they can.)


June 20, 2021

1st Motion to Reconsider

(Loy files a motion reminding them that the Federal Court accepted his filing fee, but won't file his 3rd Amended Complaint, asking the 10th Circuit to reconsider, quoting the rule that the Federal Court must administer "without denial or unecessary delay")



(explaining once again that the Federal Court will eventually get to it when they can.)




August 10, 2021

Lawsuit against the two Federal Courts Filed. (Loy v. Utah Federal Court & the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals)

(Loy goes to the Utah 4th District Court and files the lawsuit against the two Federal Courts. Even though the U.S. Attorneys explain to the Court that it cannot judge a case against the Federal Courts, Judge Low accepts the filing fee and judges the case anyway.)



(explaining that the Federal Court will get to filing his 3rd Amended Complaint when they can.)




November 3, 2021

3rd Amended Complaint Filed!

(After 7 months, and for reasons not explained, the Federal court files Loy's 3rd Amended Complaint and back dates it to April 20, 2021)


December 30, 2021

4th Amended Complaint

(The brothers make changes and Loy submits the 4th Amended complaint to be filed in the Utah Federal Court.

The Court waits until March 28, 2022 to finally file it.)


April 22, 2022

The Summons

(The court issues the summons for the 388 defendants. The Clerk of the Court contacts Loy and let's him know that he can pick up the box filled with the Summons for the 388 defendants that have been stamped with the seal of the court. The brothers can now serve all 388 defendants with the summons and complaint.)


April 26, 2022

Serving the lawsuit on all 388 defendants

(The brothers along with their friend Duane Bingham stuffs envelopes with a copy of the complaint along with the summons for the 388 defendants. The brothers are using the U.S. Postal Service to act as process servers to all defendants. The 388 packets were delivered to the post office staff who were waiting to process the service.)


The defendants have 60 days to answer the complaint.


July 1, 2022

U.S. Attorneys Motion To Dismiss

(The U.S. Attorneys file a motion to dismiss Loy's lawsuit on the grounds that defendants are protected under Title 28 which gives defendents Soveriegn Immunity from any lawsuits relating to actions of treason while serving in the capacity of their office. The U.S. Attorneys also file a notice of appearance in behalf of all the defendants, making them the official attorneys on record, instead of representing them "specially". )


July 6, 2022

Opposition to Motion To Dismiss

(The brothers prepare the opposition to the Attorneys' attempt to dismiss the the lawsuit, and Loy files it in the Utah Federal Court. the brothers are still waiting to this day for the court to make a decision.)

Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:24 a.m. No.17857844   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7848 >>7849 >>7861 >>7864 >>7881 >>7884 >>7897 >>7903 >>7915 >>7917 >>7920 >>7942 >>7957





(To be updated when a new event occurs)



June 21, 2021

The Complaint

(The brothers take a copy of Loy's 4th Amended Complaint, puts Raland's name in the place of Loy. Raland files the complaint in the Utah 2nd District Court.)


July 25, 2021

3 Defendants Served

(The brothers acquire from the Court the Summons for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Raland uses the Post Office as process servers. Defendants have until August 23rd to answer the complaint.)


August 5, 2021

Lawsuit moved from State Court to Federal Court

(The U.S. Attorneys catch wind of the lawsuit, step in acting in behalf of the United States (not the defendants) and moves the case to the Federal Court.)


August 5, 2021

Motion to Dismiss

(The U.S. Attorneys, acting in behalf of the United States (not the defendants) file a motion to dismiss Raland's lawsuit.)


December 13, 2021

Opposition to Motion to Dismiss

(After a battle regarding what court has proper jurisdiction, and after another change in who will judge it, the brothers prepare a motion opposing the Attorneys' attempt to dismiss Raland's lawsuit.)


February 2, 2022

Dismiss Granted

(Judge Hill Parrish dismisses Raland's lawsuit, claiming that the defendants have Sovereign Immunity protecting them from aiding the enemies of the Constitution because it was done while acting in the capacity of their office.)


February 14, 2022

Raland Files an Appeal to the 10th Circuit

(The brothers decide to appeal Raland's dismissal.)


August 14, 2022

The Supreme Court of the United States

(The brothers realize that they no longer have to wait for a decision from the 10th Circuit of Appeals. The Rule 11 enables them to bypass the 10th Circuit and go straight to the SCOTUS. Their brother Deron spent the past week crafting a perfectly well written petition for writ of certiorari. On this day Deron had his two brothers Loy and Raland fine tune it in preparation for the SCOTUS and the proper format for the printers.)


September 23, 2022

Petition for Writ of Certiorari Received

(The SCOTUS received the petition along with the copies for the Justices.)


September 28, 2022

A phone call from SCOTUS

(The Clerk of the SCOTUS calls Raland requesting for a revision of the Petition that would include more information on the lawsuit and wondering how soon they could get it.)


October 17, 2022

2nd phone call from SCOTUS

(The Clerk of the SCOTUS calls Raland again. She asks "how are you doing on your revision of the Writ with the additional information that we need?" Raland said "We're working on it as we speak!" She said "how soon can we get it?" Raland said "Right away!")


October 20, 2022

Revised Petition shipped to the SCOTUS


October 24, 2022

Petition docketed!

(The clerk of the Court tells Raland that they have everything they need. The U.S. Attorneys have until Nov 23, 2022 to respond showing why the Supreme Court of the United States should not move on this case.)


November 23, 2022

The Solicitor General of the United States Department of Justice replaces the U.S. Attorneys

(Good news! Elizabeth B. Prelogar, the Solicitor General of United States, the official attorney on record for the defendants, and in behalf of the 388 defendants, waived their right to respond to this lawsuit, thus allowing the SCOTUS to move forward!)


November 30, 2022

The SCOTUS set the conference date

(The 9 Justices will meet to discuss the case and decide (by vote) if they want to move it to a hearing, where they will oficially judge the case and decide (by vote) if defendants should be removed from office)

Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:25 a.m. No.17857848   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7864 >>7897 >>7903 >>7915 >>7917 >>7920


>November 30, 2022

(The 9 Justices will meet to discuss the case and decide (by vote) if they want to move it to a hearing, where they will oficially judge the case and decide (by vote) if defendants should be removed from office)


The SCOTUS set the conference date


>(The 9 Justices will meet to discuss the case and decide (by vote) if they want to move it to a hearing, where they will oficially judge the case and decide (by vote) if defendants should be removed from office)






Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:32 a.m. No.17857864   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7866 >>7881 >>7884 >>7897 >>7903 >>7906 >>7915 >>7917 >>7920 >>7922







Loy Brunson Federal Lawsuit - Digital Download

Regular price$1.00


Lawsuit History and Updates


@Loy-Brunson Venmo

Additional donation options or questions:

Call (801) 735-5777.

Venmo: @Loy-Brunson



Raland J Brunson Federal Lawsuit - Digital Download

Regular price$1.00

Choose Any Donation Size


Raland J Brunson is now at the U.S. Supreme Court. Please donate to help cover costs already incurred. (Loy Arlan Brunson's 4th amended complaint is still alive and well in federal court of Utah.)

Available for download to anyone that makes a donation of $1.00 or more to further this cause of promoting the Constitution of the United States and suing the members of congress that voted against a ten day investigation into claims of voter fraud claims.


Lawsuit History and Updates


@Loy-Brunson Venmo

Additional donation options or questions:

Call (801) 735-5777.

Venmo: @Loy-Brunson


Raland J Brunson Writ Of Certiorari - Physical Copy

Regular price$30.00

Choose A Donation Size

(may require additional printings, which would cause a delay)


For $30 donation, receive, with free priority mail shipping, an identical perfect bound copy required by the Supreme Court, that the Justices received on Oct 24th, 2022.


Lawsuit History and Updates


@Loy-Brunson Venmo

Additional donation options or questions:

Call (801) 735-5777.

Venmo: @Loy-Brunson



Challenging the Immunity of Congress

Watch Loy Brunson discuss their efforts to Challenge the Immunity of Congress


Watch Now:


2022.10.25 DCC Meeting - Challenging the Immunity of Congress



Revolutionary Pocket Constitution

"Every American needs to read this book!"

โ€” Ronald M. Mann


donate now for a free copy

Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:44 a.m. No.17857881   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7884 >>7897 >>7903 >>7915 >>7917 >>7920

>>17857866very interesting details video how it all unfoldedto get to the SC




>>November 30, 2022


>(The 9 Justices will meet to discuss the case and decide (by vote) if they want to move it to a hearing, where they will oficially judge the case and decide (by vote) if defendants should be removed from office)


>The SCOTUS set the conference date


2022.10.25 DCC Meeting - Challenging the Immunity of Congress

Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 12:58 a.m. No.17857897   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7898 >>7903 >>7910 >>7915 >>7917 >>7920



add this video it explains it all, a must listen.

>>17857866 very interesting details video how it all unfoldedto get to the SC


Homeschooler Brunson brothers take election to the Supreme Court, Conference date is set!!!

Docketed and has case #


Federal Court filed it for him ! ?







>>17857866 very interesting details video how it all unfoldedto get to the SC







Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 1:06 a.m. No.17857903   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




here is the docket # 22-380




RSS Feed Print

Search documents in this case:


No. 22-380

Title: Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner


Alma S. Adams, et al.


Docketed: October 24, 2022


Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit

Case Numbers: (22-4007)

Decision Date: October 6, 2022



Oct 20 2022 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due November 23, 2022)

PetitionAppendixProof of ServiceCertificate of Word Count


Nov 23 2022 Waiver of right of respondent United States to respond filed.


Main Document

Nov 30 2022 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/6/2023.




Attorneys for Petitioner

Raland J. Brunson 4287 South Harrison Blvd.

Apt. #132

Ogden, UT 84403


(385) 492-4898

Party name: Raland J. Brunson

Attorneys for Respondents

Elizabeth B. Prelogar

Counsel of Record Solicitor General

United States Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001 202-514-2217



Party name: United States




>>17857866 watch listen all details how it got to now on docket SC







Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 1:20 a.m. No.17857915   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7917 >>7922


Could Brothers From Ogden, Utah Have Found A Way To FIX The 2020 Election?

by Robert Cunningham & William QuinnNovember 28, 2022

7 comments views 22103


Brunson v. Adams was filed out of Ogden Utah. The case has been accepted for review by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS.)

What is this case about? How does it concern me?


Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, Gab TV, GETTR, Truth Social


Following the 2020 election, certain legislators, Senators and others brought forward evidence and claims suggesting there was some sort of malfeasance during the 2020 election.


Once these claims and evidence were brought forward following the election, Congress was required to pause in order to investigate and ascertain the validity of these concerns. Among other things, this pause would have delayed the January 6th vote by Congress to certify the Electors and thus confirm the results of the election and next President of the United States.


Mike Pence and members of Congress voted NOT to pause nor did they implement an investigation surrounding these claims. Congress proceeded to confirm the Electors and their votes and name Joe Biden as newly elected President.


The case asserts that by failing to fulfill the requirement to investigate, all those who refused to investigate failed to fulfill their Oaths to protect the Country and Constitution. Failure to protect the Country is tantamount to committing treason. Consequently, these officials are open to investigation on such charges and if found guilty they could face the associated penalties.






>>17857866 very interesting details video how it all unfoldedto get to the SupremeCourt














>>17857910 listen to the video, he talks about when they were kids, homeschooled and leraned to do stuff like geting things in front of the Supreme Court.

Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 1:23 a.m. No.17857917   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7920 >>7922



>Could Brothers From Ogden, Utah Have Found A Way To FIX The 2020 Election?

>by Robert Cunningham & William QuinnNovember 28, 2022



The case asks that all those who failed to protect the Country be immediately removed from office and barred from holding future public office for the remainder of their lives. This would potentially include the President, Vice President and more than 380 members of Congress. Were this to be granted it could be followed by further investigation into their actions which could lead to criminal proceedings.


Why is this case now before the Supreme Court?


The Supreme Court has thousands of cases brought to it for review each year. It is the Courtโ€™s decision which cases to take on and typically they review a relatively small number (several hundred per year of the thousands submitted.)


This case is before SCOTUS because they CHOSE to review this case.


Why would this case of all of those brought forward be one of those chosen for review? Most Constitutional professors and those familiar with the Supreme Court would suggest that the Court would be extremely unlikely to take this case on. Itโ€™s too controversial, too volatile, too outlandish. So the question remains โ€œwhy did they agree to review this case?โ€


Who asked for Congress to pause and investigate?


During the first week of January 2021, prior to January 6th, amidst numerous instances of emerging evidence and concerns, U.S. Senators Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Steve Daines, Marsha Blackburn, and Mike Braun, along with Senators-Elect Cynthia Lummis, Roger Marshall, Bill Hagerty and Tommy Tuberville, issued a statement calling for a 10-day pause in the Electoral process, and further asked Congress to appoint an Electoral Commission and to perform an emergency audit on the election results from the disputed States.


Was there precedent for such a โ€œPauseโ€?


In fact, in 1877 allegations of fraud and illegal conduct arose surrounding the Hayes-Tilden Presidential Race, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission including five Senators, five House members and five Supreme Court Justices who were charged with investigation and resolution of the disputed returns.


In 2020, Congress refused to be guided by this precedent and chose not to conduct such an investigation.





>>17857866 very interesting details video how it all unfoldedto get to the SupremeCourt












>>17857910 listen to the video, he talks about when they were kids, homeschooled and leraned to do stuff like geting things in front of the Supreme Court.

Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 1:25 a.m. No.17857920   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7922

>Could Brothers From Ogden, Utah Have Found A Way To FIX The 2020 Election?

>by Robert Cunningham & William QuinnNovember 28, 2022




What could the Supreme Court do?


They have several choices โ€“


They could review and do nothing. This amplifies the open question: Given the extreme nature of the case, why would they take it on and how could they then elect to do nothing?

They can review and issue an opinion. If such opinion were โ€œsoftโ€ and simply recommended some sort of further study, why would they put themselves in such a position? What would be accomplished?

They could issue a finding and orders. Granting the requests of the Plaintiff would result in the removal of the Defendants from office. The court could then refer additional actions to other authorities. This earth-shattering step would have historical significance. The result would likely include the setting-aside of 2020 (and 2022 Election) results and potentially a re-do of both elections.

When would/could the Court act?


SCOTUS has no time limit as to when they are required to act. It is notable that in the midst of the Holiday season that the case would be before them. Also of note is that we are currently under a โ€œlame-duckโ€ Congress. The new Congress is due to be sworn in January 3, 2023.


SCOTUS COULD act at any time of their choosing.


Where did this case come from?


The case was one of several filings by the Brunson brothers from Ogden Utah. Following earlier attempts, on June 21, 2021, Raland Brunson filed this case in the Utahโ€™s 2nd District Court.


In August 2021, U.S. Attorneys stepped in to have the case moved to Federal Court and subsequently asked to have the case dismissed.


The case was initially dismissed by the Federal Court and the Brunson brothers pursued appeal through the 10th Circuit Appellate Court.


After learning there was no need to wait for a ruling by the 10h Circuit court, the Brunson brothers began preparations to bring the case before the United State Supreme Court.


A revised petition was submitted to SCOTUS on October 21st, 2022 and appeared on the docket on October 24. On November 23, 2022, Elizabeth B. Prelogar, the Solicitor General of the United States and attorney for the defendants waived the right to respond to the lawsuit. This opened the door for SCOTUS to review the case in conference in the coming days.


What happens next?


The Supreme Court Justices can consider the case in private conference, which may occur in the next week. If four of the Justices agree, the case can move to a full hearing.


All should keep a sharp eye on the Brunson v. Adams case as new information and findings emerge.




>>17857866 very interesting details video how it all unfoldedto get to the SupremeCourt












>>17857910 listen to the video, he talks about when they were kids, homeschooled and leraned to do stuff like geting things in front of the Supreme Court.

Anonymous ID: dea1e3 Dec. 1, 2022, 1:26 a.m. No.17857922   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun









>They have several choices โ€“


>They could review and do nothing. This amplifies the open question: Given the extreme nature of the case, why would they take it on and how could they then elect to do nothing?


> They can review and issue an opinion. If such opinion were โ€œsoftโ€ and simply recommended some sort of further study, why would they put themselves in such a position? What would be accomplished?


>They could issue a finding and orders. Granting the requests of the Plaintiff would result in the removal of the Defendants from office. The court could then refer additional actions to other authorities. This earth-shattering step would have historical significance. The result would likely include the setting-aside of 2020 (and 2022 Election) results and potentially a re-do of both elections.


>When would/could the Court act?